{{tag>Wonderous Item "Uncommon"}} ===== Odd Potion ===== [[item:start| Return to Items Page]] //**Type:** Wonderous, **Class:** Item, **Rarity:** Uncommon, **Attunement:** Not Required // \\ ^ Properties ^ Stats ^ ^ Size | tiny | ^ Weight | 0.3 | ===Description=== A Large potion of light cloudy blue liquid. the label as been eroded away by weather or time. Its contents effects unknown and its unable to be identified with magic. perhaps a master skilled in alchemy might be able to determine its effects but where is the fun in that? \ Down the hatch see what it does. ===Lore=== Spoilers ++ Spoilers | Upon consumption the creature rolls a D10. the result on the table bellow is what the creature transforms into, No save is made and the transformation happens over 2 minuets. Once transformed the creature's Racial/Species bonuses are replaced with the new form including their strength, Dexterity and constitution. The effect cannot be changed for 48 hours, after that a remove curse spell or something similar may return the creature to its original form. \ If the transformation is left for a full week the change becomes permanent and something more powerful will be required to change the creature back. ++