Artifact Sentient Weapon
Legendary ,
Requires special Attunement
Ranged Long Bow
Dex scaling
+3 to HIT & DMG
2 handed
Requires Ammo
4 Charges
The Sundered-Shard is magical crafted abyssal Long bow possessed by an Evil spirit.
It is made of Magic warpped bone without a string. The bone has several Abyssal runes carved into it
Once a creature has attuned to this weapon they are known as the host.
Attunement to this weapon is not simple and needs a few steps.
* The host of this weapon dose not age and immune to effects cause by ageing magical or natual
* the host gains proficiency in perception. If the host already has this they gain advantage.
* If Sundered-Shard is currently attuned to a Host any other creature that touches the bow will take 2 D4 pscyic DMG and will continuously take it while holding it
* When you make any Charisma check talking to a new person roll a Charisma save. On a fail you take your checks at disadvantaged with that person permanently
* If you are of Evil alignment you take any charisma based checks with other people not of an evil alignment with disadvantage.
* If you somehow miss with this weapon you will anger the bow for being clumsy and take 2+2D4 psychic Damage on every miss. The bow will not do this if it reduces the host to 10hp or less.
The Sundered-Shard is Sentient, it craves destruction of life but also has an interest in rare items. A bond could be forged between host and weapon given enough time.
It has
Intelligence of 12
Wisdom of 12
Charisma of 18
•It communicates telepathically with its bearer or wielder.
•It has hearing and true seeing out to 80 feet, and can choose to share its true seeing with its wielder.
•Its alignment is neutral evil.
•It craves conflict and encourages its user to fight with no mercy or with dirty tactics such as sneak attacks.
•It demands that its wielder attack anyone it finds deserves it. Lawful good and true Neutral alignments it dislikes automatically, the weapon will attempt a charm on the host.
•Even when a wielder succeeds or fails a Charisma saving throw against it, The Sundered-Shard can attempt to charm and control them again in 48 hours.
Arcane Projectiles
When you expend an arrow to attack with The Sundered-Shard, it deals an additional 1d8 force damage on a hit. You can make a ranged attack with Sundered-Shard without expending ammunition, in which case it deals 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier force damage on a hit.
To the Slaughter
The Sundered-Shard has 11 charges. When you hit with a ranged weapon attack using The Sundered-Shard, you can deal 1d10 additional Necrotic damage for every charge expended. Alternately, when you hit with a ranged weapon attack using Sundered-Shard, you can spend 4 charges to deal your normal weapon damage and also cast disintegrate on the target, ignoring the spell’s range. The Sundered-Shard regains its full complement of charges at midnight, and regains 1 charge whenever a target that you damaged in your current or most recent turn is reduced to 0 hit points.
Preserve the Archer
If The Sundered-Shard is with its wielder, it can restore 5d8 hit points to its wielder at the start of its wielder’s turn using 2 charges, resolved before the wielder rolls a death saving throw. If its wielder would be killed, it instead suffers a failed death saving throw that persists until it finishes a long rest, and regains hit points equal to half its normal maximum hit points. When the wielder has 3 failed death saves, they are dead and cannot be resurrected by any spell short of true resurrection.
This abyssal bow has no records of its existence save for the scriptures found in The Scrib’s Word and those that already knew of its existence. It is said that the bow is Sentient and speaks to its rightful bearer telling them to murder anyone it takes a disliking too.
The soul within the Sundered-Shard has no name and no morals. The bow’s purpose is greatly rumored about, was it made to kill the most powerful creatures, or maybe it was an experiment or punishment for the soul inside the weapon.
The soul within Sundered-Shard dose not care for its wielder as a person however cares greatly about their survival, strong hosts that match wavelengths are hard to come by.
It seeks to cause as much destruction as possible and so the host must be alive as long as possible.
This weapon was destroyed in the nine Hells (Home of the Dialias) some thousands of years ago as told by Valour. Now this information has been passed to teostra and he seeks to reforge this weapon.
The bow itself is made from the spine and soul of a pit fiend found in the depths of the Nine Hells, in addition it takes 20 weeks to build the physical bow costing 50,000gp in additional materials and equipment to shape and form the bow. After the bow is built it takes another 20 weeks to enchant and fuse the soul to the bow another 50,000gp of ritual materials is needed to complete enchantment