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Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ======Magic Tattoos====== This is only for quick reference for full document see: ====Available Space==== ^Body Part^Number of Tattoos^ |Head|1 Medium, or 2 Small| |Chest|1 Large, or 2 Medium, or 4 Small| |Back|1 Large, or 2 Medium, or 4 Small| |Arm or Wing|1 Medium and 1 Small, or 3 Small| |Leg or Tail|1 Medium and 1 Small, or 3 Small| **Feat: Inked** You may either have 1 additional Large tattoo, 2 additional Medium tattoos, or 4 additional Small tattoos. ====Application==== **Time needed** ^Size (intricacy)^Time^Application DC^ |Small (simple)|1+1d4 hours|10| |Small (average), Medium (simple)|2+1d6 hours|12| |Small (ornate), Medium (average), Large (simple)|4+1d8 hours|14| |Medium (ornate), Large (average)|6+3d6 hours|16| |Large (ornate)|8+3d10 hours|18| *The artist need not succeed on checks with tattooist’s tools, only spend the requisite amount of time according to the size and intricacy of the tattoo design. **Disease Risk** ^Cleanliness^Con save DC^ |Appropriate medical supplies used|5| |Improvised medical supplies used|10| |Poorly improvised medical supplies used|12| |No sterilization|15| |Actively Unsanitary|20| ====Materials==== **Purchase** ^Item^Cost^Weight^ |Tattooist's tools|15 gp|5 lb| |Sketchbook|25 gp|2 lb| |Medical supplies|30 gp|2 lb| |Ink base|5 cp|1 oz| |Full ink set|200 gp|1 lb| |Bestial ink|125 gp|1 oz| |Black ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Blue ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Brown ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Detection ink|600 gp|1 oz| |Elemental ink|150 gp|1 oz| |Glamour ink|75 gp|1 oz| |Glow ink|75 gp|1 oz| |Green ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Metallic ink|150 gp|1 oz| |Mood ink|115 gp|1 oz| |Orange ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Prismatic ink|125 gp|1 oz| |Purple ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Shifting ink|1,500 gp|1 oz| |Red ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Temporary ink|10 gp|1 oz| |Three dimensional ink|350 gp|1 oz| |White ink|15 gp|1 oz| |Yellow ink|15 gp|1 oz| **Usage**\\ Number of tattoos per 1oz of ink ^ ^Simple^Average^Oranate^ ^Large|1|0.5|0.25| ^Medium|2|1|0.5| ^Small|4|2|1| ====Catalog==== ^Name^Location^Size and Intricacy^Cost^ |All Seeing Eye|Head|Small Average|Ink + 2,500 gp| |Artisan's Hands|Both Arms|Small Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Eye of Darkvision|Head|Small Average|Ink + 2,500 gp| |Eye of Truesight|Head|Medium Ornate|Ink + 6,000 gp| |Eye of the Mage|Head|Small Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Eye of the Seer|Head|Small Average|Ink + 2,500 gp| |Fist of the Elements|Arm|Medium Average|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Fortress Tattoo|Anywhere|Large Average|Ink + 8,500 gp| |Mark of the Anchor|Anywhere|Small Simple|Ink + 1,000 gp| |Mark of the Archer|Arm|Medium Simple|Ink + 2,000 gp| |Mark of the Armsman|Arm|Medium Simple|Ink + 2,000 gp| |Mark of the Armsman|Arm|Medium Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Mark of the Cheetah|Leg|Small Simple|Ink + 1,500 gp| |Mark of the Death Walker|Chest|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Mark of the Driftglobe|Anywhere|Medium Average|Ink + 3,000 gp| |Mark of the Dryad|Arm|Medium Ornate|Ink + 7,000 gp| |Mark of the Elemental|Anywhere|Medium Ornate|Ink + 7,000 gp| |Mark of the Elven|Anywhere|Medium Simple|Ink + 3,000 gp| |Mark of the Flock|Anywhere|Medium Ornate|Ink + 7,000 gp| |Mark of the Frog|Leg|Small Simple|Ink + 1,000 gp| |Mark of the Ghast|Arm|Medium Average|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Mark of the Healer|Anywhere|Medium Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Mark of the Hummingbird|Chest|Large Simple|Ink + 8,000 gp| |Mark of the Kraken|Anywhere|Medium Simple|Ink + 2,000 gp| |Mark of the Ox|Chest|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Mark of the Pacifist|Anywhere|Small Simple|Ink + 1,500 gp| |Mark of the Packmaster|Anywhere|Medium Ornate|Ink + 7,000 gp| |Mark of the Pit Fiend|Arm|Medium Ornate|Ink + 7,000 gp| |Mark of the Pufferfish|Arm|Small Average|Ink + 3,000 gp| |Mark of the Shadow|Anywhere|Small Average|Ink + 2,500 gp| |Mark of the Shadow|Anywhere|Small Ornate|Ink + 4,000 gp| |Mark of the Snake Charmer|Arm|Medium Ornate|Ink + 7,000 gp| |Mark of the Soulmates|Arm|Small Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Mark of the Spider|Leg|Medium Simple|Ink + 2,000 gp| |Mark of the Spiritmaster|Anywhere|Medium Ornate|Ink + 8,000 gp| |Mark of the Tarrasque|Anywhere|Large Average|Ink + 6,000 gp| |Mark of the Telepath|Head|Small Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Mark of the Viper|Anywhere|Medium Simple|Ink + 3,000 gp| |Mark of the Weaponmaster|Arm|Small Average|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Maw of the Dragon|Head|Medium Ornate|Ink + 6,000 gp| |Scar of Bravery|Anywhere|Medium Simple|Ink + 3,000 gp| |Shield of the Elemental Guardian|Anywhere|Large Average|Ink + 4,000 gp| |Slave's Mark|Anywhere|Small Simple|Ink + 500 gp| |Owner's Mark|Anywhere|Small Simple|Ink + 1,000 gp| |Spirit of the Bear|Anywhere|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Spirit of the Bull|Anywhere|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Spirit of the Cat|Anywhere|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Spirit of the Eagle|Anywhere|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Spirit of the Fox|Anywhere|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Spirit of the Owl|Anywhere|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Spirit of the Stag|Anywhere|Large Ornate|Ink + 10,000 gp| |Spirit Walker's Sigil|Anywhere|Medium Average|Ink + 3,000 gp| |Tattoo of [Ability]|Chest|Large Average|Ink + 6,000 gp| |Tattoo of Chilling|Anywhere|Small Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Tattoo of Flame|Anywhere|Small Ornate|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Tattoo of Leaping|Both Legs|Medium Ornate|Ink + 6,000 gp| |Tattoo of Major Protection|Chest or Back|Large Average|Ink + 8,000 gp| |Tattoo of Protection|Chest or Back|Large Simple|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Tattoo of Striding|Leg|Medium Average|Ink + 3,000 gp| |Tattoo of Warding|Anywhere|Large Average|Ink + 4,000 gp| |Venom Ward|Anywhere|Small Average|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Voice of Comprehension|Head|Small Average|Ink + 3,500 gp| |Wings of Ink|Back|Large Simple|Ink + 3,500 gp| magic/tattoos.txt Last modified: 5 years agoby