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region:​luna_valley [2023/10/04 13:21] – [Towns] Cinderregion:​luna_valley [2024/09/23 12:33] (current) – [Towns] Cinder
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 ===== Towns ===== ===== Towns =====
-[[town:Umastryx]] \\ +**[[town:Umastryx]]** \\ 
-Oxtrad's Capital+Oxtrad's Capital, Here is where the Ruler of Oxtrad's castle is. More importantly the [[item:crown_of_oxtrad|Crown of Oxtrad]]
-[[town:Stalagmo]] +**Dragossusary** \\
- +
-[[town:SafeHarbor]] +
- +
-[[town:Dragossusary]] \\+
 A large underground city close to the western coast of Oxtrad. It’s known as the safest, most livable city in Oxtrad, free from the North’s secrets and safely built underground. Many residents of Hemlet moved here after life became too hard. It's that last underground city travelling south. A large underground city close to the western coast of Oxtrad. It’s known as the safest, most livable city in Oxtrad, free from the North’s secrets and safely built underground. Many residents of Hemlet moved here after life became too hard. It's that last underground city travelling south.
 This City holds possibly the largest population per single city. Many travelers make the trip here for Oxtrad exclusive trade. A little piece of all Oxtrad traditions can be found here, and the most magically advanced technology can only be found here outside of the North. This City holds possibly the largest population per single city. Many travelers make the trip here for Oxtrad exclusive trade. A little piece of all Oxtrad traditions can be found here, and the most magically advanced technology can only be found here outside of the North.
-[[town:Hemlet]] \\+Stalagmo 
 +[[town:SafeHarbor]] \\ 
 +The Northern Most settlement of Oxtrad, The port is large and well maintained however very empty, Many ouses here lie vacant or abandoned, At least that's how they appear. . Most international ships arrive via //Ferrabreeze// in //Covania//. This ports main use currently is for fishing and hunting. Many ships that dock or leave this port are un-reported. A secret to most due to its harsh location. 
 +Hemlet \\
 A large rundown village, The village is right in the middle of Oxtrad. A large rundown village, The village is right in the middle of Oxtrad.
 +[[town:Ultramafus]] \\
 +Oxtrad's Old capital city before //King Tommar//'s rule. Sitting close to the region border between Vylanna Forrest and Sera Sand-Sea. Its one of the most populated cities in Oxtrad still the sight for many leader summits and where most VIP visitors from other nations stay as the Journey north proves too much for most meager diplomats.
 ===== Locations ===== ===== Locations =====
 [[location:astral_monastery|Astral Monk Monastery]] [[location:astral_monastery|Astral Monk Monastery]]
-[[location:tomma_crossing:Tomma’s Crossing]]+**Tomma’s Crossing** \\
 The man-made border that separates the north from the rest of Oxtrad, The wall was built during Great king Tomma’s Rule, driven mad by paranoia her ordered the wall be built to prevent rebels and creatures from reaching the north. It was also during his rule that the capital was moved. Today the capital serves as a large military base and a border, keeping anyone that has no need to enter the north of Oxtrad from entering. It’s also home to various hunting families and civilian markets, making a perfect Reston for any traveler and the only rest stop for many day’s journey. The man-made border that separates the north from the rest of Oxtrad, The wall was built during Great king Tomma’s Rule, driven mad by paranoia her ordered the wall be built to prevent rebels and creatures from reaching the north. It was also during his rule that the capital was moved. Today the capital serves as a large military base and a border, keeping anyone that has no need to enter the north of Oxtrad from entering. It’s also home to various hunting families and civilian markets, making a perfect Reston for any traveler and the only rest stop for many day’s journey.
  • region/​luna_valley.1696391465.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 18 months ago
  • by Cinder