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region:ashlem_rise [2020/08/18 13:03] – external edit [2023/11/18 21:31] (current) – [Towns] Cinder
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 ====== Ashlem Rise ====== ====== Ashlem Rise ======
-Is a mountain range that acts as a natural border and divide between [[nation:covania|Covania]] and [[nation:oxtrad|Oxtrad]], after the [[time:ashlem war|Ashlem War]] the rise gained a new name of "Firey Borderlands", although not an official name it is commonly used.+Is a mountain range that acts as a natural border and divide between [[faction:covania|Covania]] and [[faction:oxtrad|Oxtrad]], after the [[time:ashlem war|Ashlem War]] the rise gained a new name of "Firey Borderlands", although not an official name it is commonly used. 
 +===== Towns ===== 
 +===== Locations ===== 
 +[[location:nabelhime|Nabelhime Ruins]]\\ 
 +[[location:great_forge_temple|The Great Forge Temple]] \\ 
 +[[location:stowjaw| Stow-Jaw Prison]] 
  • region/ashlem_rise.1597721596.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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