{{tag>patron archfey }} ====== Prince of Desires ====== {{ wiki:media:template.png?200 |}} /*Symbol and or Depiction*/ ^ Titles | Prince of Desires \\ [[character:Ezekiel]] | ^ Alignment | ? | ^ Symbol | Description | ^ Domains | ? | ^ Worshipers | ? | One of the Arch-Fey Patron known in the realms. 'Prince of Desires' was not the originator of this domain. Previously held by his father known as //King of Desires// or more commonly known today as //Shadow Dealer// or //Un-Seelie King//. Its rare that a Domain be passed down between family members but not unheard of. ==== History ==== /*Pre ascension, history, current, etc. */ ==== Worshipers ==== **Temples**\\ **Orders**\\ **Prophets**\\ **Other Notable**\\ ==== Details ==== [[character:ezekiel|More info on Ezekiel]] [[religion:start|Return to Religion page.]]