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spell:evocation:lightning_lure [2020/05/12 11:51] – created Cinderspell:evocation:lightning_lure [2020/07/20 08:16] (current) – removed Cinder
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-=====Lightning Lure===== +
-Class: Cantrip \\ +
-School: Evocation \\ +
-Source: Sword Coast Adventure's Guide \\ +
----- +
-Casting Time: 1 Action \\ +
-Range: 15 Feet \\ +
-Components: Voice \\ +
-Duration: Instantaneous \\ +
-You whip a line of lightning energy at a creature you can see, forcing it to make a Strength save. If the target fails, it's pulled up to 10 feet in a straight line closer to you. If this pull brings it within 5 feet of you, it also takes 1d8 lightning damage. \\ +
-Leveling: \\ +
-The spell's damage die increases by 1 D8 at levels 5, 11, and 17.+
  • spell/evocation/lightning_lure.1589250071.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)