======Talia and the Twins====== =====Entry 3: The Knight===== <- [[story:the_twins:2|Entry 2: The Night]] | [[story:the_twins|Home]] | [[story:the_twins:4|Entry 4: The Vengeance]] -> It took most of the short daylight but now Talia kneeled in front of five new graves, dug earlier in the week, intended for people for those who died during the Ashlem war. The haunting mountain range, which has claimed more lives than any other conflict on the continent, makes its presence felt through its short days, cold earth and wailing winds. Another presence invaded Talia’s rites and prayers. She tried pushing them out of mind. The more she resisted, the closer it felt until it was right behind her. Gripping the shovel beside her. She spun around, shovel raised high. Nothing. No tents. No supplies. Just the mountains looming over her. Talia thought back to home, Lily Vale Cemetary, and her father. She used to find a comforting inspiration in wondering about the graves. Generations of families buried together in peace, of daring adventurers and proud warriors who never returned home alive, of scholars and historians that had explored the worlds. The stories they could tell if they were alive filled her young mind. Now she wishes she never set out, wished she had listened to her father and his warnings of horrors beyond one’s imagination. The graves of her friends almost mocking her for even daring to dream of such exploration and freedom. The presence called to her again. She looked around. Nothing remained save the shovel the bandits left her. The call turned to a yell. A plea for someone to find them. No words, just pain and loss. Talia’s mind, unable to take anymore in, she dropped to her hands and knees. Silence. She felt something under her hand, buried under a thin layer of dirt, wrapped in burlap. Leaning back, she placed it in her lap, unwrapping to find one of the two infernal blades. The other having disappeared into the night with the bandits. A raspy voice spoke in infernal speech. Talia knew very little written infernal let alone speech. “I- I don’t understand you.” A heavy sigh echoed in her quieted mind. The rasp returned in familiar speech, “Understand me now?” “Yes, yes I do-” Talia replied tentatively, but cut off before she could get any further. “I am Punire, forged in the Nine Hells. You shall return me to my brother.” The voice demanded. “The hells I will!” Punire chuckled, ringing in Talia’s ears. “Very well human, I shall reward you for this task.” “I want my friends back.” Punire laughed harder. “They’ve all gone to their gods, I can offer you vengeance.” “Vengeance?” “Yes, I will grant you my strength, my power for you to avenge your friends. In the process, reuniting me with my brother.” “Your brother?” “I didn’t know humans were so slow. You're the first one I’ve talked to.” “Well, you’re the first sword that’s screamed at me. So we’re even. After I avenge my friends and return you to your brother, then what?” “Then our deal is done. You can leave us and your new power behind, or take us with you, retain your new power, where-ever or what-ever that entails.” “But your devils.” Talia looking back up to the war-torn range. “Not anymore. My brother and I shed our mortal forms. We are the twin blades.” “I can just walk away?” “Anytime, but doubt you will once you taste what we can provide. What is your name, human?” “Talia Knight the second.” “Ms. Knight, do we have a deal?” “Deal.” <- [[story:the_twins:2|Entry 2: The Night]] | [[story:the_twins|Home]] | [[story:the_twins:4|Entry 4: The Vengeance]] ->