======Fridged Coast====== //City// \\ Large costal city that spans several miles down the west coast of Oxtrad. \\ The city is partly a bustling naval trade port sharing a water border with //Reton// Trade between the nations is constant. Its the largest port In Oxtrad and the 2nd largest in all of Mor-thir only topped by //Ferrabreeze// ===== Fridged Coast ===== {{ planes:reton.png?300 |}} /*Map*/ ^ Lord/Lady | ? | ^ Classification | Port City | ^ Population | 17,000 | ^ Demographics | Multicultural | ^ Location | [[region:vylanna_forest|Vylaan Forrest]] \\ [[faction:Oxtrad]] | /* Classification guideline - Hamlet: Up to 100. - Village: Between 100 and 1,000. - Town: Between 1,000 and 10,000. - City: Between 10,000 and 20,000. - Capital: Between 20,000 and 50,000+ */ /* Demograpics - Don't need all, acts as a guideline Dominant: \\ (Primary race eg. 40%+ of population) Minority: \\ (Secondary races eg. Common but don't hold as much power) Enclave: \\ (Neighbourhoods eg. China towns, Refugee neighbourhood) Groups: \\ (Embassies, Families, Delgates) Individuals: \\ (Rare races, Vistors, A few of them but none associated with each other) Singular: \\ (Beholder, Mindflayer, Disguised Dragon, etc. Unique person/creature) */ =====Overview===== **Government:** \\ Run by the Guild leader of Vylaan Forrest in partnership with the Port Master Giddion who is seen as the real leader as the Guild hardly visits. **Defence:** \\ Hefty Naval defences and strong military presence, Also high Slayer presence **Commerce:** \\ **Organisations:** \\ ====Government==== ====Crime==== There are small yet sophisticated amounts of illegal goods passing through the port everyday. Most don't know about it and those that do are paid not to talk about it. ====Geography==== =====District===== ====Feature==== The town square, an old tomb, vast vineyards, pristine beach, etc. ====Shop==== //Type// \\ **Owner** Desciption \\ ^Item^Price^ |Something|1gp| //[[location:dogs_bowl|Dogs Bowl: Tavern]]// \\ **Owner: [[character:Jellal]]** \\ Well known tavern frequented by locals and visitors alike. \\ ^Item^Price^ |Food|1gp| |Drink|1gp| /* Store types: Tavern, Inn, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Jeweler, Enchanter, General, Stables, Tanner, Tailor, Temple, and Adventurer */