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user:sam [2025/02/11 08:41] Cinderuser:sam [2025/03/12 16:09] (current) Cinder
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 [[user:Sam:start|Private Page]], [[time:birthdays| Birthdays!]] [[user:Sam:start|Private Page]], [[time:birthdays| Birthdays!]]
-Hi there welcome to my home page. you can find my other characters [[character:othercharacters|Here]] \\+Hi there, Welcome to my home page. Here you will find a list of all my characters I have created for the purpose of story telling, general enjoyment and hopefully using them to play Table top Role-Playing Games such as D&D 5th Edition. \\ 
 +Some of these characters have been around for decades in various forms of design. You will find lots of written content here as well as digital art. This is a **Warning** that the content on this page may be NSFW (Not Safe for Work) meaning it may be violent or lewd in nature. \\
- +**DO NOT** use AI tools to assist or complete my writingit should be obvious from the massive amount of gramma and spelling errors but I thought it proper to clarify it with the changing times\\ 
-The **Class** Link will take you to that characters class, from level 1 to 20 including Feats and starting details+**DO NOT** display any AI generative digital art on my character's galleries. All the art that can be found is either my own or commission work from a real artist with links to their relevant socials bellow each art piece(Unless they have requested otherwise)
- +
-The **Species** Link will take you to that characters Species details, things like traits, lifespan, speed, a physical description and some lore can be found here.+
 {{:character:media:gallery_icon.png?45 |}} icon will take you to the character's art gallery. here is a display of various art pieces for the character.  \\ __**Warning** May Contain NSFW Content__ {{:character:media:gallery_icon.png?45 |}} icon will take you to the character's art gallery. here is a display of various art pieces for the character.  \\ __**Warning** May Contain NSFW Content__
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
-{{:wiki:media:backpack.png?45 |}} icon will take you to that characters inventory and gameplay details. a full list of the characters inventory can be found here as well as quick reference for all their abilities, feats, movement, vision and other similar information 
 \\ \\
 +{{wiki:media:sheets.png?45 |}} icon will take you to that characters D&D 5th Edition mechanics page. Including Class levels and mechanics, Race description and bonuses, Current or Prepped Inventory, Magic spellcasting or other mechanics such as Blood hunter curses, and other game mechanics relevant to playing.
 \\ \\
-{{:wiki:media:spells.png?45 |}} icon will take you to that characters spell list, Prepared spells and any other info relating to spellcasting such as focus, DC and special rules.+\\ 
 +you can find my other characters [[character:othercharacters|Here]]
 <WRAP clear /> <WRAP clear />
Line 77: Line 78:
 \\ \\
 ^  [[character:ravi|Ravi J Decota]]  ^^ ^  [[character:ravi|Ravi J Decota]]  ^^
-^ Class:Lycan Hunter \\ Gloom Ranger \\ Barbarian +^ Class:[[culture:bloodhunter|Hunter]] (Lycan) \\ [[culture:Ranger]] (Gloom) 
-^ Species:| Shifter (Lycanthrope) |+^ Species:[[culture:Shifter]] (Lycanthrope) |
 ^ Nationality: | {{:faction:flag-covania.png?35 }} [[faction:covania|Covanian]] | ^ Nationality: | {{:faction:flag-covania.png?35 }} [[faction:covania|Covanian]] |
 ^ Occupation: | <del>Slayer</del> \\ Retail \\ Mistress \\ Adventurer | ^ Occupation: | <del>Slayer</del> \\ Retail \\ Mistress \\ Adventurer |
Line 89: Line 90:
 \\ \\
 ^  [[character:annabell| Elanova Annabell Welington]]  ^^ ^  [[character:annabell| Elanova Annabell Welington]]  ^^
-^[[character:annabell:class|Class]]:| Tempest Cleric \\ Scribe Wizard +Class:[[culture:Cleric]] (Tempest\\ [[culture:Wizard]] (Scribe
-^[[character:annabell:species|Species]]:| [[culture:dragon|Silver Dragon]] |+^ Species:| [[culture:Dragon]] (Silver, Metalic) |
 ^Nationality: | [[faction:Oxtrad]] {{:faction:flag-oxtrad.png?35 }} | ^Nationality: | [[faction:Oxtrad]] {{:faction:flag-oxtrad.png?35 }} |
 ^ Occupation: | <del>Queen of Oxtrad</del> \\ Jeweller \\ Tailor \\ Smith | ^ Occupation: | <del>Queen of Oxtrad</del> \\ Jeweller \\ Tailor \\ Smith |
Line 101: Line 102:
 \\ \\
 ^  [[character:cinder|Cinder Stem]]  ^^ ^  [[character:cinder|Cinder Stem]]  ^^
-^[[character:cinder:class|Class]]:| Alchemist Artificer \\ Mutagen Hunter | +Class:[[culture:Artificer]] (Alchemist)  \\ [[culture:bloodhunter|Hunter]] (Mutagen) 
-^[[character:cinder:species|Species]]:| Demonic Aberration  |+Species:[[culture:Amalgamation]] (Demonic Aberration |
 ^ Nationality: | {{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?35 }}[[faction:reton|Reton]] | ^ Nationality: | {{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?35 }}[[faction:reton|Reton]] |
 ^ Occupation: | Slayer \\ Alchemist \\ Teacher | ^ Occupation: | Slayer \\ Alchemist \\ Teacher |
Line 124: Line 125:
 <WRAP box third column >  <WRAP box third column > 
-[[character:iblee|{{ :character:media:new_iblee_icon.png?200 |}}]]+[[character:iblee|{{ :character:media:iblee_new_icon.png?200 |}}]]
 \\ \\
 ^  [[character:iblee| Iblee Lonestar]]  ^^ ^  [[character:iblee| Iblee Lonestar]]  ^^
Line 175: Line 176:
 <WRAP box third column >  <WRAP box third column > 
-[[character:honoshin|{{ :character:media:honoshin_icon_2.png?200 |}}]]+[[character:honoshin|{{ :character:media:honoshin_icon.png?200 |}}]]
 \\ \\
 ^  [[character:honoshin| Honoshin Yonari ]]  ^^ ^  [[character:honoshin| Honoshin Yonari ]]  ^^
Line 189: Line 190:
 <WRAP box third column >  <WRAP box third column > 
-[[character:nashandra|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]+[[character:honey|{{ :character:media:honey_and_stew_icon.png?200 |}}]]
 \\ \\
-^  [[character:nashandraNashandra Lonestar]]  ^^+^  [[character:honeyHoney 'Baba' Emipharin Decota]]  ^^
 ^[[character:NEW:class|Class]]:| - | ^[[character:NEW:class|Class]]:| - |
 ^[[character:NEW:species|Species]]:| - | ^[[character:NEW:species|Species]]:| - |
Line 292: Line 293:
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
-[[character:honey|{{ :character:media:honey_and_stew_icon.png?200 |}}]] +
-\\ +
-^  [[character:honey| Honey 'Baba' Emipharin Decota]]  ^^ +
-^[[character:NEW:class|Class]]:| - | +
-^[[character:NEW:species|Species]]:| - | +
-^ Nationality: | Home or Considered Home | +
-^ Occupation: | - | +
-^ Affiliation: | - | +
-^ Level : | 00 |+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 443: Line 436:
 [[character:NEW|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]] [[character:NEW|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 \\ \\
-^  [[character:NEW| Carlormity Decota]]  ^^+^  [[character:NEW| Carlor Decota]]  ^^
 ^ Class:| - | ^ Class:| - |
 ^ Species:| [[culture:Shifter]] | ^ Species:| [[culture:Shifter]] |
Line 480: Line 473:
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
-[[character:dooza|{{ :character:media:dooza_wip_icon.png?200 |}}]]+[[character:zemnie|{{ :character:media:dooza_wip_icon.png?200 |}}]]
 \\ \\
-^  [[character:dooza| Zemnie Crescendo Welington ]]  ^^+^  [[character:zemnie| Zemnie Crescendo Welington ]]  ^^
 ^Class:| - | ^Class:| - |
 ^ Species:| [[culture:thrikreen|Thri-Kreen]] | ^ Species:| [[culture:thrikreen|Thri-Kreen]] |
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  • user/sam.1739229104.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 4 weeks ago
  • by Cinder