====== Heading 1 ====== ===== Heading 2 ===== ==== Heading 3 ==== === Heading 4 === == Heading 5 == **bold** //italic// __underlined__ ''monospaced'' subscript superscript delete Footnote ((This is a footnote)) The text /* between the slash-asterisk and asterisk-slash */ is hidden [[pagename]] [[pagename|link name]] - Item - Item - Sub Item - Item * Item * Item * Sub Item * Item ---- #;; This is aligned left. #;; ;;# This is aligned right. ;;# ;#; This is aligned center. ;#; ### This text is justified. ### ---- This is example ++text | with some of it only shown when you unfold it++. And after that the text just continues to flow in the same paragraph. This is example text. ++++ Title | | This table | is only shown | when you unfold the block | This is a test ++++ ---- ====== Diagram ====== [[http://nikita.melnichenko.name/projects/dokuwiki-diagram/index.php?lang=en|Diagram reference]] All connectors | | |v| | | | |V| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |,|!|.| | |F|:|7| | | |y| | |p| | | | | | |)|-|+|-|(|D|~|%|~|C| |}| |{|]| |[| |*| |#| | |`|!|'| | |L|:|J| | | |h| | |b| | | | | | | | |^| | | | |A| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Naming | | | DAD |y| MUM | | |DAD=Father|MUM=Mother | |,|-|-|-|+|-|-|-|.| | | SIS | | Me | | BRO |SIS=Sister|BRO=Brother ---- ====== Include ====== {{page>LOCATION:PAGENAME#HEADING&nofooter}} ---- ====== Poll ====== [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:doodle4|Poll/voting]] * Option 1 * Option 2 * Option 3 ---- ====== Charts ====== [[https://github.com/karl257/dokuwiki-plugin-achart/|ApexCharts]] =====Pie===== { chart: { width: 380, type: 'pie', toolbar: { show: true,tools: { download: true } }, }, labels: ['Team A', 'Team B', 'Team C', 'Team D', 'Team E'], series: [44, 55, 13, 43, 22], responsive: [{ breakpoint: 480, options: { chart: { width: 200 }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } } }] } =====Range Bar===== { series: [ { data: [ { x: 'Code', y: [1,5] }, { x: 'Test', y: [3,6] }, { x: 'Validation', y: [2,4] }, { x: 'Deployment', y: [5,6] } ] } ], chart: { height: 350, type: 'rangeBar' }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: true } }, xaxis: { type: 'year' } }