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c10:summary [2023/06/25 09:53] – [Introduction] Cinderc10:summary [2024/09/02 19:05] (current) Cinder
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 ======Whispers of the Wilds====== ======Whispers of the Wilds======
 //Campaign 10// //Campaign 10//
 +[[character:raishin|{{:character:media:raishin_icon.png?150 |}}]]
 +[[character:caligos|{{:character:media:caligos_icon.png?150 |}}]]
 +[[character:keenan|{{:character:media:ken_new_icon.png?150 |}}]]
 +[[character:arno|{{:character:media:arno_icon.png?150 |}}]]
 +[[character:razza|{{:character:media:druid.png?150 |}}]]
 +<WRAP clear />
 +{{:character:c10_chibi_party.jpg?800 |}}
 +<WRAP clear />
 =====Introduction===== =====Introduction=====
-Our heroes have all been called to a large town within Vylnaa Forrest. The mysteries of a realm known as the Fey-Wilds has called each of our heroes for one reason or another.+===Game start=== 
 +Frostmoot, Year 12343 
 +Our heroes have all been called to a large town within Vylnaa Forrest. The mysteries of a realm known as the Fey-Wilds has called each of our heroes for one reason or another. Each character has their own personal reasons for wanting to get to the Fey-Wilds but its a common goal and adventures always prefer to work as a group. With hardly any knowledge of what awaits them or even a solid way of entering the Fey-Wilds they gather in town for meet and greets and to try and follow some leads. 
 +The Fey-Wilds has been recovering from a 22 year war. While much of the land remains unclaimed territory a recent shift in power has left much of the claimed land under one leader. Now the mad queen known as [[character:adelina|Adelina]] has left the Fey-Wilds during a crucial time. with no rightful ruler to command the Armies the small nations are otherwise left to simple repair and wait their ruler's return. The rest of the Fey-Wilds citizens have mostly returned to life as normal but threats still linger in the wilds. \\ 
 +You start your adventure in Grovistide. Upon arrival you learn that the towns name has changed to Rubenhide and the townsfolk speak utter Jibberish. They are friendly folk 
 **Arno** \\ **Arno** \\
-A Drow that's been living on the surface for a number of years. Mother Drow while Father was something else. Taken to a corrupt religions sect at a young age he experience the worst people in religions power were capable of. Saved by a Paladin who he trained under for a majority of his young adult life. \\ With his mother missing for just as many years he catches news of her possible whereabouts with a trinket and dreams. \\ Setting off to the town [[location:grovistide|Grovistide]] located in [[region:Vylanna Forest]]+A Drow that's been living on the surface for a number of years. Mother Drow while Father was something else. Taken to a corrupt religions sect at a young age he experience the worst people in religions power were capable of. Saved by a Paladin who he trained under for a majority of his young adult life. \\ With his mother missing for just as many years he catches news of her possible whereabouts with a trinket and dreams. \\ Setting off to the town [[town:grovistide|Grovistide]] located in [[region:Vylanna Forest]]
 **Razar** \\ **Razar** \\
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 **Raishin** \\ **Raishin** \\
 +A descendent of Giant and Dragon, Raishin has been traveling alot in the past few years in search of answers to the mysteries that surround her. Traveling with the [[faction:black_albatross|Band of the Black Albatross]] as one of their soldiers for several years. After learning there may be family in they Feywilds Raishin demands she be released from the armies control. A duel was held against the leader which she won and took her leave heading for [[town:grovistide|Grovistide]].
 +**Caligos** \\
 +A storm chaser and novice weather scholar from the islands of //Pernitusler//. He's been exploring the lands for a number of years documenting and studying the various weather patterns found in different countries. But despite the strange and odd storms found Ardin desires something more "wild" The next step was to travel between planes. When he caught news of the land of the Fey he knew that was to be his next destination.
-===Game start=== 
-The Fey-Wilds has been recovering from a 22 year war. While much of the land remains unclaimed territory a recent shift in power has left much of the claimed land under one leader. Now the mad queen known as [[character:adelina|Adelina]] has left the Fey-Wilds during a crucial time. with no rightful ruler to command the Armies the small nations are otherwise left to simple repair and wait their ruler's return. The rest of the Fey-Wilds citizens have mostly returned to life as normal but threats still linger in the wilds. 
  • c10/summary.1687652631.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Cinder