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character:arno [2024/07/28 22:30] – [Table] Lukecharacter:arno [2025/01/22 10:53] (current) Cinder
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 {{tag> fighter drow player greyhawk C10 }} {{tag> fighter drow player greyhawk C10 }}
-====== Arno Kell ======+====== Arno Knell ======
-<WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign+<WRAP left
-===== Arno ===== +[[user:elmer|{{:wiki:media:back.png?65|}}]]
-{{ character:media:arno_icon.png?220 |}}+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear />
 +<WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign>
 \\ \\
-\\ +{{ character:media:arno_icon.png?250 |}} 
-^Name| Arno Kell  +<sub> Moonloaf </sub> 
-^RaceDrow  | +;;# 
-^GenderMale  +//[[user:USER:CHANGEME|Secrets]]// 
-^Nationality| {{:faction:flag-greyhawk.png?35 }}[[faction:greyhawk|Greyhawk]]  |+;;# 
 +^ Name / Titles: | Arno Knell 
 +Class:Fighter (Echo) \\ Sorcerer (Shadow)  | 
 +Species:[[culture:Elf]] (Drow) \\ //Fey Influence// 
 +^ Nationality| {{:faction:flag-greyhawk.png?35 }}[[faction:greyhawk|Greyhawk]] | 
 +^ Home: | - //Where character’s actual building home is if they have one.// | 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Character Information === === Character Information ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-Class         Fighter (Echo), Sorcerer (Shadow)                                                  +^Background:Cult Kidnapped 
-^ Born          | -                                                                                  +^Born:| - (AGE) //Day-Month-Year, Can exclude year. The Age of your character is mostly for Role Play but some mechanics do relate to ageing your character.//
-^ Alignment     | Lawful                                                                             +^Alignment:- //Alignment character tends to gravitate towards. Chaotic, Lawful, Good, Evil, Neutral. Mostly ignored in modern games of D&D but it may still come up depending on the DM.// 
-^ Languages     | CommonElvish                                                                     +^[[culture:Languages]]:| Common \\ Elvish | 
-Family        (Father)\\ (Mother)\\                                                              +^Gear:Simple & Martial Weapons \\ Light, Medium, Heavy Amour \\ Shields 
-Affiliations  [[c10:startWhispers of the Wilds]] \\ [[faction:drannor|The Drannor Migration]]  +^Saves:Strength \\ Constitution | 
-^ Faith         | [[religion:Tyr]]                                                                   +^Profession:| Knight of Tyr \\ Adventurer | 
-^ Profession    | Adventurer (ongoing)\\                                                             |+^Affiliation:[[faction:drannor|The Drannor Migration]] \\ [[faction:loyal_three|Loyal of Three]] 
 +^[[religion:start|Faith]]: | [[religion:Tyr]] | 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Physical Description === === Physical Description ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^ Height  | 182cm                    +^Type:| Humanoid \\ Fey | 
-^ Weight  84kgs                    +^Height:| 182cm / 5.9ft 
-Skin    | Dark Grey                +^Weight:84kg / 185ibs //(Muscular, Tone)// 
-^ Eyes    | Red                      +^Size:Medium Creature (1x1) | 
-^ Hair    | White (Shoulder Length)  |+^Complexion:| Drow Dark Blue-Black | 
 +^Texture:| Flesh 
 +^Eyes:Ruby Red | 
 +^Hair:| White 
 +^Details:| Dragon-fly Fey Wings, Fey Horns | 
 +^Gender:| Male |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-=== Stats ===+=== Family ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-Level            | 14               || +^Partner:- //Lover or close too it. Family gives the Dungeon Master the power to make story beast personal to your character. ut 9/10 times they will be used to torture your character emotionally.// 
-Init             ^ Speed   ^ Prof    ^ +^Parents://Mother// \\ //Unknown Half-Elf// (Blood Father\\ [[character:Davilok]] (Auntie) | 
-+5               | 30ft    | +5      | +^Siblings:| - | 
-^ HP               ^ AC      ^ TempHP +^Children:| - //Adoptive or Blood// |
-| 112              | 20(00 | 00      | +
-^  Ability Scores                    ||| +
-^ STR              ^ DEX     ^ CON     ^ +
-^ 18(+4          10(+0)  ^ 14(+2)  ^ +
-INT              ^ WIS     ^ CHA     ^ +
-8(-1)            | 12(+1)  | 18(+4)  +
- Saving Throws                     ||| +
-^ STR              ^ DEX     ^ CON     ^ +
-| +9               | +0      | +7      | +
-^ INT              ^ WIS     ^ CHA     ^ +
-| -1               | +1      | +9      |+
-| Acrobatics (Dex)        | +0  | Medicine (Wis)         | +1  | 
-| Animal Handling (Wis)   | +1  | Nature (Int)           | -1  | 
-| Arcana (Int)            | -1  ^ Perception (Wis)       | +6  | 
-^ Athletics (Str)         | +9  | Performance (Cha)      | +4  | 
-| Deception (Cha)         | +4  | **Persuasion (Cha)**   | +9  | 
-^ History (Int)           | -1  ^ Religion (Int)         | +4  | 
-| **Insight (Wis)**       | +6  | Sleight of Hand (Dex)  | +0  | 
-| **Intimidation (Cha)**  | +9  | Stealth (Dex)          | +0  | 
-| Investigation (Int)     | -1  | Survival (Wis)         | +1  | 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-=== Spells ===+=== Other Quirks ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^Ability|Wisdom/Intelligence/Charisma+^Favourite Food:- //Good for Role Play// | 
-^Save DC^Modifier^ +^Favourite Drink:- //Good for Role Play, there is also quite rich D&D lore surrounding the various alcoholic drinks it could tie in to your character's story in some way.// 
-|00|+0+^Games:- //Outside of hobbies, There are a few D&D games around but classics like cards and Dice are always fun to do during down time.// 
-^Cantrips|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ +^Hobbies:- //Outside of Occupation, games, music. Things to flesh our your character naritivly.// 
-^1st lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ +^Sexuality:- //what is the character attracted to if anything. Can be as simple or exotic as you like. If your not comfortable then you can simply delete the entire line.// 
-^2nd lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ +^Music:- //Types character enjoys to listen or play// 
-^3rd lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ + 
-^4th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | +
-^5th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | +
-^6th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | +
-^7th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | +
-^8th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | +
-^9th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ |+
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-=== Spell Slots ===+=== Stories & Campaigns ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^1st lvl^2nd lvl^3rd lvl^ +^[[c10:startWhispers of the Wilds]]:Player Character 
-^4th lvl^5th lvl^6th lvl^ + 
-|0|0|0+<WRAP centeralign> 
-^7th lvl^8th lvl^9th lvl^ +=== Stats ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +++++ View |
 +^Level| 14 \\ (Fighter 12)\\ (Sorcerer 2)\\ | **Base Total** \\ 00 |||
 +| +5 | 30ft | +5 |
 +| 112 | 00(00) | 00 |
 +^  Ability Scores  ^^^
 +| 18(+4) | 10(+0) | 14(+2) |
 +^ INT ^ WIS ^ CHA ^
 +| 8(-1) | 12(+1) | 16(+3) |
 +^  Saving Throws  ^^^
 +| +9 | +0 | +7 |
 +| -1 | +1 | +8 |
 +//Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat//
 +| Acrobatics (Dex)       | +0  | Medicine (Wis)         | +1  |
 +| Animal Handling (Wis)  | +1  | Nature (Int)           | -1  |
 +| Arcana (Int)           | -1  ^ Perception (Wis)       | +6  |
 +^ Athletics (Str)        | +9  | Performance (Cha)      | +4  |
 +| Deception (Cha)        | +4  ^ Persuasion (Cha)       | +8  |
 +| History (Int)          | -1  ^ Religion (Int)         | +4  |
 +| Insight (Wis)          | +6  | Sleight of Hand (Dex)  | +0  |
 +^ Intimidation (Cha)     | +8  | Stealth (Dex)          | +0  |
 +| Investigation (Int)    | -1  | Survival (Wis)         | +1  |
 +//Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill//
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Spell/Ability Modifier ===
 +^Ability:| Charisma |
 +^ Save DC ^ Modifier ^
 +|++ 16 | \\ Base: 8\\ Prof: +5\\ Stat: +3 ++|++ +8 | \\ Prof: +5\\ Stat: +8 ++|
 =====History===== =====History=====
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 Skipping a decade later, I had proven myself worthy of being in the company of Viktor and his travelling order - the Drannor Migration. I was trained with a strict regimen and experienced the same culling that Viktor set out upon with another Cult of the Eyes making themselves know, it was there I happened upon a weapon I still use in spite of the enemy connotations. A trophy used to smite down foes with the same blasphemy they brought upon our world. Skipping a decade later, I had proven myself worthy of being in the company of Viktor and his travelling order - the Drannor Migration. I was trained with a strict regimen and experienced the same culling that Viktor set out upon with another Cult of the Eyes making themselves know, it was there I happened upon a weapon I still use in spite of the enemy connotations. A trophy used to smite down foes with the same blasphemy they brought upon our world.
 This was where things changed. The necklace my mother gave me started to hum a soft blue. Whispers not too dissimilar to my mother telling me to “Find the portal. Find the fey wearing this necklace. Find me.” There was no way to respond back and yet I felt the calling all to clearly. It was here I had my goal in mind. To find this portal and whatever fey creature had the same necklace on them. Finally a chance to see her again. This was where things changed. The necklace my mother gave me started to hum a soft blue. Whispers not too dissimilar to my mother telling me to “Find the portal. Find the fey wearing this necklace. Find me.” There was no way to respond back and yet I felt the calling all to clearly. It was here I had my goal in mind. To find this portal and whatever fey creature had the same necklace on them. Finally a chance to see her again.
 ====Campaign==== ====Campaign====
  • character/arno.1722171629.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by Luke