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character:arno [2024/08/12 13:14] Cindercharacter:arno [2025/01/22 10:53] (current) Cinder
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 {{tag> fighter drow player greyhawk C10 }} {{tag> fighter drow player greyhawk C10 }}
-====== Arno Kell ======+====== Arno Knell ======
-<WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign+<WRAP left
-===== Arno ===== +[[user:elmer|{{:wiki:media:back.png?65|}}]]
-{{ character:media:arno_icon.png?220 |}}+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear />
 +<WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign>
 \\ \\
-\\ +{{ character:media:arno_icon.png?250 |}} 
-^Name| Arno Kell  +<sub> Moonloaf </sub> 
-^RaceDrow  | +;;# 
-^GenderMale  +//[[user:USER:CHANGEME|Secrets]]// 
-^Nationality| {{:faction:flag-greyhawk.png?35 }}[[faction:greyhawk|Greyhawk]]  |+;;# 
 +^ Name / Titles: | Arno Knell 
 +Class:Fighter (Echo) \\ Sorcerer (Shadow)  | 
 +Species:[[culture:Elf]] (Drow) \\ //Fey Influence// 
 +^ Nationality| {{:faction:flag-greyhawk.png?35 }}[[faction:greyhawk|Greyhawk]] | 
 +^ Home: | - //Where character’s actual building home is if they have one.// | 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Character Information === === Character Information ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-Class         Fighter (Echo), Sorcerer (Shadow)                                                  +^Background:Cult Kidnapped 
-^ Born          | -                                                                                  +^Born:| - (AGE) //Day-Month-Year, Can exclude year. The Age of your character is mostly for Role Play but some mechanics do relate to ageing your character.//
-^ Alignment     | Good                                                                               +^Alignment:- //Alignment character tends to gravitate towards. Chaotic, Lawful, Good, Evil, Neutral. Mostly ignored in modern games of D&D but it may still come up depending on the DM.// 
-^ Languages     | CommonElvish                                                                     +^[[culture:Languages]]:| Common \\ Elvish | 
-Family        (Father)\\ (Mother)\\                                                              +^Gear:Simple & Martial Weapons \\ Light, Medium, Heavy Amour \\ Shields 
-Affiliations  [[c10:startWhispers of the Wilds]] \\ [[faction:drannor|The Drannor Migration]]  +^Saves:Strength \\ Constitution | 
-^ Faith         | [[religion:Tyr]]                                                                   +^Profession:| Knight of Tyr \\ Adventurer | 
-^ Profession    | Adventurer (ongoing)\\                                                             |+^Affiliation:[[faction:drannor|The Drannor Migration]] \\ [[faction:loyal_three|Loyal of Three]] 
 +^[[religion:start|Faith]]: | [[religion:Tyr]] | 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Physical Description === === Physical Description ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^ Height  | 182cm                    +^Type:| Humanoid \\ Fey | 
-^ Weight  84kgs                    +^Height:| 182cm / 5.9ft 
-Skin    | Dark Grey                +^Weight:84kg / 185ibs //(Muscular, Tone)// 
-^ Eyes    | Red                      +^Size:Medium Creature (1x1) | 
-^ Hair    | White (Shoulder Length |+^Complexion:| Drow Dark Blue-Black | 
 +^Texture:| Flesh 
 +^Eyes:Ruby Red | 
 +^Hair:| White 
 +^Details:| Dragon-fly Fey Wings, Fey Horns | 
 +^Gender:| Male | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Family === 
 +^Partner:| - //Lover or close too it. Family gives the Dungeon Master the power to make story beast personal to your character. ut 9/10 times they will be used to torture your character emotionally.//
 +^Parents:| //Mother// \\ //Unknown Half-Elf// (Blood Father\\ [[character:Davilok]] (Auntie) | 
 +^Siblings:| - | 
 +^Children:| - //Adoptive or Blood// | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Other Quirks === 
 +^Favourite Food:| - //Good for Role Play// | 
 +^Favourite Drink:| - //Good for Role Play, there is also quite rich D&D lore surrounding the various alcoholic drinks it could tie in to your character's story in some way.// | 
 +^Games:| - //Outside of hobbies, There are a few D&D games around but classics like cards and Dice are always fun to do during down time.// | 
 +^Hobbies:| - //Outside of Occupation, games, music. Things to flesh our your character naritivly.//
 +^Sexuality:| - //what is the character attracted to if anything. Can be as simple or exotic as you like. If your not comfortable then you can simply delete the entire line.// | 
 +^Music:| - //Types character enjoys to listen or play// | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Stories & Campaigns === 
 +^[[c10:start| Whispers of the Wilds]]:| Player Character | 
 +^-:| - |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Stats === === Stats ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^ Level            | 14               || +++++ View | 
-^ Init             ^ Speed   ^ Prof    +^Level| 14 \\ (Fighter 12)\\ (Sorcerer 2)\\ | **Base Total** \\ 00 ||| 
-| +5               | 30ft    | +5      +^Init^Speed^Prof^ 
-^ HP               ^ AC      ^ TempHP  +| +5 | 30ft | +5 | 
-| 112              20(00)  | 00      +^HP^AC^TempHP^ 
-^  Ability Scores                    ||| +| 112 | 00(00) | 00 | 
-^ STR              ^ DEX     ^ CON     +^  Ability Scores  ^^^ 
-18(+4)           | 10(+0)  14(+2)  ^ +^STR^DEX^CON^ 
-^ INT              ^ WIS     ^ CHA     +18(+4) | 10(+0) 14(+2) | 
-| 8(-1)            | 12(+1)  18(+4 +^ INT ^ WIS ^ CHA ^ 
-^  Saving Throws                     ||| +| 8(-1) | 12(+1) | 16(+3) | 
-^ STR              ^ DEX     ^ CON     +^  Saving Throws  ^^^ 
-| +9               | +0      | +7      +^STR^DEX^CON^ 
-^ INT              ^ WIS     ^ CHA     +| +9 | +0 | +7 | 
-| -1               | +1      | +9      |+^INT^WIS^CHA^ 
 +| -1 | +1 | +| 
 +//Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat//
 | Acrobatics (Dex)       | +0  | Medicine (Wis)         | +1  | | Acrobatics (Dex)       | +0  | Medicine (Wis)         | +1  |
Line 56: Line 102:
 | Arcana (Int)           | -1  ^ Perception (Wis)       | +6  | | Arcana (Int)           | -1  ^ Perception (Wis)       | +6  |
 ^ Athletics (Str)        | +9  | Performance (Cha)      | +4  | ^ Athletics (Str)        | +9  | Performance (Cha)      | +4  |
-| Deception (Cha)        | +4  ^ Persuasion (Cha)       | + |+| Deception (Cha)        | +4  ^ Persuasion (Cha)       | + |
 | History (Int)          | -1  ^ Religion (Int)         | +4  | | History (Int)          | -1  ^ Religion (Int)         | +4  |
 | Insight (Wis)          | +6  | Sleight of Hand (Dex)  | +0  | | Insight (Wis)          | +6  | Sleight of Hand (Dex)  | +0  |
-^ Intimidation (Cha)     | + | Stealth (Dex)          | +0  |+^ Intimidation (Cha)     | + | Stealth (Dex)          | +0  |
 | Investigation (Int)    | -1  | Survival (Wis)         | +1  | | Investigation (Int)    | -1  | Survival (Wis)         | +1  |
 +//Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill//
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-=== Spells ===+=== Spell/Ability Modifier ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^ Ability         | Charisma                                                                                              +^Ability:| Charisma | 
-^ Save DC         ^ Modifier                                                                                              +^ Save DC ^ Modifier ^ 
-| 17              | +9                                                                                                    | +|++ 16 | \\ Base: 8\\ Prof: +5\\ Stat: +3 ++|++ +8 | \\ Prof: +5\\ Stat: +8 ++
-^ Cantrips        Dancing Lights (Drow Innate)\\ Mage Hand, Message, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation\\                 | +++++
-^ 1st lvl Spells  | Faerie Fire (Drow Innate)\\ Salted Earth [Earth Tremor], Feather Fall, The Blackest Night [Shield]\\  | +
-^ 2nd lvl Spells  Darkness (Drow Innate)\\ Spell 2\\                                                                    +
-^ 3rd lvl Spells  | Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\                                                                                   | +
-^ 4th lvl Spells  | Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\                                                                                   | +
-^ 5th lvl Spells  | Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\                                                                                   | +
-^ 6th lvl Spells  | Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\                                                                                   | +
-^ 7th lvl Spells  | Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\                                                                                   | +
-^ 8th lvl Spells  | Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\                                                                                   | +
-^ 9th lvl Spells  | Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\                                                                                   | +
-<WRAP centeralign> +
-=== Spell Slots ===+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^ 1st lvl  ^ 2nd lvl  ^ 3rd lvl  ^ 
-| 3        | 0        | 0        | 
-^ 4th lvl  ^ 5th lvl  ^ 6th lvl  ^ 
-| 0        | 0        | 0        | 
-^ 7th lvl  ^ 8th lvl  ^ 9th lvl  ^ 
-| 0        | 0        | 0        | 
 =====History===== =====History=====
  • character/arno.1723434263.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by Cinder