This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. {{tag>rogue player c5 ninehells canid}} ====== Dee ====== <WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign> ===== Dee ===== {{ character:media:dee.png?200 |}} </WRAP> ^Player|[[user:moonloaf|Ida]]| ^Name|Princess Dee Bellatrix| ^Race|Fey Dog| ^Gender|Female| ^Nationality| | <WRAP centeralign> === Character Information === </WRAP> ^Class|Rogue| ^Born| | ^Alignment|True Neutral| ^Languages|Common\\ Thieves' Cant((Can't what?))| ^Family|Mr Bellatrix (Father)\\ Mrs Bellatrix (Mother)\\ Basil (Brother)| ^Affiliations| | ^Faith| | ^Profession|Reporter\\ | ^Proficiencies| | <WRAP centeralign> === Physical Description === </WRAP> ^Height| | ^Weight| | ^Skin| | ^Eyes| | ^Hair| | <WRAP centeralign> === Stats === </WRAP> ^Level|3\\ (Rogue 3)|| ^Init^Speed^Prof^ |+0|30ft|+0| ^HP^AC^TempHP^ |00|00(00)|00| ^ Ability Scores ^^^ ^STR^DEX^CON^ |10(0)|10(0)|10(0)| ^INT^WIS^CHA^ |10(0)|10(0)|10(0)| ^ Saving Throws ^^^ ^STR^DEX^CON^ |+0|+0|+0| ^INT^WIS^CHA^ |+0|+0|+0| | Acrobatics (Dex) | +0 | Medicine (Wis) | +0 | | Animal Handling (Wis) | +0 | Nature (Int) | +0 | | Arcana (Int) | +0 | Perception (Wis) | +0 | | Athletics (Str) | +0 | Performance (Cha) | +0 | | Deception (Cha) | +0 | Persuasion (Cha) | +0 | | History (Int) | +0 | Religion (Int) | +0 | | Insight (Wis) | +0 | Sleight of Hand (Dex) | +0 | | Intimidation (Cha) | +0 | Stealth (Dex) | +0 | | Investigation (Int) | +0 | Survival (Wis) | +0 | </WRAP> Dee is based off a micro Pom. Her fur is white, well groomed and soft. She wears fine clothes including: a blue high waist pleated skirt, a white work shirt and a black waistcoat. She also wear glasses and is rarely seen without a camera or notebook and pen. =====History===== ====Pre-Campaign==== Dee was born into a wealthy family . Her father and mother Mr and Mrs Bellatrix, were proud owners of an auto repair shop and could afford to adorn their children with luxuries. Dee's brother, Basil, was heir to their Pride, The Wicked Wrench, and therfor got all their spare attention. Mr Bellatrix taught him how to fix and repair and Mrs Bellatrix taught him management skills. They rarely had time for their little princess Dee. Dee learnt quickly that misbehaving did grab her the spotlight at times. When she was caught she taught herself how to pick locks to get out of her room where she was often grounded. Sneaking out the house to explore the town, stealing , general misbehaviour eventually forced the Bellatrix's to take up a job with Robert Rogers at his small newspaper firm in an attempt to discipline her . Rogers was strict. He rarely let Dee out and kept his eye closely on the pup. He made her work long tough shifts, cleaning the office and training her up on journalism.( Often she would return to her room at his house covered in black ink) When Dee earned his trust, she was let out to find scoops. At first , Rogers thought she was awful, insisting she saw what she wrote down. "Redgul family affair with a commoner", "Cheese made out of whale milk" He found it absurd until Dee stole a camera and came back with evidence. Rogers was too impressed to be mad and entrusted Dee with special assignments for her rogue skills. Her scoops never got published as Roger's used them as Blackmail against whomever Dee's victims where. When dee was sent to the new bank for a rowdy scoop but instead was accused for the heist, Rogers quickly dismissed her of her as not to tarnish his small business. ====Campaign==== Text ====Post-Campaign==== Text rogue player c5 ninehells canid character/dee.txt Last modified: 18 months agoby Kyle