
Quick Overview

Campaign City of Cinders
Race Changeling
Class Bard (Whispers)
Occupation -
Nationality Nine Hells
Affiliations -

A changeling who lives three different lives. Fate, a female tiefling who grew up on the streets. Reginald, a kind hearted but old fasioned man. and Roshia, a posh stuck up female elf.

Robert Knight
Campaign The Land of Exilis
Race Human
Class Cleric (Grave)
Occupation Gravekeeper
Nationality Covanian
Affiliations Talia II (Daughter)

Male human, unkempt look, messy brown hair and beard. Often unclean and smelling of booze. Wears black vestments with multiple layers. Ventured to Exilis after the mysterious deaths of his parents, hunting down and killing his brother, all while being haunted by an entity. Leaving Exilis traumatised he tries to find peace by becoming a gravekeeper, trying to hide his past and dangers of the world from his daughter Talia II.

Varis Hanali
Campaign Greyhawk Rebellion
Race Elf (High)
Class Druid (Dreams)
Occupation Healer
Nationality Greyhawk
Affiliations Greyhawk Rangers
Greyhawk Rebellion

Male High Elf long white gray hair, not sure if because it's unclean or natural colour, he wears a headband made of flowers and wears long flowing green robes that's tattered along the edges, he has no shoes and carries a flying broom as a walking stick.

Campaign Queen's Monsters
Race Half-Orc
Class Fighter (Battle-Master)
Fighter (Echo-Knight)
Occupation Folk Hero
Nationality Covanian
Affiliations Huld Dottir (Partner)
Stories Mighty Tales of Aldrun

An hero of the folk who died from a falling branch and puddle of water ~500 years ago but was resurrected, body withered away to dust but soul now bound to a suit of armour seeks a worthy death fitting of a true hero. In his undeath he finds Dotty, who had sold her soul to save another but was betrayed. The two form a bond seeking to save each other's soul.

King Gizzard2)
Campaign ?
Race Lizardfolk
Class Sorcerer (Sun Bloodline)
Occupation “Wizard”
Nationality Athein3)
Affiliations -

King Gizzard the Lizard Wizard is a sorcerer who claims to be a wizard trying to form his own kingdom to rule, so far it's only a small parcel of land with a tower with attached houses for his three followers, Queen his pet lizard from the Feywild, Baron a dragonborn fighter and Prince a kenku monk.

Talia Knight II
Race Human
Class Warlock (Hexblade)
Occupation Gravekeeper & Adventurer
Nationality Covania
Affiliations Robert (Father)
Stories The Twins

Born to Robert and named after her Grandmother, she struggled between maintaining the Lily Vale Cemetery and forging her own path, eventually running away from home and forming a pact with a pair of sentient swords.

Campaign The Promised Archipelago
Race Tiefling (Blue)
Class Wizard (Evocation)
Occupation Amnesiac Adventurer
Nationality Promise
Affiliations -

Blue male Tiefling, short brown hair with two small horns leading backward, thin tail leading to a slim diamond shaped tip. Wears bright long loose fitting clothes and a leather chest harness for his spell book underneath the clothes.

Huld Dottir (Dotty)
Race Orc
Class Tactician (Vanguard)4)
Occupation Knight of Hell
Nationality Oxtrad
Affiliations Aldrun (Partner)

After selling her soul to a demon to resurrect her husband, he then left her for another woman shortly after. All alone Dotty served the demon's wishes, eventually encountering a soul bound to a suit of armour, Aldrun, the two delevoped a bond, wishing to save each other's soul and live in peace and eventually join each other in the afterlife.

The Cultists

Race Human (Lich)
Occupation King of the Reach
Nationality Armton Dynasty
Affiliations Armton Dynasty
Cult of Narkul

Race Ancient Blue Dragon
Occupation Advisor and Mage to Narkul
Nationality Armton Dynasty
Affiliations Armton Dynasty
Golden Caverns

Race Adult Black Dragon
Occupation Defacto Leader
Nationality Reton
Affiliations Order of the Lost Keep
Knights of Palus

Faces of Sunwood

Master Owyn
Race Human
Occupation Master of Evocation & Abjuration
Nationality Covanian
Affiliations Remon's Academy

While born in Oxtrad his family moved to Covania when he was still young, taken in by the marvels of magic Owyn worked his way to becoming a Master at Remon's Academy the most prestigious arcane society in all Mor-Thir. His age is showing and he leans into the classic long white beard and pointed wide brim hat.

Race Half-Elf
Occupation Spy
Nationality Meshelan
Affiliations Blackfyre

Boots' birth name has been scrubbed from history and as a spy Boots prefers it that way, loyal to Blackfyre he established the first foothold in Covania and Mor-Thir for the guild.

Ansley Grimm (Maleny Rigsm)
Race Half-Elf/Tiefling
Occupation Master of Information
Nationality Covanian
Affiliations Torment of Claws

Maleny was born a criminal due to the outlawing of tieflings as such she grew up in the shadows, inducted into Blacklist she gained freedom and sought to join the Torment of Claws, discarding the name Maleny and taking up Ansley in its place, rising the ranks she became the Master of Information.

Worldly travel

Sarren Luhana
Race High Elf
Occupation Court Wizard (formally)
Nationality Covanian (outlawed)
Affiliations Blinding Spear
Stories Sarren's Gambit

Sarren strove for power, making a pact with a hag to gain it he quickly learns the lesson for the importance of words, his redemption to become better takes him through hells5) and devastating loss to become one of the greatest wizards of this age.

Race ?
Occupation ?
Nationality ?
Affiliations ?

Race ?
Occupation ?
Nationality ?
Affiliations ?

1) , 4)
Draw Steel
Not actually a King
He does not like this fact
  • user/kyledot.txt
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by Kyle