Raishin Uvasteen Moltenclaw
Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] Fizbane's Treasury of Dragons
[5] Unearthed Arcana 85
[6] MCDM Vol 14
[7] Unearthed Arcana D&D:One
[8] Homebrew
Name / Titles: | Raishin Uvasteen, DracoZerker |
Class: | Beast Barbarian Astral Monk Draconic Sorcerer |
Species: | Draconic Giant |
Nationality: | ![]() |
Home: | - |
Character Information
Background: | Outlander |
Born: | 4th Monday, Firewane |
Alignment: | True Neutral |
Languages: | Common Giant |
Tools: | Carpenter's Tools, The Flute |
Gear: | Simple weapons Short swords |
Saves: | Strength Wisdom |
Profession: | Manual Labor. Body guard Hired Muscle |
Affiliation: | Monastery of the Astral Monks |
Faith: | - |
Physical Description
Type: | Giant |
Height: | 11.3ft / 347cm |
Weight: | 582ibs / 264kg |
Size: | Large (2×2) |
Complexion: | Red |
Markings: | Dark Red |
Eyes: | Black with Golden iris |
Hair: | Black |
Gender: | Female (She/Her) |
Mother: | Munglinu Uvasteen |
Father: | Kalithak Moltenclaw |
Brother: | TBA |
Adoptive-Mother: | Magie |
Adoptive-Father: | Berk |
Children: | - |
Other Quirks
Favorite Food: | - |
Favorite Drink: | Shasta 1) |
Games: | Tests of Strength |
Hobbies: | Wood Carving |
Sexuality: | Heterosexual |
Music: | Flute |
Stories & Campaigns
Raishin's First Job: | Personal Story |
The Workshop Watches | Player Character |
Whispers of the Wilds | Player Character |
Level | 12 (6 Monk) (1 Sorcerer) (5 Barbarian) | Base Score 78 of 108 |
Init | Speed | Prof |
+1 | 55ft | +4 |
Health | Armor Class | P.Perception |
71 | 21 | 18 |
25(+7) | 12(+1) | 18(+4) |
7(-2) | 18(+4) | 8(-1) |
Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat
Acrobatics (Dex) | +1 | Medicine (Wis) | +8 |
Animal Handling (Wis) | +4 | Nature (Int) | -2 |
Arcana (Int) | -2 | Perception (Wis) | +8 |
Athletics (Str) | +17 | Performance (Cha) | -1 |
Deception (Cha) | -1 | Persuasion (Cha) | -1 |
History (Int) | -2 | Religion (Int) | -2 |
Insight (Wis) | +8 | Sleight of Hand (Dex) | +1 |
Intimidation (Cha) | -1 | Stealth (Dex) | +1 |
Investigation (Int) | -2 | Survival (Wis) | +8 |
Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill
Spell/Ability Modifier
Ability: | Charisma |
Save DC | Modifier |
11 | +7 |
Molten Claw, Father of Fire, Raishin Uvasteen, All names the great Red Dragon is known by. Raishin is a dragon of fiery crimson scales far larger than a typical dragon. She is a calm and firm Dragon, The complete opposite of wat adventures would expect of a Red Chromatic dragon.
Where one would expect to find greed and malice, Raishin is wise and protective. Offering stories and information to weary travers who find her monastery and are brave enough to approach.
Adopted by a simple farming family as a baby then abandoned during her teenage years. Loosing the only family she cared about a younger step sister.
Raishin has spent most of her life in the mountain forests on the edge of Oxtrad and Covania's borders.
Journeying most of Covania's northern lands as well as the peaks of Oxtrad where she met Goliath who taught her much of their heritage and treated her as part of the community.
Her true Father's flesh perished some hundred years ago but his soul found seat by grafting itself onto Rasihin's. The soul of Kalithak calling itself Father to Rasihin, Granting her great power at the cost of her morality and emotions.
Her time at the Astral Monk Monastery was spent training and mastering her Father's influence. Kalithak's malicious astral energy was brought under control. Learning to leash her so called “true” Father. It has helped in more ways than simply calming her emotions, Kalithak has begun to have simple conversations with Raishin and opens up to her on occasion. Kalithak's ruthless nature is quenched by the quiet and calmness of Raishin's mind.
During her time at the Monastery she met a long time friend known as Balore. They shared much of their training together having similar types of corrupted Ki to master. After the Monastery's destruction Rashin lost contact with Balore and has not seen him since.
Raishin was found by a traveling merchant who offered her food and money if she were to accompany him to Reton's new Nation which she accepted craving the thrill of a journey. See Raishin's First Job for more details.
Reaching Reton she took a job in Mulburg for an experimental arcane lab. the job went south with Rasihin ending up further north.
On appearance Raishin is a Goliath several feet higher that others of that kin, Betrayed this look her horns, claws, tail and other features giving her a draconic look. Monster is what most call her.
The Astral soul of Her Dragon father manifests itself when she unleashes the power. Appearing as ethereal draconic arms Or the full upper torso of the Red Dragon further showing his full ethereal form when Raishin has truly lost control. Willingly or not.
During her years alone Raishin could never settle down in towns or cities, driven out because of her appearance. Living in isolation for many decades. She ages slowly, Her inheritance to blame.
Its only in the past few years Rasihin has joined society. People of today being slightly more tolerable but only just.
Raishin is a natural fighter. Her build and savage nature lead her to be a fierce warrior. She studied the ways of stillness and will power over the mind in a isolated monk monastery but even there her time was short lived.
Today Raishin has her beastly rage almost under control and has started a long life wish to see the world and be a part of the mortal world, Starting her long journey through Covania to reach Reton where she hopes to find her long lost sister.
Magic Markings
Raishin is covered from horns to tail in what seem to be traditional Golaith Minear2) at first glance, But any Goliath and those who study their culture will recognize that the markings are not natural. A taboo among Goliath culture is tattooing or changing your markings in any way.
The Markings done by a Stone giant who knew Raishin's Mother. She found the Giant guarding a cave during her journey through the fiery borderlands though what was Gavlian guarding?
History & Origins
Raishin's heritage is one as old as time. a Classic story of love and adultery. One of the oldest conflicts in Felwind between Giants and Dragons would somehow find a moment of love, or perhaps it was less humble lust.
A Storm giant by the name of Muliginu and a Red Dragon known as Kalithak met together in an unlikely time. The details of what happened are unknown but the result was a child, Of Giant and Draconic blood. She was named Raishin Uvasteen, Meaning 'Storm Mountain Warrior' in the Giant language. But parents in name alone, Raishin was abandoned soon after birth and she would not have contact with her parents again until their death.
Her childhood is not worth dwelling on, A Foster child resembling some demonic race during the height of the oppression that came after the end of the Ashlem War Raishin was lucky she survived, Perhaps it was due to the power of her heritage she was able to keep herself safe.
At a young age she left her 'home' in Covania, Traveling far north through Ashlem Rise and accross the desert to live alone in the wilderness of Vylanna Forest
Often considered rude and uncouth among civilized folk, outlanders have little respect for the niceties of life in the cities. The ties of tribe, clan, family, and the natural world of which they are a part are the most important bonds to most outlanders.
Life in the big city
The uh…men…women..children..many seem to chase the coins…and other shiny objects. I have learned they are used as trade…a way for everyone to trade items. you trade coins for items you want, or tasks you want done that you are not able to do yourself. Coins are like food to the people, you need coins to survive.
I haven't needed coins until I started my journey, it was a simple thing to grasp, i asked for coin and man gave me task to complete in exchange for coins.
trading coins for food and shelter is much easier than finding it myself in the forest. I have also learned that what i have learned while on my own is highly desired by other people like me….adventures they call themselves so it has been easy for me to find tasks for coins.
People are confusing
I understand the coins but the people themselves, some are kind, some are ruthless, some are painful to be around and some helpful, I seem to get….disrespected…at least that's what I have been told…people saying or doing things based on how I look, they think they can take advantage of me, they think i am simple I show them I am a threat and like the angry owlbear or the hungry Baskelisc I am not to be treated lightly. This is how i learned of people with weapons called….Guards…I am told Guards are there to prevent people from killing each other, and if you disobey them then you can get in trouble with a thing called the Law. My old boss got me out of trouble with the Law a while ago, i make an effort to follow his example.
A simple life or a Fulfilling Life
Who I am cannot stay as I wish. The trees, creatures and wind are all set in stone, every morning they rise to forage for food and every night they find a safe place to sleep, but people have managed to find more to life than that.
My parents not only abandoned me but my youngest sister also, I am not sure where she is but I will walk through the abyss, travel through each circle of hell and march upon the gods ground to find her.
True Father, Kalithak
Father and I have slowly been working on our..uh..talking. he whispers in my head constantly about people he finds unworthy or food. his disgust for most people is only matched by his hatred for Giants. he never talks about mother even when I ask. his power is…all consuming. channelining it I feel his unbridled rage threatening to consume my mind. his aura manifests his presence often appearing to me late at night to talk to me face to face.
I never had a proper education, numbers, planning and writing are far from my strongest suites.
Stone Giant Gavlain
During my time in the Fiery Borderland I met Gavlain, A true Giant said to have known my true mother. I pressed him for more details but he said he was solemn oath sworn only to reveal her name. Munglinu Uvasteen, The Cloud Giant. It was hard to believe but made more sense the longer I pondered. Kalithak never called lies which only strengthens the truth.
Gavlain told me much of the Giant's culture, My culture. he also gave me several gifts saying they were from my True Mother.
Learning & Living as Goliath
My first journey outside of Covania's borders was a true test. Through the scared land of mountains and ash. across the swirling sands that moved as it it were water and into the bitter cold of the north, That only turned harsher the further north I traveled. if it were not for the tribes of Goliath I may have not survived.
At first I was not permitted inside the camp. they set up a few tents just outside their walls for me and a caretaker. They did not speak, They seemed friendly if afraid. as if I was danger. a few days past. With their supplies I tended to my wounds and filled my belly.
On the Third sunrise the elder approached and spoke. telling me that I was danger, taboo, Something they did not completely understand. He knows I mean no harm, But by being here I may bring harm nonetheless. I did not speak, the weight of their culture was heavy and I knew that if I were to make my own way, only enemies I would find.
Yet as I prepared myself for leaving the elder invited me to follow him. I confused for a while but I dare not refuse.
Walking through the camp I couldn't help but observe the Goliath here. I saw some hauling large creatures I later knew as 'Saber Hounds' and others tending to tents, harvest and cleaning. the ground here seemed warmer and snow cover was minimal.
Many children came to visit and touch, as if I was a great attraction to be observed a prize to be adored. while some children were hurried away by their parents others seemed to gawk with them. I was still far taller than any member of this tribe but it was nice that most were close enough to not strain my neck.
Whispers of the Wilds
Loosing Arno
That hidios laughter echos in the dining chamber. Splat splat, The sound of Arno's blow after blow bludgeoning his once father again and again, Pained grunts with each swing, Arno's fist a bloody broken mess but he keeps going.
The party watch on in horror, At first supportive but it seems to have gone to far, No one is sure how or if its right to stop this.
The Howling blizzard beating against the cold stone walls as the flames of torches flicker with each punch. The Hag's mocking smile felt like it hung overhead as they watched thier companion break down. Arno's Father now unrecognizable, a bloody bruised mess. Anaise catches tears rolling down Arno's face amongst the blood and shadow and cries out “ARNO STOP PLEASE”
Like a cold snap the room shifts as Arno stops mid swing, as if awoken out of a trance of vile anger and sickening hatred. The shadow of esteem draped over Arno like a hideos cloak, Whispers could be herd coming from Esteem but not audible to the rest of the party.
Arno stands up rasing his father with him. the stump of his right arm chopped and bleeding. he utters words in an uncanny calm voice.
“I'm Leaving with my Dad, We have somewhere to go”
With that he heads towards the exit dragging his dead along. The party are stunned unable to act right away, Not until he is out of sight do they move. “Wait, ARno. DOn't! come on! what's going on! why are you going! ARNO!?” all their voices echoing behind him but Arno dose not halt or even look back. The Shadow Esteem keeping the part from getting to close.
Outside Arno doesn't even feel the tearing cold of the blizzard. approaching the bridge Raishin sitting there, relegated to outside due to her size. She tilts her head “Arno?” puzzled. Seeing the rest of the party shortly after in their commotion Raishin's tone changes from confusion to panic and worry.
“A Arno? whats going on? where are you going?” With no answer as the Drow marches past her out into the dark blizzard Raishin reaches to grap him but the shadow Esteem stops that advance.
The party gather at the edge of the bridge. They have ceased calling merly watching as their comrade, their friend disappears into the dark blizzard. They watch on in horror powerless to stop him. They loose sight of him. Minuets pass without a word, Tears fall and soft sobbing is hears against the unforgiving howl of the Blizzard. Out of all his friends, Raishin seems most taken back. she stands still as a statue as boiling hot tears stream down the dragons face. All the power she has and was unable to help her friend.
Their is silence amongst the party as they stay at the bridge looking out into the Blizzard, some stay thier for hours with a small glimmer that he may come back like a shining sun through the Darkness.
That would never happen, Arno is gone.