Anaise Welington

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Name Anaise Welington
Race Fey Dragon (Dragon)
Gender Female
Nationality Fey-Wild

Character Information

Class ?
Born ?
Alignment ?
Affiliations Remon Academy
Welingotn Family
Whispers of the Wilds
Profession Performer
Trouble Maker

Physical Description

Height: 147cm \ 4.8ft
Weight: 63kg \ 138ibs
Size: Small (1×1)
Complexion: Light Pink
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Dark Pink
Details: Moth Wings & Antenna


Partner: -
Father: Zelor
Mother: Annabell Welington
Siblings: Galatea Griffith
Lidica Welington
Velvin Welington
Niece/Nephew: ?


(Class A 0)
(Class B 0)
Ability Scores
Saving Throws
Acrobatics (Dex) +0 Medicine (Wis) +0
Animal Handling (Wis) +0 Nature (Int) +0
Arcana (Int) +0 Perception (Wis) +0
Athletics (Str) +0 Performance (Cha) +0
Deception (Cha) +0 Persuasion (Cha) +0
History (Int) +0 Religion (Int) +0
Insight (Wis) +0 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +0
Intimidation (Cha) +0 Stealth (Dex) +0
Investigation (Int) +0 Survival (Wis) +0


Save DCModifier
CantripsSpell 1
Spell 2
1st lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
2nd lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
3rd lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
4th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
5th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
6th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
7th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
8th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
9th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2

Spell Slots

1st lvl2nd lvl3rd lvl
4th lvl5th lvl6th lvl
7th lvl8th lvl9th lvl

Character: Anaise, the Bard of Creation

Race: Elf (Fey ancestry) Class: Bard (College of Creation) Background: Noble Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance: Anaise is a pink-skinned elf with a petite stature, resembling a rosy maple moth. . She has striking yellow antennae and pink hair, making her easily noticeable in any crowd. A white swirl in her fringe represents her aging after using a cursed item. Her eyes gleam with mischief and confidence, reflecting her spoiled upbringing in the wealthy realms of the Feywilds.

Backstory: Anaise hails from a tremendously wealthy family in the Feywilds, where her father Xelor doted on her excessively. This upbringing has made her egotistical and manipulative, accustomed to getting what she wants. She discovered her talent for bardic magic at a young age, particularly in the School of Creation, where she excels in crafting magical toys and puppets that she commands in her performances and battles


Egotistical and Manipulative: Anaise is used to being pampered and tends to manipulate others to achieve her goals, using her charm and wit to bend situations to her advantage. Creative and Artistic: She has a natural knack for creating magical toys and puppets, which she uses both as companions and as tools of command in battle. Secretive Fey Dragon: Anaise harbors a secret about her lineage—she is also part Fey Dragon, which grants her unique abilities and a deeper connection to the Feywilds. Obsession with Cursed Items: She has a fascination with cursed items and hoards them in her collection, often experimenting with their powers despite the risks. Skills and Abilities: Anaise has her mother's touch and can also tailor clothes and other accessories

Bardic Magic: Anaise primarily uses her flute to channel her bardic spells, though she is proficient with various other musical instruments including the lute, violin, harp, drums, and piano. College of Creation Features: Her bardic abilities focus on conjuring magical creations, enhancing her puppetry skills and enabling her to manipulate the battlefield with her creations. Fey Dragon Heritage: This heritage grants her innate magical abilities and a unique understanding of Feywild creatures and landscapes. Goals: Anaise desires power and influence, seeking to expand her wealth and collection of magical artifacts. She uses her creations and manipulative skills to gain followers and command attention wherever she goes, aiming to carve out her place of dominance in both the Feywilds and beyond.

Quirks and Interests:

Toy Crafting: She spends much of her free time crafting magical toys and puppets, each imbued with unique abilities and personalities. Musical Talents: Beyond combat and manipulation, Anaise finds solace and joy in playing a variety of musical instruments, using music as a tool to charm and mesmerize others. Cursed Item Collection: Her collection of cursed items fuels her curiosity and desire for power, though it often brings unforeseen consequences. Anaise's journey is one of ambition, manipulation, and creative mastery, blending her privileged upbringing with her innate talents and dangerous obsessions. Her path through the realms is marked by her relentless pursuit of power and the secrets of her Fey Dragon heritage.

A young Fey-Dragon with ambitions to rule the world. devious and mischievous she believes her mother a lesser dragon due to what she gave up. She is very self motivated having little time for friends or family unless its messing with them to prove her dominance.

Her day to day life is dictated by those around her, In the sense who is on offer to mess with. Butting into other people's business and being an all around bratty princess is her day job. A suck-up to her father letting her get away with most of the shenanigans pulled on her younger sister and mother.
When not causing problems on purpose, Anaise spends her time practising her performance in her small theatre that she has all to herself which she has been locked in on multiple occasions. Her music is always upbeat , party like and loud , much to her fathers distaste.

Shipped off to Collage
Her family could only stand so much of Anaise's antics until eventually it reached a breaking point. Her father enforcing his authority and enrolling Anaise in one of the most established arcane schools in all of Felwind, Known as Remon Academy Her Tuition has been paid for and lodging has been sorted. With a god-complex and a bratty attitude, She has made it clear she intends to cause problems on purpose. Hopefully with some discipline and schedule the academy can iron out the issues and straiten up Anais into a tolerable young lady and strong wielder of the Arcane arts. Cause only punishment awaits her back home if she fails her classes.

But before she made it to the mortal plane her mother intervened.
Annabell: You idiot you can't send our daughter there! they will kill her as soon as they find out she is a Dragon. I doubt with her pride she could hide that knowledge very long!

Xelor had infact enrolled Anaise in the worst possible academy for a dragon such as herself. Quickly retrieved and brought home. Now the hunt is on for a less Dragon hating country that holds a place for Arcane study. There are rumours of a place called Raveneye University however the collage's exact location is unknown to the public.

A deal with a hag
Although being shipped off to a college may have been punishment to Anaise, she was rather excited to go . Wanting new subjects to torment and a chance to experience the mortal plane seemed thrilling . When she was rescued , disappointment struck her hard. A feeling she was not used to at all. Angry , she rebuked her dragon side and blamed her mother even more.

Her great anger and sadness stirred a nearby hag to visit her dreams and make a deal with her . “oh Sweetieee . I can take that pain away. You may go to college yet” Anaise agreed and woke that morning without her tail , horns or draconic name. She was free.

Unsure of this outcome , Anaise was confused. but she used it as an opportunity to proclaimed that day that she could go back to the college as she was rid of her dragon form but instead of cheering her on , Xelor angrily sent her out into the feywilds to get it back . When she heard of a group going after the hags she followed closed and eventually joined them.

  • character/anaise.txt
  • Last modified: 13 days ago
  • by Cinder