Galatea Griffith Decota

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Unearthed Arcana 39 - Feats for Races
[3] Unearthed Arcana 78 - Draconic Options
[4] Volo's Guide to Monsters
[5] Xanathar's Guide to Everything
[6] Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
[7] Homebrew

Name / Titles: Galatea Griffith Decota
Class: Fey Wanderer Ranger
Luna Sorcerer
Species: Crossbreed Dragon
Nationality: Retonite
Home: -

Character Information

Background: Inheritor
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common
Tools: -
Gear: Simple & Martial Weapons
Light & Medium Armour, Shields
Saves: Strength
Profession: Map-Maker
Travel Guide
Desert Rescue
Affiliation: Map Master's Association
Decota Family
Faith: Lathander

Physical Description

Type: Dragon, Beast
Height: -
Weight: -
Size: Large (2×2)
Complexion: Ash Black Scales
Dull Orange Feathers/Fur
Eyes: Cherry Pink
Mane: Cherry Pink
Gender: Female


Partner: -
Mother: Chaos Decota
Father: Teo Hazzak
Siblings: Paprika
Honoshin 'Yonari'
Minteah 'Creame'
Folgo 'Chip'
Ginger 'Snappy'

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: -
Hobbies: -
Sexuality: -
Music: -

Stories & Campaigns



Level 5
Base Score:
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
17(+3) 16(+3) 18(+4)
9(-1) 16(+3) 8(-1)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

Dragon Form Stats

SizeSpeed Flight
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
10(0) 10(0) 10(+0)
10(0) 10(+0) 10(+0)
+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Wisdom
Save DC Modifier
00 00

Her spunky nature is often the cause of unwelcome situations. Very proud and arrogent Galatea has ended up on many people's bad books, Some events end worse than others. The turning point when she rubbed a powerful wizard the wrong way who ended up cursing her, Permanently changing both gender and species so that Galatea was unable to simple run and hide when words landed her in hot water.

A woman dragon in her early twenties, Galatea has made a small name for herself in more isolated communities. Dubbed Guiding Galatea by the few who use her service more than once

Adventuring has always been part of Galatea's life, With the ability to fly she has been traveling further than ever before, Learning the land of Mor-Thir from the air has given her knowledge most other adventures do not. Able to then sell that information as maps or guide services making a decent livable wage. Though her personality has not improved leaving many a customer unlikely to recommend her service further.

Though she wasn't always a Dragon or a Woman, Galatea has adapted to the change with enthusiasm. It sure comes with its share of boons and flaws but a new way of life has done little to temper her pride, if anything its only tempered it.
A Unique species of Dragon, A Cross-Breed between a Dragon and what ever furry species she was before, No official tile has been given just yet. Some have dubbed her a Fuzzy Dragon, Not very imaginative and more just a description of her appearance.
Galatea's original body was a simple Tabaxi which has had the side effect of fur growing on parts of her body were scales have not, Her wings rather than being bare webbed flesh as most dragons are covered in incredibly tough and large feathers. Most Dragons have a pair of strong horns but her horns are quite small and hidden by her mane. More obvious are her large pointy animal like ears.
In the end a rather unique species but due to her fluffy exterior most encountering her for the first time are less likely to flee.

Still with her heart set on finding where the Giants went but now with a more positive outlook. She has started studying their rune magic and combining it with her draconic blood, Which has lead to interesting results.

Map Maker Galatea
With her unique situation Galatea had trouble finding suitable work. Approaching other people had to be done delicately, Unlike other Dragons; Galatea had no way to Shape-Change and so had to take her true form to interviews.
It was made obvious quickly that conventional jobs were not going to suite. So Galatea would look for more isolated work, Such as a Travel guide. Her ability to fly and familiarity with Oxtrad's landscape she offered her services as a guide through the Nation's deserts and tundras.

Rescue in the Desert


Galatea lived a simple life with her family. Strong willed, courageous and always ready to explore. when she came of age she joined the local guards as a trainee, keeping the peace in her small town of Needlewood located in Wyncook Plains. she had loving parents part of a very large family she is one of fourteen brothers and sisters.

Her fascination with giant and inherently her dislike for Dragons began during her time working in the Town Guard. With access to her own funds what didn't go to the homestead was used to purchase old lore books from the local and traveling merchants. Her almost radical views on Dragons were quickly curbed around the family home while her love of Giants was encourage. This would all be turned on its head in her future. Lady fate being a fan of Irony. When her arrogent personality crossed a powerful wizard who decided to teach her a permanent lesson.

The life adjustment has been sever, running away from home the night it was revealed and spending almost a year living on her own, subject the the hatred she once had for creatures just like her. a huge wake up call.
There was many stages Galatea went through. For the first week she was convinced it was some sort of illusion spell or bad dream she couldn't wake up from. after that she spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to stop or reverse the changes that were happening, Believing it was a curse or mutation that a Cleric could cure.
The main thing driving her forward was the fascination with Giants she had brewed a few years earlier. Giants and Dragons are known to be sworn enemies but as Dragon Galatea still wanted to know more about them.
Today Galatea has mostly accepted this new life suddenly thrust upon her. Returning to her Mother who taught her everything on being a Dragon, from Hoard to flight, Magic to hygiene. Over the next few years the changes completed and Galatea was a far different creature from a few years ago.


Part of the Decota Family

Joining the Town Guard
Soon after joining the town guard Galatea started to brew some fascination with Giants. The lore, knowledge, culture, Rune magic and where they all went. through this she learned of the great wars between Giants and Dragons that happened many many thousands of years ago, Sparking a hatred for dragon kind.

Long Distance Love
Not long after joining the guard he met Vivian A mysterious women of elven appearance. They hit it off rather quickly and the love that blossomed whisked him away to the Feywilds Where Vivian reveled herself to be a Fari-Dragon.

Change and Transformation
Time works different in the Feywild. Years there were weeks at home. 'Cherry's time in the Feywild Changed him dramatically. becoming some hybrid of Tabaxi and Dragon as well as a hybrid of man and woman's. The change was rather quick compared to the time it took to mentally adjust to new biology. But with his love Velvin's help they got through it. 'Cherry' decided to give herself a new name in 'Galatea' however she is still called Cherry by his mother and father which he doesn't mind.

Family and New Carnival In Town
After change came a family and a wedding. They have had several kids together with more planned. Velvin expanded her little corner store and managed to acquire the Witchlight Carnival.

Map Master and Desert Rescue Scam
With Family and life settling Galatea begain to make more frequent trips into the mortal world again. Taking up a position at the Map Master's Association delivering mail and charting maps in the deserts of Oxtrad.
Its here that she started a small side hustle of Desert guide and rescue. for a hefty price she would rescue those caught in the deserts shifting sea of sand.

Galatea has inherited something far more valuable than any mere coin or jewel, Blood, Body and soul of Dragon kind. something that she must carry with her forever, into the afterlife and beyond then still. Given a great gift or curse, depending on how you view it.
Bestowed upon him by the magics of the Feywild an act of a powerful hag or some twisted Fey's idea of a joke its unclear the exact cause. in a world that dose not look favorable upon Dragon kin life may have become more difficult but it has opened up to more possibilities than she could ever dream.
Nobody is expected to believe her story but its happening and she can't wait to turn the page.

Inner Thoughts

Seeing things from new Angles
My life has taken quite a strange dramatic turn in such a short time. I feel it so surreal and dream like at times. a humble Tabaxi now some odd crossbreed of that and Dragon. Mother and father to children, Husbanded and wife to my wonderful Velvin. its all a bit much at times and very awkward to explain to more simple minded people.

My Determination is Unshakable
Despite everything that's happened recently I still have my goal in site, I want to find the Giants. I still have many questions, i wonder if…. how they will see me, as a dragon coming to them to ask about history, it worries me that they may reject me.
The thought has crossed my mind that i have little leads and there is a chance that the Giants were in fact just a story all along, but thinking like that will get me no closer to finding out the truth, i am sure there is great significance in my goal. But before even that I gotta find my parents and burry them.

Strength for the lonely times
I don't like to brag….actually that's a lie, I do…I am strong and with my dragon blood I am a fierce fighter, i need no weapons or armor, just a few accessories and a target. I like to prove my worth wherever I can, being as short as I am people are quick to underestimate me, how I love to show them otherwise.
The stronger I get the better, its nice to rely on a group of adventures but I want to carry my own weight so when push comes to shove im not left high and dry.

Mischief is Contagious
I can't help but wonder if the mischief I make in the Sand sea stems from living among the Fey for too long?

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