Wyncook Plains

The Wyncook Plains is a region in East Reton, Ruled by Prince Michel Walterus and Duchess Rosa Lawson

The region as per its namesake is mostly flat grassy plains with light forrest sprinkled all over the region. Settelments in this area are mostly agriculture based with large farms throughout the region.
Able to supply Reton’s capital as well as be exported east over the Covanian border.

Some Key settelments here are situated on the coast with Swimford and Needlewood being on the north-east and south-west coasts respectively.

Despite being on the border to Covania the region is known for its quiet life. With little monster population the main trouble settlements have in this area are bandits. All the trade routes make it a rather common target for the unsavoury but it has made mercenary work flourish.

Whyncook Plains is home to the various Harvest festivals in Reton. Cooking fares and other national celebrations are often held in QueensTown for all of Reton to attend if they desire. Many skilled cooks and master bakers attend these celebrations for the tournaments that take place to prove their skill upon a national stage.

  • region/wyncook_plains.txt
  • Last modified: 7 weeks ago
  • by Cinder