Draco Slavers: Cult

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The Cult was first formed in the year 0000 when its founder NAMEHERE conducted the first known recording of the 'Draco Litch Ritual' upon a copper dragon. Though at first it seemed this ritual had failed, (it was later discovered to have succeeded.) the founder still marched on with his research and soon the first successfully recorded 'Draco Litch Ritual' was completed.

Draco Litch had been theorized for many centuries before NAMEHERE completed his first attempt and there had been very rare sightings of said Draco Litch throughout history. But this was the first known recording of one being made on purpose and the details of making one recorded in fine detail within The Draco-Slaver Treatise

  • faction/draco_slavers.txt
  • Last modified: 5 weeks ago
  • by Cinder