Gimblehorn Folkor

Name Gimblehorn Folkor
Race Gnome (Scribing)
Class Warlock
Gender Male
Nationality -

Character Information

Born -
Alignment -
Languages Common
Family -
Affiliations Whispers of the Wilds
Faith -
Profession -

Physical Description

Height -
Weight -
Feathers: -
Eyes -
Details: -


(Class A 0)
(Class B 0)
Ability Scores
Saving Throws
Acrobatics (Dex) +0 Medicine (Wis) +0
Animal Handling (Wis) +0 Nature (Int) +0
Arcana (Int) +0 Perception (Wis) +0
Athletics (Str) +0 Performance (Cha) +0
Deception (Cha) +0 Persuasion (Cha) +0
History (Int) +0 Religion (Int) +0
Insight (Wis) +0 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +0
Intimidation (Cha) +0 Stealth (Dex) +0
Investigation (Int) +0 Survival (Wis) +0

It had been a number of years since Gimbelhorn was forced to look upon his Patron. The aight filled him with anger as it normally did but also regret and guilt. Had he only been wiser he could have avoided this whole situation.

A fiend Patron. A tall curvaceous woman with devil like aura. Her pale flawless skin Covered in strange markings Gimbelhorn had no way of understanding. Though she stood over 2 meters tall and had the power to vaporize his soul with a click of the fingers her presence was a bit less intimidating than usual.
“May I offer my congratulations” As Gimbelhorn took a small respectful bow. It seemed his Patron was carrying a child, very far into the cycle it seemed the swollen stomach ruining the edge of intimidation she normally had.

She spoke aloud, her words sharp to the ears like daggers. “Quite my servant, you act only out of your own selfish desire rather than proper respect.”
The woman looked down upon him from her throne. “I have a task for you Gimbelhorn”

She explained the situation to him, she was currently in a bind due to a Hag’s Coven interfering with the laws of the Feywilds, She has recruited aid of some strong adventurers however they haven't been herd from in a while and she has little way of keeping track of them.
“Gimbelhorn, you are to join their ranks and provide assistance. You are also to report to me on their activities once every few nights, Do so in secret they must not know how closely I am watching. You will receive an item for communicating with me directly.”
Gimelhorn nodded silently.

“I will send you to their location now. Make me proud Gimbelhorn and you will be rewarded.”
With a flick of her wrist the Gnome was absorbed in a flash of light and darkness. then appearing a few hundred feet away from a large house. Guess that's where he has to go.

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  • Last modified: 3 months ago
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