Title Detail
Type Arcane School
Sub-Type Academy
Service Study in the Arcane Arts
Location King's Hold, Sunwood
Region Golden Coast, Covania
Owner Grand Master Inawyn
Staff ~25
Students ~300

One of the highest acclaimed Arcane schools in all of Felwind many would claim it IS the Arcane school. The school is open to all who pass the initiation exam and studies every form of Arcane.

(Grand Master → Master → Professor → Teacher → Apprentice)

Grand Master Inawyn
Inawyn has been involved in some capacity with the Academy for the majority of her life, and as an Elf of nearly 800 years old she is the longest serving member even surpassing the founder Grand Master Remon who served for 600 years, however Remon still holds the record for longest held position of Grand Master, but Inawyn is set to take that record in 50 or so years.

Master Eless (Illusion & Transmutation)
The Half-Elf Eless has proven remarkable knowledge beyond her years, she arrived from Athein in Ostrov 55 years ago as a young teen. Only a few years after enrolling in the academy she began teaching and quickly rose the ranks to Professor and then to Master. Since becoming the Master of Illusion & Transmutation she has also gone onto to serve as the King's arcane advisor while maintaining position at the academy.

Master Owyn (Evocation & Abjuration)
Many look to Owyn as the 'sterotypical wizard', and as an old graying human who practices both evocation and abjuration he embraces it, almost leaning too hard into it at times. Many see him as the most approachable of all the other masters and most likely to let 'accidents' slide under the table and unlike other members of the academy isn't afraid to ask for outside help and reward generously. This is the guy you want to strike a deal with whether above the table or under it.

Master Hebaroot (Conjuration & Necromancy)
The Gnome Hebaroot is the newest Master at the academy but still has been there over a decade, while many view necromancy as an 'evil' school of magic, Hebaroot prides himself on showing that death is a natural part of life but also as a way of preserving life. Before Hebaroot there was a large problem of unsanctioned necromancy practice, but since taking up his role and providing proper space to learn and practice, incidents both inside and outside the academy have drastically reduced.

Master Movrag (Divination & Enchantment)
As a Half-Orc, Movrag stands out from her fellow Masters and majority of the academy despite predjudice and hardships, she used the resentment and anger to her advantage, outting those who trying to deceive and manipulate their way into power. A strong believer of justice over law has caused rough patches in her carrer but in the end has prevailed and as such established herself as a respected role model and member of the academy.

Teacher, Cinder Kazrai Stem Application submitted, 3rd Saturday, Seedmoot, Year 12343

Grounds Keeper, Maple From Seedmoot 12336 to Frostwane 12336
Even in a school of magic Remon's Academy still employs a handful of keepers and Teacher aids for mundane work. Tending to gardens and magical mishaps. Often used by teachers as a Guinee pig for demonstration of magical effects. They are fairly compensated.
Maple worked their for a full year picking up some tricks during her stay.

Remon's Academy

Located in King's Hold district of Sunwood, on the Golden Coast of Covania it accepts any and all magically inclined, while initially it was created as an academy for wizards, many arcane practioners and learners will still find great value here. From sorcerers discovering their inner power, paladins & clerics learning best ways to empower their connection, druidic practises, and a couple sparse classes for warlocks to get the most out of their pacts.

Classes are often split into the eight categories or schools of magic; abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation.

  • location/remon_academy.txt
  • Last modified: 16 months ago
  • by Kyle