
Lord King's Council
Classification Capital
Population ~45,000
Demographics View
Location Golden Coast, Covania

Built as a stronghold and during the Dragon Crisis Sunwood against the dragons and location of the final fight. After the victory Sunwood was declared the capital of Covania and was quickly built out and expanded in the following years.

The King's Council is a very select and small group of members that meet to resolve both national and international situations, members are selected on a personal and familiar basis amongst both current members and their public standing. Current members are:

King Jonas Hayton II, no introduction needed, a King's Council requires a King

Advisor: Master Eless, is the primary advisor to the council in matters of both political and arcane. Eless currently holds the position of Master of Illusion & Transmutation at Remon's Academy

Captain: Nikolas, also the Commander for the Paladins of Tyr at the local temple, Nikolas helps with the management and training of the King's Army and to lesser extent to the Sunwood Cityguard.

Resources: Renfry V, Chief Operations Officer for the Gold Alliance, Renfry V manages and tracks the Sunguard's resources and their availabilty. Name something the council requires Renfry will know where it is or who to talk to for it.

Spy: Marcus, little is known about Marcus and the council likes it that way, only calling for his services in desperate times if they are unable to achieve their goal themselves

The King’s hold is easily found from anywhere is the city, one just needs to look toward the two grand structures; Hayton Castle home to the King Jonas Hayton II, and Remon’s Academy largest arcane academy on the continent. You can also find many of the high-end businesses and stores located here, everything from artisan bread to bespoke tailoring. The academy also has a section open to the public which offers magical items and services for those with the coin.

Hayton Castle
Hayton Castle was built upon the cliff shortly after Covania was founded, although it has been damaged and repaired three times in the past, first during the Dragon crisis, and the second and third times during the Ashlem War by both Oxtrad and the Nine Hells. All attempts failing to destroy the bastion of strength and pride of Covania. It is home to the King, his family and courts including the Sunguard, the greatest soldiers in Mor-Thir.

Remon's Academy
Remon’s Academy is the oldest source of arcane knowledge in Covania, founded by Grand Master Remon over 3,000 years ago. The current Grand Master Inawyn maintains the academy alongside Master Eless of Illusion and Transmutation, Master Owyn of Evocation and Abjuration, Master Hebaroot of Conjuration and Necromancy, and Master Movrag of Divination and Enchantment. Those looking to seek out a unique experience in their holiday or as you settle into a new home, I recommend watching Master Eless’ weekly illusion show.

The three gates that guard the city are named after the first three knights to be knighted by the first King of Covania, King Reginald Hayton. These knights were fiercely loyal to the King serving as his most trusted advisors during the Dragon Crisis. The three districts around the gates primarily serve as trade hubs and routes for merchants, adventures, and pilgrims.

Renfry Gate (West)

Renfry Gate is home to the Silver Band, the largest adventuring guild in Covania, their main hub of operations being based in Sunwood but have many chapters throughout the regions of Covania.
The gate is named after Sir Renfry, who during the Dragon Crisis commanded from the front lines, his strength and bravery resulting in the death of four ancient dragons, and over sixteen adult and young.

Lilian Gate (East)

Lillian Gate is home to the free markets, due to a law made in the early days of the city’s formation the district is free from anti-monopoly laws but also free for anyone to make uneven trades, tourists are advised to avoid here.
The gate is named after Dame Lillian who was instrumental in organising Covania’s army and logistics during the Dragon Crisis, her arcane knowledge led to the exploit of weaknesses in a majority of encounters with the dragons.

Lambert Gate (South)

Lambert Gate is home to the Gold Alliance, a collective of wealthy merchants who manage and allow the flow of profitable trade within Sunwood, all shipments big and small get at least a quick check by the Gold Alliance.
The gate is named after Sir Lambert, King Reginald’s closest and most effective bodyguard, dispatching countless dragon cultists that attempted to harm the King, tales say that the King was never harmed, not even by a mosquito under Sir Lambert’s watch.

The Lotus and Tulip districts were named by the first Queen of Covania, Queen Elaine Hayton. Although never confirmed there are two leading theories for the names, first and most simply that the lotus and tulip were her favourite flowers, others report that after a devastating attack during the Dragon Crisis that patches of the two survived and thrived, and that she handed them out to survivors during the recovery.

Lotus Docks

The Lotus docks are home to a private militia known as the Chained Anchors, when you need a job done right or with force that can’t be solved with hiring an adventurer, these are your go to people, they are also the main security force found around the docks, giving the Sunguard the opportunity to maintain order throughout the rest of the city. Many question their role and authority, but my dear traveller, I do not recommend testing first hand.

Tulip Heights & Downs

The Tulip district once the most populous and wide spread district until it was split into the heights and downs around the time of the Ashlem War.
The Heights is holds the largest temple in Sunwood, the Temple of Tyr, God of Justice, Tyr is most followed Deity within the city, closely followed by Lathander the Morninglord, and Waukeen the Lady of Gold.
While it has no major features, the Downs are still the most populous district in the city with densely packed housing and shops, leaving little room for a major construction within the district. A brief warning that many new to Sunwood find the Downs maze like.

The Sprawl

King's Hold

Renfry Gate

Lilian Gate

  • Markets

Lambert Gate

Tulip Heights

Tulip Downs

Lotus Docks

City Officials

Guilds & Businesses

Criminal Organisations

  • town/sunwood.txt
  • Last modified: 13 months ago
  • by Cinder