Gold Alliance

Region Golden Coast, Covania
Members View
Estate(s)HQ in Lambert's Gate

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): E.K.Hedington, Is a male elf who took over as CEO from his father E.G.Bimgethyl, continuing to grow the guilds operations and control over trade in Covania. Hedington is rarely seen in public often only going between the Alliance's HQ and his private residence.

Chief Operating Officer (COO): Renfry Bernhardt V, A direct descendant of Sir Renfry Bernhardt who felled 4 of the 5 royal dragons during the Dragon Crisis, Renfry V oversees the management of trade and resources within the Alliance while also serving on the King's Council as their Resources Manager.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO): Theresia, some say the elf has the hardest job at the Alliance, managing and tracking the flow of coin, dealing with discrepancies and sending the right people to 'rectify' the issues, she devotes her spare time growing the business and starting projects to aid in the goal.

Chief Information Officer (CIO): “V.K.” Vincent Kirsh, His small stature as a gnome should not be under-estimated, his reach for information rivals those of master information brokers. The only barrier to information he seeks is simply a matter of coin, the amount varies but there is always an amount.

Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO): Aubellon, Is an intimidating figure the half-orc towers over most employees and is seen less of a HR role but rather as a military general. She deals with both internal affairs and public relations when needed, but focuses on the strict routine of guard and security.

Established shortly after the Dragon Crisis but was a small guild until around 350 years ago a couple, E.G.Bimgethyl & Milith Ono, took over restructuring the guild into more of a bank that trade guild, the company quickly grew to be the largest in the city and formed close relations with the Covanian Royalty so much so they became the official bank of the nation. With the shift to banking the guild initially hired mercenaries to protect their vaults but after various contracts the line between the Covanian Army, Sun Guard, and Alliance Security began to blur.

  • faction/gold_alliance.txt
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Kyle