
Titles God of Justice
Alignment Lawful Good
Symbol Balanced scales resting on a warhammer
Domains Order, War
Worshipers Judges, Knights, Paladins

Tyr is one of the oldest known gods. His influence and teachings have been around for thousands of years. Order and Justice are concepts that most mortal beings can understand and respect, Especially in the chaotic times of the past.

His Influence began in the nation today known as Griaca. An entire Region in Griaca named in his honour. His words and teachings spread far normally upheld by those in the highest seats of power in the holy world. Judges, Paladins and similar positions normally dedicate their faith to Tyr.

Followers of Tyr are some of the most devoted worshipers of any God, Though with the vast amount of followers who wear his symbol there are quite the few not so devoted. Its often cause of discourse among groups and churches dedicated to Tyr, A sense of elitism by some who believe that their level of total unyielding devotion is the only way to properly honour the God of Justice.
It has left some communities to abandon their public place of prayer, Rather doing it in the security of their own home.

Other Notable
Robert, Hope, Arno, Sir Viktor

  • religion/tyr.txt
  • Last modified: 5 months ago
  • by Cinder