Teo Hazzak

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Mythic Odysseys of Theros
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] Unearthed Arcana 85
[5] Unearthed Arcana: Spells & Magic Tattoos
[6] Hombrew
[7] Unearthed Arcana: D&D One

Name / Titles: Teostra Hazzak
Class: Rune Fighter
Wild-Fire Druid
Species: Leonin
Nationality: Retonite
Home: Teo & Chaos Family Home

Character Information

Background: Laborer
Born: 1st Thursday, Raindown
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common
Tools: Rune crafter's Tools
Gear: Simple & Martial Weapons
All Armor, Shields
Saves: Strength
Profession: Baker's Assistant
Affiliation: Chaos's Bakery
Decota Family
Faith: -

Physical Description

Type: Humanoid
Height: 7.3ft / 221cm
Weight: 319ibs / 145kg
(Muscular, Overweight)
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: Dark Grey, Blue innards (tounge, Inner ear etc)
Texture: Ash Black Fur
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
Details: White Giant Marks on Arms that colour both skin and fur
Gender: Male


Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: Arm Wrestling, Thumb-War
Hobbies: -
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Music: -

Stories & Champaings

Rise of Narkul: Player Character
Christmas 2018 OneShot: Player Character
Curse of Sams Player Character
Meeting an Old Friend: Personal Story


Level 5
(3 Fighter)
(2 Druid)
Base Total
82 of 108
InitSpeed Prof
+035ft +2
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
53 18 00
23(+6) 17(+3) 18(+4)
6(-2) 18(+4) 8(-1)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+3 Medicine
Animal Handling
+6 Nature
-2 Perception
+8 Performance
-1 Persuasion
-2 Religion
+6 Sleight of Hand
-1 Stealth
-2 Survival

Bold Stat = Profficeny in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Wisdom
Save DC Modifier
14 +6

Looking to do great in life Teo is an up and coming Wildfire Druid.
mostly a laborer all his life building up bulk into the grand specimen he is.
people would call Teo more street smart than book smart. Loyal to a fault and willing to protect friends and family without question and a sucker for love/romance. however ask him to explain how the stars work or the dreaded mathematical equation and you'll get nothing but confused stares.
Friends of him may describe Teo as a humble show-off, enough to flex not enough to be annoying. The ultimate wingman very easy going able to approach almost any situation with a positive attitude.

He takes extreme action when it comes to children's safety, being a young father himself he projects his dad duties onto any child that needs help, often treating them as his own until they are safe once again. he is great with kids if a bit clumsy. less than safe games result in some scrapped knees or bruised arms but its all in the name of fun, And Teo will bribe the kids with all sorts of sweet treats in an attempt to keep the shenanigans a secret from the parents. The cool uncle is what he aims to be even to his own kids. His wife Chaos often calls him a 10 year old with 20 years experience.

Teo was once a master in stealth and thievery but when he left that life behind he also left his talents. Today he has become a newbie Druid learning in the ways of a relatively new circle for Mor-Thir Know as wild fire.
Next to this his physical capabilities have lead hi to be a very strong and capable fighter recently learning of long lost knowledge of the Giant's Rune magic.
He blends flaming druid magic with his martial art prowess, creating a strong force on the battlefield and an intimidating presence if not for his childish behavior.
Unnaturally strong due to ancient Giant's magic he aims to solve most of his problems with brawn.

Simi-retired Adventure Teo is looking to finally settle down with his growing family. one or two last adventures to squirreled enough money away for a cozy life out in a isolated town where his Fiancé Chaos may run her Bakery hassle free and their children may grow up without the troubles of war.

Teo and Chaos have started a family together with plans to make it a big one.

His past may come back to haunt him. he has done his best to run hide and bury all he could but knowing his luck its just waiting around the corner.



You have worked as a manual laborer your entire life. You have dirt under your fingernails and never shy away from a little hard work. Most of your time is filled in back-breaking labor, the type of work that keeps merchants and mine owners in business even as it makes you just enough money to get by. It’s a hard life, but it’s toughened you and made you confident in your abilities. Your past marks you as one of the common folk, but all great heroes start somewhere.

Family and Friends
I live for those I surround myself with. My fiancé, My kids, my friends. they keep me going and keep a smile on my face no matter what I am doing. I have been working extra hard recently so that my family can move away to a quieter life. I am almost done. just one or two more adventures and I reckon we will finally be set.
No matter how far I may travel I am always thinking of them, My lovely fiancé Chaos and our Kids, Folgo, Charlie, Kora, Coco and Maple who is on her way. They are my world and the only thing I want to do now is be with them from dawn till dusk.

Being Socially Acceptable
I'm not the greatest at picking social cues, I often just speak what's on my mind, trying to be cheerful or make a bad joke where ever I can. I also have a habit of adding a quip to conversations I'm not part of. I think I come off as annoying or rude, but nobody really has the spine to tell me directly on account of my physic. I have asked a few people if my presence is a bit much but they always say I am fine. I'm not the smartest guy either, I pride myself of knowing what to do…not so much on how to do it.

When Push Comes to Shove
When it comes down to it I put what my family wants before anything. no matter how it makes me look if I got to work for some shady people or commit some questionable duties its all worth it as long as I can provide for my family.
My first line of work as thievery and i will admit I have done quite a few things I am not prod of, but its been beneficial and once I am finished I hope never to do anything like it again.

Rivalry and Insecurity
I know I'm not very intelligent, I struggle with basic gramma and spelling but I don't need some pompous stuck up nerd rubbing it in. I have knocked as few smart mouths around. its possibly my shortest temper.
Those who brag about strength I often challenge to a classic arm wrestle. I am the victor in most cases but when I am not it puts me in a bit of a downward spiral. the one thing I am good at and being out paced by someone else doesn't do well for my head.

Good Friend Bemin
A few years ago I found myself traveling with a strong adventuring group. among them was a Lizard folk by the name of Bemin The Fist. I think we got along well, I am not sure if he ever knew just how much I respected him. He did have a major effect on my life. after the event at Pinga's Monastery I went into Hiding, it was then I really looked at myself and wondered where I would go. I cut all ties i had with Black List Collected what money and valuables I had then left Reton. Eventually after I found myself i returned home and met my Fiancé Chaos. I still have not seen Bemin since we parted ways. I wonder if he ever read my note.

I really don't like magic gateways, they always make me Hurl and you never know when one might freak out or go wrong then BAM, you have had a arm or a leg sliced off. and who knows if they will take you where you want to go?! what if i end up in some hellscape?! so no, no way, there has to be a very bloody good reason for me to willingly step through a portal….like a beholder chasing me *shivers*

Old Ties to Black List

To learn the ancient craft of Rune magic one must learn the language spoke of those who crafted it. Teo over several slow and painful months learned the language of the Giants along side their Rune Magic.
  • character/teo.txt
  • Last modified: 13 days ago
  • by Cinder