Title Detail
Type Retail Store
Sub-Type Bakery
Service Sweet & Savory Baked Provisions
Location Needlewood
Region Wyncook Plains
Owner Chaos Decota
Guests/Employees -

A local bakery located in eastern Reton, In A town called Needlewood. Run by a lustrous plumb Tabaxi by the name of Chaos. Small town bakery, far away from any major cities or trade routes. its a quiet peaceful life far from war.

Simple Pastry 0Gp - -
Cupcake 0Gp - -
Doughnut 0Gp - -
Honey Log 0Gp - -
Éclair 0Gp - -

The bakery operates 4 days a week.
Never open on weekends, Holidays or birthdays of family members.

Open from 7am till 12pm Monday to Thursday

Makes one batch of goods in the morning no new batches till the next day.

Free samples available.

Pre-Order service available but no delivery.

A family home in Needlewood not too far from the town's bakery. Its where the Decota family in needle wood live. the couple Chaos and Teo along with all fourteen of their children.
it started out life much smaller but over the years has constantly been expanded upon by the Decota family that lives there.

With the couple not planning any more kids and some of thier eldest children moving out the house is not set to get any bigger, some rooms have been converted to storage.

even without its sheer size the house if well furnished and even has more modern indoor plumbing.
the Lady of the house Chaos is a humble baker and the Gentelman Teo appears to be a mundane labourer. There is a bit of gossip around Needlewood at how such a seeminly humble family with so many children could afford all these luxuries.

  • location/chaos_bakery.txt
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder