Meeting an Old Friend

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Written by: Sammy

(Harvest 12339)

A bright and colourful day has greeted the the cart men, On his way to Rustiel with a young family as his passengers. The large bulkier Leonin known as Teo, Ash black fur covered the majority of his toned ripped body. It had been a number of years since the incident at Pinga's Monastery, It would be hard to recognize Teo, the once short scrawny Thief now a towering idea of peek physical condition. Teo had grown up both physically and mentally, Leaving the life of crime shortly after leaving the fellowship. he had been cutting ties and tieing up loose ends for almost a year to be free of Blacklist
With him is lovely Fiancé Chaos and 4 children, Deltris, Folgo, Misery and Maple. Maple was in Chaos's arms being fed while Misery sat on Teo's lap. The two boys Folgo and Deltris were towards the back watching the road travel by. Chaos was currently carrying their 5th child originally making Teo want to go alone. however after much debate he eventually caved and made it a family trip.
Chaos, A tabaxi half-bred woman of large proportions, dark complexion with dense red hair and features, Much like her mother save the ears and tail who on Chaos where much more akin to regular tabaxi

Now soon to be married, a father of four with more on the way Teo's life has began to settle. adventuring is traded for a simple family life. and as his mind settled old memories rose to the surface. one in particular of his old traveling companion Bemin

Now the family travels south through Reton see Bemin Once again.

Reton had changed during his years away. From the stories and news Teo learned that a rebellion had taken place and seemed victorias. A new nation called Greyhawk Taken the southern tip of Reton and declared independence. The reactions were mixed but generally seemed favourable, At least from Teo's small point of view.

Arriving in Rustile the family disembarked. Teo helping Chaos down treating her like a large delicate flower.
The cart men couldn't take them directly to Pinga's Monistary for unknown reason, Simply saying “You will understand when you see it”
Misery called out drawing the families attention to the huge landmass seemingly floating in the sky.

  • story/meeting_old_friend.txt
  • Last modified: 13 months ago
  • by Cinder