Yian-Ti Naga: [4]
Yuan-Ti have a wide spectrum of differing sup-Species. Naga's are very rare creatures resembling great serpents, the purest form of the serpent ilk that Yuan Ti Belong too. they are very rarely ever seen on the mainland of Mor-Thir aside from monsters lurking in dungeons or abandoned ruins. it is unknow how many reside in the nations of Ostrov. Naga's have been seen living in the promised archipelago, far from most nations and people that would see them as mindless monsters.

  • Ability Score:
    Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • Creature Type:
    Your classified as a Monstrosity and Divine.
  • Lifespan:
    Like humans, Naga reach adulthood in their late teens. They show no signs of aging beyond that point except for growing larger, so in theory, a Naga could live well over a century.
  • Alignment:
    Most Naga are either neutral or neutral evil in alignment.
  • Size: [7]
    Your size is Huge. Huge characters have a few things to consider when playing, several restrictions and benefits as listed bellow.
    • Armor: You can’t wear armor made for creatures smaller than you by normal means.
    • Hit Dice: Your Hit Die increases by two steps.
    • Range Self: The area of effect for your features, traits, the properties of magic items you wield, and spells you cast that have a range of self is reduced by 5 feet in all dimensions (to a minimum of 5 feet).
    • Extra Avaling Arms: Weapons designed for Medium creatures are useless to you being far too small to use effectively. Weapons must be designed to be used by a larger creature such as yourself. Further more you have a 2nd pair of arms that can be used in the same manner.
    • Strength in Size: you gain a +5 to your strength checks, Athletics and saving throws.
    • Cover less: terrain that would grant a medium creature 1/2 or 3/4 cover grants you no cover.
  • Speed:
    Your base Slithering speed is 20ft
  • Languages:
    You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.
  • Dark Vision
  • Natural Weapons
    Your fanged maw and constricting serpentine body are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes.
    • Bite: If you hit with your bite, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, and your target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, the target takes 1d4 poison damage.
    • Constrict: If you hit with your constrict attack, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, and the target is grappled (escape DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and you can’t constrict another target.
    • Devour:
  • Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison damage and can’t be poisoned.
  • Innate Spellcasting:
    You know the Poison Spray cantrip.
    • You can cast Animal Friendship an unlimited number of times with this trait, but you can target only snakes with it.
    • Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast Suggestion with this trait.
  • You can cast it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Patron Boon
Events transpired, Sacrifices made, and power paid for. Elisia for better or worse has gained power far above a normal mortal affecting her physical appearance and Arcane power. Though not all her newfound abilities are known yet the obvious ones are quick to learn. Classified alike a Demi-Goddess or Patron.

  • Ability Score Boon:
    You gain some additional main stats
  • Classification:
    You gain the Divine classification for abilities or spells used to detect you.
  • Strength in those Eaten:
    Unique ability for Elisia to gain power from those she devourers to a certain limit. To be further detailed with proper mechanics.
  • True Seeing
    You gain true-sight out to 60 feet. A creature with truesight can, out to a specific range, see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them, and perceive the original form of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic. Furthermore, the monster can see into the Ethereal Plane within the same range.
  • Divine Resistance:
    You Gain some resistances and Immunities.
  • character/elisia/species.txt
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Cinder