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Type: Wonderous Item (Book) , Class: Artifact , Rarity: Legendary , Attunement: Required

This is an Artifact Magic item, Standard Artifact rules apply.

Please Note this item has been slightly altered for use outside of Kingdoms & Warfare mechanics. You can find this item in the Kingdoms & Warfare supplement book page 229

Properties Stats
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Source: Kingdoms & Warfare p.229

A creature that attunes to the codex tempestatus and understands its secrets gains the following abilities.

Sky Caller

  • You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. If you already had a flying speed, it is doubled. In addition, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage.
    • The author of the Book of Storms referred to themselves as the Sky Caller. Attuning to the book places you in sympathy with the ebb and flow of cloud and atmosphere, the natural patterns of the air. Consequently, air obeys your thoughts and whims.

Static Shock

  • Whenever you hit a target with a melee or spell attack, you deal an extra 3d6 lightning damage.
  • Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, it takes 3d6 lightning damage.
    • The codex is constantly charged with static energy, and attuning to it passes this quality onto you. Invisible electric currents writhe around you.

Cloud Command

  • Once Per long rest, You choose a location you can see within 30ft of you. you can summon fog or rain in a 5 mile radius for up to 8 Hours. (To end the effect early you must be within 30ft of your designated spot)
    • Attuning to the book opens your awareness to the atmospheric water that permeates even the driest of climates. For you, manipulating the atmosphere is simple.


  • During your turn, Target a creature within 60ft of you. The Target and each creature within 10ft of it must succeed on a (DC15 + Sacrifice result) Constitution saving throw or become stunned until the end of their next turn.
    • The sound and fury of a storm remind mortals just how powerful nature’s wrath is.

Gale-force Winds

  • Once per long rest, you can use an action to conjure violent winds. When you do so, you can chose any number of flying creatures within 500ft radius centered on you, They must make a dexterity saving through at Disadvantage (DC15 + Sacrifice result)
    On a Fail. Creatures are blown to the edge of the 500ft radius in a designated direction, suffering 1D4 Bludgeoning damage for every 10ft traveled. (Maximum of 20d4)
    On a Success creatures take no damage but are still blown away.
    • The winds are yours to command, and you know how to twist them to keep intruders from the sky.

Attunement Requirements
All the codices require attunement, which requires the reader to spend
A MONTH in uninterrupted study

  • of no less than 8 hours per day.
  • 6 days per week.

Once attuned, the owner of the codex need not take the book with them. They can leave it in a secure location and still gain its benefits, but must refresh their knowledge through 8 hours of uninterrupted study once per month or else lose its benefits.

Some of these books require the attuned owner to surrender some of their life essence to satiate the dark powers constrained or described in their texts.
Sacrificing requires rolling some number of Hit Dice, losing that many hit points and the Hit Dice immediately, and reducing your maximum hit points by the same amount. While the effect powered by the sacrifice persists, the lost hit points and Hit Dice cannot be regenerated. When the effect ends, you can heal the damage and recover the Hit Dice normally. If sacrificing Hit Dice causes you to drop to 0 hit points, you fall unconscious and all effects you created end. You cannot sacrifice more Hit Dice than you have. If you must sacrifice a Hit Die to power an effect but you have none, the effect ends.

One of the Incredibly rare and incredibly powerful Codices. as old as the rocks and perhaps even older still.
This tome is bright blue electric text scrawled on material that is best descried as paper thin stone. Flexible yet indestructible. The text zaps and crackles when exposed to the air.

Found: Year 0000
The first Scholars able to record details of the Codex. Though it was lost a few decades later.

Found: Year 0000
One of the first gods of the tempest used this Codex to ascend to their domain.
fair few other Gods of the tempest rose in the coming centuries and soon civil war broke out. The Codex was lost once again during this Tempest war.

Found: Year 12344
Upon the corpse of Auril, The last known Goddess of tempest, Beneath her frozen still beating heart lay the Codex Tempestatus. Found by a party of Adventurers during a long grueling week. None no its true power and it was not the item they were seeking. Only time will tell if they shake their naivety and learn of the Codex's nature.
The party later gave the Codex as well as Auril's Axe to a Silver Dragon called Annabell Welington to complete a deal they had made with her a few months earlier.

When the great sails of the Kingdom of Uthasil spread themselves across the world during the Age of Darkness1), conquering almost every region in Felwind, only two peoples escaped their conquest. One of them, the people of Promise, defended their shores with great storms they seemed to summon at will.
For a decade, the Kingdom’s ships battered themselves against the storms sent against them. Every fleet sank, their hulls ripped apart, their sails burned by lightning. No research, no oracles could reveal the source of this storm mastery. Eventually, the Kingdom ceased its war against the storms, content with the rest of the world.
Three centuries later, a tome emerged written in the runic language of the Promised. It was not a treatise like the other codices, it was a book of rituals, each of devastating power. Scholars theories that the power within this codex granted the Promised the power to withstand the mighty ships of the Kingdom. Though the identity of the author of the Book of Storms remains a mystery.

Year 1000 - 2500
  • item/codices/tempestatus.txt
  • Last modified: 5 weeks ago
  • by Cinder