
Captial ?
Largest City ?
National Languages Language 1
Language 2
Religion Various
Demonym(s) Name-ian, ite, ese
Government Type
Formation Date Event
Population Total 000 More



Foreign Relations


The northern region of the Promised Archipelago. Consists of the long north westers island of promise as well as the smaller islands around.

Great Turtle Island

A Ancient Dragon turtle one of the only known to exist in Felwind lives among the islands of the archipelago. Its size is that of a small island and it migrates every few years to a new location around Promise to begin another cycle of sleep.

Upon the Island is a fortress settlement of warriors and craftsmen. Generations of Dragonborn, Lizardfolk and the exceedingly rare Tortel live here on the Dragon Turtle's back. The settlement named Fortskink.
Around one-hundred people call this settlement home.
Outsiders who come to the island are to do so with utmost caution. For the warriors are likely to attack and kill those they deem a threat. Merchants who are well known to the community offten come on land to trade and barter. Trough these merchants, travlers may hope for a safer visit.

The community have a culture of fishing, hunting and crafting. Only leaving the island for these reasons. Leaving the island permently is treated as a huge deal. normally some sort of going away ceremony takes place but it is not one of celebration or sadness. rather acceptance.

Island of Skarak

one of the two volcanos that lay within Promise's borders. the one isolated form the main land sits on a large island born form its activity over many millennia. Though the mainland volcano lies dormmate this one is still quite active.

Skarak is the name of the Island, The Volcano and the settlement of Dwarves & Gnomes who live on this volcanic rich island. Its here where the infamous Gold Lords Dwell. the leaders of this community having gone Mad with wealth for generations, A curse known as Dragon Sickness were mortal's minds fall victim to vast amounts of treasure tainted with Draconic essence. A Phenomenon that has few recordings in Felwind's history and no known cure.
Despite this the dwarven community still functions somewhat normally when dealing with outsiders. Trade and communication on the surface still operates normally however going deeper into the volcano and you may find yourself in a golden horror house.

Small numbers of Rock Gnomes call this volcano home too, Though as the years go on segregation between the dominate dwarven presence and the Gnomes is getting greater and greater. The Gnomes here trade their services of tinkering ad engineering for portions of the gold the Dwarves mine up.

A separate community settlement of Halflings live on the far side of the island. Where the molten lava is unlikely to reach. Here they are famous for growing bountiful harvests of produce which they trade with the volcano dwelling dwarves and gnomes as well as other savvy traders in Promise


The largest settlement in the northern region of Promise

Baruo's Workshop

Baruo's Workshop (Location/Shop)
A large workshop ready for metal and leather work. a small house is attached to it. Home to the Tortle Baruo. about an hour north of a settlement.

Blood-Hunter Stronghold: Vanahern

The Central Region of Promise consists of the two central islands of promise as well as various smaller islands around


Shindig (Town)
A large town within the central Islands of the Promised Archapeligo. Located within sparse forest and within a few days journey of BLANK. It's here where the Fate's Weave stories are strongest.

Fate's Weave

Fate's Weave (Location)
A mysterious library owned by a Serpent Demi-Goddess, The Library is only a rumour yet almost everyone talks about it.

Nom-Nom Goblin Land

Nom-Nom Goblin Land (Location)
Recently established village of sorts. Goblins built it in honour of their Serpent Empress the rapid advancement may scare some people but the Goblins living here are well manoured if a bit odd. there has been some attempt to establish some sort of trade.

The Southern Region of the Promised Arcapeligo Consisting of the two main southern islands ad the various smaller ones surrounding.

Hub of Promise

The Largest settlement in Promise located on the 2nd most southern island. Bustling with opportunity, trade and adventure. The entier island is under a strict Non-Conflict policy that is heavily enforced by the various factions who have invested into Promises establishment.


Ostermark is the place most people will start off when coming to the promised archipelago. It has the most developed and largets port among the islands and is the only one suitible for all ship sizes.


Sholezdig (Town)
A Town located several days north of Ostermark A relatively newly developed settlement mostly consisting of people trying to make a new life



Literate Goblins Year 12341 Onwards
There have been troubling signs of heightened Goblin activity among the Archipelago. It seems there has been some sort of new creature to Goblins have begun to worship as a new God. Now it doesn't take much for Goblins to treat anything with higher power as a deity but what's worrying about this time is it seems to be most of the Goblin tribes all over the Archipelago and its been going on for several months at this point.

Works depicting some sort of serpent have begun sprouting up around the Goblin camps and adventures even claim that their common has gotten better.


  • faction/promise.txt
  • Last modified: 6 weeks ago
  • by Cinder