Dragon Born

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Dragon-Born are the half-breed offspring of True Dragons and Humanoids. Their very presence holds an air of sandal and allure if not for their generally intimidating appearance. Despite their origins Dragon-Born in Felwind are known for being found all over the land, Often banding together in small social groups within settlements, especially post Ashlem-war when they were Outlawed
Much like their True Dragon heritage the color of their scales often betrays thier personality. There is some debate weather the could of scales affects the personality or vice versa. It is true that a Dragon-Born's Personality affects the sheen and colour of their scales. Its often recorded of Dragon-Born going through a joys time or traumatic time having their scales shift to match their altered perception on life.
During the Outlawed period the number of classified 'Chromatic' Dragon-Born skyrocketed.

A Newer discovery in Felwind has added a new classification of Sub-Species, Being Gemstone Dragon-Born, A few hundred years after the first documentation of True Gemstone Dragons. These Dragon-Born are far harder to pinpoint their personality based on the colour of their scales but a common theme is most are rather reserved and scholarly.

Title Detail
Species Class: Huminoid, Dragon
Population: Common
Homeland/Origin: Realm, Nation Etc
Average Hight: Cm , Feet
Lifespan: Years
Physical Traits: Draconic features
Scales, Tails, Wings, Spikes etc
Source: Content Book & Page Number

Dragon-Born appear as humanoid Dragons as their heritage dictates. They are often very tall and broad with a strong physical presence. Chromatic Dragon-Born, Both Male and Female are commonly picture perfect warriors. With their presence alone able to scare off weaker willed soldiers. While Metallic Dragon-Born have far more elegance in appearance and stature. Its not uncommon to find Metallic Dragon-Born working as exotic partners in pleasure houses.
Their wide variety of colours, horns, patterns and other features is only matched by the wide array of occupations they can be found in. Warriors, Mages, Librarians, Teachers, smiths, Scholars, Laborers, The aforementioned Sex workers, Adventurers, Mercenaries, Soldiers, Anything and everything its not uncommon to find at least one Dragon-Born in the field.

Dragon-Born are more common than you realize in Felwind. Thiroes say that its due to the large amount of True Dragons that call Felwind home. True Dragons often walk among society as mortals and find curiosity in mortal life, Especially metallic Dragons. This Curiosity often leads to some form of lust and very rarely love. Part of this high population is the True Dragon's mortal enemies Jotunbrud (Giants) mostly vanished from Felwind's lands.
Outside of Felwind, Dragon-Born can be scarcely found in the elemental plains.

Covania's History
the nation of Covania found in Mor-Thir despises all Dragon kind and their Kin, Even after the alteration of the outlawed Races its still very dangerous for Dragon-Born to wander around Covania's cities carefree. The best you can hope for is verbal abuse and rotten fruit thrown, The worst a public hanging or forced into slavery, Sometimes even cut up and sold off as fine leather and exotic meats in more extream communities.

Gemstone Dragon-Born
With the discovery of Gemstone Dragons it wouldn't be long after that the first Gemstone Dragon-Born were found. Being somewhere in-between Chromatic and Metallic Dragon-Born in stature their skin is partially covered in naturally growing crystal scales. Its unknown what causes this strange growths but the hypothesis is their aptitude for high arcane environments and diet. They are highly attuned with Psionic powers, A rare power only wielded by select few creatures.

Where are the Tails?
Despite the heavily debated topic it is more common for Dragon-Born to infact not have tails. Some see it as a missed opportunity of divine design while others see it as a much more convenient situation.
However there are Dragon-Born in Felwind that not only have tails but wings also. Simply a roll of the dice on genetics when they are concieved. There is no specific science to it.

DragonBorn Sub Species






  • culture/dragonborn.txt
  • Last modified: 9 weeks ago
  • by Cinder