Ozrelia's home

Type: Character's Home

A gigantic mushroom located deep within the Mushroom Caverns. Hollowed out and made into a large home by the Druid Ozrelia Lockheart

Adventurers approaching the giant mushroom will notice that there seems to be homely attachments to it such as window frames and doorways as well as various trinkets throughout the mushroom as decorations.

If the party doesn't wish to be noticed they will have to succeed on a stealth check to beat Ozrelia's Passive Perception (DC=26)

Any members of the party that fail will be noticed if they are within 80ft of the front door. if the party has weapons drawn spells ready of if any are tieflings Ozrelia will cast mass earthen Grasp trapping the party that fail a dexterity save.

Ozrelia appears very friendly to any adventurer who greets her in kind. unless adventures have a strong reason to enter (Persuasion, Deception Check contested against Ozrelia's Insight check) She will not let them inside. If there is another druid in the party this check is made with advantage.

If convinced Ozreia will show them inside and offer them something to drink. The party is told not to wonder and if caught snooping around Ozrelia will imminently expel the party from her home. if they do not go willingly combat will begin.

  • Ozrelia can be easily swayed to show the party or a party member her garden, Distracting her and allowing the other party members unsupervised roaming of her house. this may also be used to get in the house.
  • Ozrelia will trust the party more if they share information about the Codices allowing them safe passage to the rest of her home. this may also be used to get in her house.

Ozrelia offers the party information on the Codices as well identifying any magic gear the party have for a price (Free for Ranger's and Druids) She will also offer planer travel or escorted passage to the Underdark.
Ozrelia also offers various rare plants for a price or trade for information or items she deems as equal value.

there is a 1 in 12 (1d12 that results in a 12) that Ozrelia will not be home. if that is the case the home is sealed to look like another giant mushroom and the area is swarming with the local mushroom fauna.

The House is relatively Open, All the rooms entrances are visible from the main hall. There is a kitchen and study on the ground floor with Bathroom, Bedroom and recreational room built into various mushroom 'Branches' sprouting from the main body. there is an extensive garden out the back of the house with various rare and unique plants mostly for spell crafting but some for consumption.

There are several paintings hung on the walls depicting Ozrelia with another Aarakocra, Her sister Silky Lockheart


  • location/ozrelia_home.txt
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Cinder