Elisia Kindread
Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] Source: Plane Shift - Amonkhet
[5] WotC Affiliate Homebrew - ThinkDM
[6] Homebrew
Name / Titles: | Elisia Kindred Serpent Empress Divine Serpent |
Class: | Kraken Warlock Storm Sorcerer |
Species: | Yuan-Ti (Mutated Serpent) |
Nationality: | ![]() |
Home: | Fate's Weave |
Character Information
Background: | Librarian |
Birthday: | 2nd Thursday, Firemoot |
Alignment: | Lawful Neutral |
Languages: | Common Draconic Primordial Can Read any type of Writing |
Tools: | Artisan's Tools (Calligrapher Supplies) |
Gear: | Simple Weapons, Light & Heavy Armor |
Saves: | Constitution, Charisma |
Profession: | Fate Weaver Patron |
Affiliation: | Fate's Weave |
Faith: | 'Herself' |
Physical Description
Type: | Monstrosity |
Height: | 15ft (Upright) 40ft (Head to Tail) |
Weight: | 7250kg / 15,980ibs (Over-Weight) |
Size: | Huge (3×3) |
Complexion: | Purple Scales, Orange underbelly |
Texture: | Scales |
Eyes: | Green |
Hair: | n/a |
Details: | 3 extra sets of eyes on upper body |
Gender: | Female (She/Her) |
Partner: | Unknown |
Daughter: | Vip Kindred Kakatine Kindread |
Other Quirks
Favorite Food: | Grilled Salmon |
Favorite Drink: | Highdusk Dark 1) |
Games: | - |
Hobbies: | Reading Collecting Landscape Art |
Sexuality: | Heterosexual |
Music: | Epic Orcastra |
Stories & Campaigns
Curse of Strahd | Player Character |
Life after Brovaria: | Personal story |
Level | 13 7 Warlock 6 Sorcerer | Base Total 94 |
Init | Speed | Prof |
+0 | 20ft | +4 |
Health | Armor Class | P.Perception |
148 | 23 | 22 |
21(+5) | 8(-1) | 24(+7) |
20(+5) | 17(+3) | 26(+8) |
Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat
Acrobatics (Dex) | -1 | Medicine (Wis) | +3 |
Animal Handling (Wis) | +3 | Nature (Int) | +4 |
Arcana (Int) | +8 | Perception (Wis) | +12 |
Athletics (Str) | +3 | Performance (Cha) | +6 |
Deception (Cha) | +6 | Persuasion (Cha) | +10 |
History (Int) | +4 | Religion (Int) | +4 |
Insight (Wis) | +7 | Sleight of Hand (Dex) | -1 |
Intimidation (Cha) | +10 | Stealth (Dex) | -1 |
Investigation (Int) | +9 | Survival (Wis) | +3 |
Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill
Spell/Ability Modifier
A long-lived serpent creature, Most know Elisia as The Serpent Empress either by stories shared around in Promised Archpeligo or by her many appearances around the realm. A Humble Yuan-Ti no longer, Elisia has ascended to higher power, A being most would consider a Patron. A God-like being without having claim to a recognized Domain, Though laying claim to a domain is within her grasp.
A Gigantic Lady Serpent, beautiful, Horrific, Seductive, Gluttonous. Depending on your point of view any of these would fit an adventures description of her.
Deep rich purple scales with a soft bright orange underbelly. Large deep green eyes with multiple sets running down her upper body. She is never seen far without her magic Orbs. Eyes of the Beholders she has slain in an effort to obtain more power. The extra sets she has on her body also remains of Beholders, their power now part of her while the others she wields as a spellcaster would.
Personality wise, Elisia is described as regal and posh. Though a monster serpent her speech is proper and lady like, Her etiquette? high society and very firm, Her attitude? Sophisticated, Fancy, with little time for anything less. Lesser creatures and those that do not refine their manors meet a swift death. Those lucky may receive a well aimed disintegration ray while the less fortunate are devoured whole, their body and soul being added to Ellisia's Exceptional girth.
Following her theme, The Lady Serpent Elisia prefers to use such regal terms when addressing her piers and expects the same in return. Madam, Lady, Empress and similar titles all go over well in winning her fondness. Though even Ellisia falls to such basic temptations.
Food, Jewellery, Books and other sources of knowledge are quick ways to lower her guard. Food being the optimal tough for such a large creature as Elisia you would wat to be prepared. The Lady Elisia is quite portly for a Serpent. Experts would say overweight or even obese. Though it would be unwise to point such things out in her presence.
A Librarian for most of her thousands of years. Elisia has amassed quite possibly the grandest collection of written literature in all of Felwind and the realms beyond. Beings and Creatures from all over the realms and worlds often come seeking the information she has collected. All but a few exceptions are violently turned away. Most of her time is spent in isolation within her library. For a while, Only the Warlocks who are paying their depts play the role of companionship, and most do not wish to be there.
That is until a call for adventure gripped her like an iron vice.
Trips to Demi-planes, battles with fierce dictators, seeking love, becoming a mother and then loosing that love. A short period of Elisia's life that had been far more exciting than the rest of it put together. It had left her changed, Cursed and craving her once simple life for relaxation. As the Patron of Fate, Dreams and Knowledge she had become normality was no longer a possibility.
After her unexpected trip into Brovaria Elisia was left changed. Needing to adjust to a new body and new power. It was during this period of learning that she met the Goblins of Promise.
Her Library had only increased in popularity, More and more adventures had come to Promised Archpeligo in search of the elusive Fate's Weave Library, And with more eyes on the Archpeligo it was inevitable that there would be more sightings of the great The Serpent Empress. Yuan-Ti and other serpent species were expected in such Un-explored lands but one of such size?! It only stoked the rumours of Elisia's Library further. Hunters and adventures alike believing if they were to capture the elusive serpent that it would lead them to the Fated Library.
Through this series of events Elisia became the protector and Goddess of the Goblins of Promise Teaching them and developing them into something far more sophisticated then savage Demi-Humans. The Beginning of her own cult following.
The Serpent Empress
Over the years Ellisia developed into a true Goddess. her influence spread to a majority of the southern Archipelago. Almost all Goblins and other Demi-Humans flocked to her presence and teachings and what's more the Demi-Humans had been developing. Rustic Goblin camps had become well built houses, Infighting between tribes had become small tight knit communities.
Eve Elisia herself had managed to wrangle control of her new power and changed her form to one of more elegance.
History & Origins
Elisia was born during the Age of Expansion, Long before Felwind’s modern time. One of the very first Yuan-Ti. Born to humanoid and Serpent parents.
Much of those dark times are forgotten and forfeited but she always remembers just how long she has been around.
Elisia has been a Librarian most of her life, even before inheriting Fate’s Weave she was a humble Librarian and Scholar in forgotten Kingdoms, Ones where demi-humans and other intelligent monsters were not so shunned yet.
Her love of books carries on to the modern day.
Becoming a Weaver of Fate
Its not entirely known how or why Elisia was granted the Library and the power it came with. Perhaps it was her devotion to the trade? or some hidden deal outside her knowledge? what ever it was as not revealed itself in truth yet. Inheriting that magical Library Fate’s Weave came with a few other bonuses aside from a big load of books.
The ability to read, write, and Re-write people’s very fate. Some have their fates set in stone from the moment they are born while others see it only laid out as they walk through life. This Power is closely related too dreams, the realm of sleep is a tricky one to navigate but Elisia holds 'Domain' over it and has done for many thousands of years.
This power of fate and dreams is not for Elisia to abuse. She is a keeper of sorts, to watch over this domain, keep it safe and correct any mistakes. But who is there to stop her from having a little fun?
Life After Brovaria
Elisia returned to the Promised Archpeligo altered by the lands of Brovaria. Perhaps she only has herself to blame making deals with hags and cursed books and eating angles is sure to leave anyone with lasting alterations.
Once simply a large Yuan-Ti Naga lady now a huge serpent monster with spider like legs and an extra set of arms. Despite the dramatic amount of extra limbs and growth Elisia mostly remains herself if a bigger ego.
Returning to her Library as quick as she could to recuperate the long months she spent in Brovaria. An overdue bath, Burning of what was left of her clothes and organising the items she had picked up.
Her enhanced size was no issue for the library, able the magically conform and change to its master's desires but other things such as pens, Books, food and other creatures were noticeably much smaller than they once were. Imminently none of her outfits could fit her huge frame so a trip to the tailor was in order.
But wait. While a large Naga could get by with some long stares and vulgar comments a Huge serpent spider monster may prove too much to ignore by the common peasant.
So, over the next few weeks Elisia was hard at work adjusting to a new lifestyle.
The trip to Brovaria had left her with a bit of a time skip, Leaving the entrance to her library faded. Needing to find a physical location in order to conjure up a new entrance.
Chasing a few goblins from their home Elisia manage to find a large enough cave system, Shallow enough to not get lost.
Goddess to the Goblins
Her presence is still rather new and her following mostly consists of Goblins from the Archapeligo. Elisia’s influence and teachings have expanded the Goblins intelligence, Enabling them to expand from Primitive tribal nature to more soohisticate creatures, Building homes, assigning roles and learning new tools.
Background: Librarian
Elisa is a mysterious librarian based in the Promised Archpeligo the inhabitants know little about the library save it's hard to find, it contains vast knowledge and no one has yet returned from it alive to tell its secrets.
My Library
My Library, Called Fate's Weave, its a marvellous place. I hardly ever step outside. I bury myself in books all hours of the day, fiction, study, ancient cursed texts I read them all and read them again. My patron gives me the power I never need to sleep.
I am a Hermit i have no shame to admit that. the outside world is unaccommodating to a Naga such as myself, much less one as large and voluptuous as me.
Entertaining Trespassers
Adventurers are always looking for this place. hoping to steal some grand artifact or learn ancient secrets. I often allow my illusion magic to fade when I am hungry, free delivery is always apricated.
Finding a Good Book
Whenever I do leave my lair it's always a good idea to look for new books. A lot of the less important and more mundane text books tend to go under my hunter's eyes. so, it's up to me to grab any I find when I can. I would often travel to local libraries on the Mainland of Ostrov and Mor-Thir, though lately with the rising tension and my dramatic appearance change its become a lot harder to the point where its no longer safe for me to leave the Archipelago.
Clothes that Fit
I have never seemed to cease growing, whether it be related to that hag magic or just genetic luck I have become far too large for the common man's world. Most houses I have no hope of entering, I tend to stay near the biggest window and peak my head in.
clothing is not as hard to find as you may think. plenty of tailors are accustomed to crafting clothing for large figures of all types, It merely takes more time and gold.
For a fair few years I had an extremely persistent rival, chasing magic books of power during my peak of collecting. I never saw his face or even knew his name. I only knew he was also studding eldritch magic and had a library to fill. but without warning his presence and bids seemed to have vanished overnight…now thinking about it. it was right around the time Greyhawk Declared independence. I have little idea how the two events are related.
A Worthy Meal
My growth has been accompanied by a larger apatite. although it was manageable some months ago its quickly become my number one concern. i am no hunter. recently I have had to pillage the local farm lands of their cattle and other livestock. it was so embarrassing, and my greatest fear is I cannot find a permanent solution, becoming a common beast to be put on a quest board by a angry farmer then hunted by level 3 adventurers.. the Horoorrr
Serpent for Hunt
Its been a troublesome few months. My presence in the archipelago has reached the nearby settlements. a few farmers and tradesmen have put a bounty on my head. “The Monstrous Serpent” they call me. and quite a low reward I must say. 120Gold for my head. They must think me some simple Baskilisk or rogue Naga.
I! I only took a few cattle…here and there. It was ages ago I was hungry and had not sorted out a suitable way to sustain myself.
Two adventuring groups have intercepted me during a stroll through the misty woods. both parties relatively new adventurers. Quip Crew was one of them and the other name escapes my memory currently.
Whispers of the Wilds stuff
Dream Essence Potency Experiment 031
I made contact wit the Loxodon on the Celestial plane, It cost me a pretty large sum of gold to do so but it will be well worth it!….If the elders agree that is…
Hells it was alot easier to do this then try and find the Frostwarn Loxodon!
Day 17:
They Responded! And agreed!
A group of six Loxodon, Known as the 'Nature Seers' will be arriving i the next few days. I am told most of the are Druids! ow exciting. Finally my hypothesis can be put to the test.
My theory being that among all the known intelligent species; That are not actively armful to life. Loxodon have some of the most potent dream essence available.
Day 20:
Razza, Fleioux, Jim, Isooz, Kilno and Rucffass.
These are the names of the Loxodon who arrived this morning. Very punctual people. They arrived right on the 8th chime at 8o'clock. Fleioux seems to e the defecto leader of the small group he was the only one to speak for our entire introduction. Eventually the others spoke. I am guessing a form of culture had to be carried out before everyone could relax.
Day 26:
Its been close to a week now. urrrrg its frustrating. the Loxodon want to go over the details of the experiment again and again and again and urrrrgrgrg (The rest of this line is a heavy scribble of frustration.)
I understand some hesitation but come on! why did they even show up if they were so skeptical! ESPECIALLY THAT ISOOZ. My Gosh! He won't stop giving me the side eye! questioning EVERYHING i do. From writing notes to eating lunch! He won't leave me alone!
I think he has some sort of deep untrusting nature to beings in power, Such as myself, A Patron of the dreams & fate of people.
But Fiiiinaallllllyyyy. Everyone is happy to go ahead. we start tonight!
Day 39:
Its been almost two weeks since my last update but so much as happened! as i thought the dream essence I collect from the Loxodon after each session is remarkably potent. it even has its own unique aroma that i never considered would be possible with such a medium. Its similar to a perfume base. After this discovery i went and checked my other samples of essence and sure enough they shared the same aroma albeit far less noticeable. I could defiantly further my perfuming products with this but i am not sure if tere would be ay side effects… I am getting off topic.
The Loxodon themselves seem to be waring up to the place. The agreement was three months. Each as their own rooms in my library and they are free to explore the area around at their leisure. I only put them under once every 2nd night to make sure their is no excess strained forced on the mind.
Razza is quite the glutton…we share that in common at least. He is devouring my sweets pantry at an incredible rate i have to restock every 3-4 days at the moment. I often join him for his foodie sessions. He actually has quite alot to say but really only opens up when food is involved.
Fleioux is slow, Not in the mind but in the soul, His words, actions and even scribing are like watching a Loxodon under permanent effects of the Slow Spell. We don't have much to talk about. He spends 90% of his time meditating in the forest.
Jim is strange…I don't feel comfortable writing anything more about him.
Day 55:
There hasn't been much to report until this week. I put the idea forward for the Loxodon to remain under my dream magic for a extended period of time. They agreed to a full week which surprised me but i wen for it.
And something strange happened.
During the extended period i began to see ethereal like manifestations. At first they were two fragmented to make out but as time went on it became clear that they were manifestations of the Loxodon! tier dreams becoming reality in our material plain. it was fascinating watching their dreams playout without needing my abilities. But something scared me when one of them, I think it was Jim, Jim's dream self looked right at me and asked “Where am i?”
That terrified and excited me all at the same time. I quickly ended the extended sleep right at that moment.
Asking Jim about it he said he couldn't remember it, but e does remember slowly loosing control of his body in the dream as if someone else was moving for him.
This has to be looked into further!
Day 73:
The experiment is going well its mostly just collecting further dream essence at this point, As long as the Loxodon are not kept under for oo long i haven't had any more manifestations show up. But i can't lie, despite its heavily taboo nature i still would like to see if its possible. For a manifestation of dreams to gain sentience. What a discovery that would be!
But something happened today that is not part of the experiment. The Loxodon received a collective vision it seems. not under the effects of my magic. They told me it was a warning, an Omen of a coming disasters to plague the land. They couldn't really tell me specifics but apparently its a common thing for Loxodon to see coming disasters and in their nature to try and prevent them, if not at least aid in the recovery aftermath.
Thankfully it seems they get these warnings very early so we are not in any danger for some time. Enough time to finish my experiment.
Day 92:
Day 101:
(After this point the handwriting changes in style and the tone of the notes becomes far more selfish)