Curse of Strahd

Campaign 9.5 - Ida
Story - Sessions - Calendar - Secrets

Introduction & Story

Game start

Year 12329

From all corners of the map strange invitations have been sent out to aspiring adventurers. These letters promise Danger, Adventure, Rewards and possibly friendship? The letter is signed by a very infamous name, Xanathar. The name alone is well known but less known is The Beholder Xanathar himself. His lair a mystery and his appearance heavily debated on. But with these letters our adventures had magical guides to Xanathar’s lair and they would have to get a move on as the offer is first come first serve.

Our first 6+1 adventurers arrive within Xanathar’s lair. Declared the victors of his little challenge the Beholder thanks them each individually.
At that moment anyone else who was late had their memories wiped of all The details and information in the letter and the letter itself burned up leaving a fair few people out in the wilderness with no memory of how they got thier.

After introductions Xanathar gives the full scope of his quest. A Demi-Plain known as Brovaria has recently appeared within Felwind’s range and the Beholder wants the party to dive in and plunder Brovaria or all it's interesting secrets and trinkets. Offering massive rewards depending on how much they bring back.
He gives warning that the Plain is a cursed prison for a specific individual but further information is not know by the Beholder.

After gearing up the party head out in two groups to the location Xanathar mentioned where they would find a way through the mist, into Brovaria

Species: Gnome, Class: Artificer
A Gnome Artificer from another dimension. An experiment gone wrong sent him coreening through the multiverse until he ended up in Felwind now just seeking a way back home.
Early into his career as an engineer or war he hopes to craft and invent stronger forms of advanced weapons however Felwind lacks the level of techknowlagey he is used too.
He hadn’t been in Felwind long before he is caught up in a bigger story than planned for.

Paladin Ben
Species: Human, Class: Paladin.
A long faithful Paladin of Tyr’s Chosen in search for his nephew. His brother who he had not had contact with for close to a decade suddenly showed uo to Ben's door, Desperate and exhausted. His son, Ben's Nephew was missing, possibly kidnapped.
Ben's brother on his hands and knees begged for help and how could Ben refuse.
So he set out on a journey to find his missing nephew, the last lead being a land called Brovaria this land was not marked on any map but the most tak about this seemingly made up land was in a small town, there he heads and meets up with a colourful cast of adventurers.

Corvus Thrash
Species: Tiefling, Class: Bard
A tiefling bard having a harsh midlife crisis, he realizes he has been spending too much time breaking his marriage vows and not enough time with his son. after the death of his now Ex-wife left Corvus with full custody over their only son he vows to go on a new adventure, father and son to “man him up”
Corvus in his own world dose not see that too the rest of the world h is about as fit a parent is as a raving bear to an infant. But out to prove them wrong as Corvus thrusts Xander in to all sorts of cursed danger and disaster. its sure to be a ride.

Quill Lockheart
Species: Kenku Class: Ranger
Kenku are known for mimicking others voices and not being able to fly, Quill is no exception, Quill isn't very exceptional at anything really and that's what makes him long to be better.
An Author in the making with big dreams to get his name out there on a published book. its hard to write with feathers for fingers but Quill is determined.
Aside from the big Dreams of publishing novels, he is a skilled ranger. spending a lot of his time in the forests of his home city. he has journeyed far and still has a longer journey to go, getting the story for his book, what was meant to be a small job in a layover town may yet turn into his greatest story ever.

Elisia Kindread
Species: Yuan-Ti (Naga), Class: Kraken Warlock, Storm Sorcerer
A Naga librarian from the dark depth of an ancient unnamed forest. she has come out of her den with the promise of rare scribe and a personal invitation that found its way to a mailbox that should not exist, intrigue by the methods she has made the effort to meet this host.

Species: Goliath, Class: Barbarian Juggernaut, Astral Monk
Joined Session 12
A Goliath from the Astral monk monastery, After the monastery was destroyed Balore wandered into the mist, finding himself in Brovaria, with almost nothing to his name save Find the Hydra and you shall find escape From an fortune teller Balore journeys through Brovaria looking for a way home.

Dorian Kreese
Species: Human, Class: Artificer
A human workaholic currently dee into his studies and the University of Magic He has been forced to take some leave due to the massive amount he has accumulated over the years, convinced “its a opportunity to study abroad”
With almost no social skills and extremally concerned on the cleanliness of anything he touches, Dorian Is a hard person to interact with on the best of days.
a skilled artificer makes him a valuable asset to the team, and he hopes to become stronger during his adventure but its well know he only wishes to return to his office and books.
A lack of direction more or less lead him to this small town at a mountains base, a promise of rare information lead him to working with the rest of the party.

  • Death
    Dorian met his end after distracting the Duke with questions about his garden, getting to invested Dorian got too close to a huge Carnivorous plant which devoured him whole, The Duke doing nothing to save him and the rest of the party not knowing where he was his cries for help went unanswered.

Technical & Mechanical Details

Level 10

Class Any officially published or listed in the Classes list

Species Any race in the Species list.


Gear & Other

  • 1000Gp + 1d10x100Gp (This will be used to purchase your starting Gear and may be spent before session 1 by asking the DM)
  • One uncommon item
  • One Rare Item

  • c9.5/summary.txt
  • Last modified: 4 weeks ago
  • by Cinder