Loyal of Three

Motto -
Location -
Leaders Tyr
Estate(s) -
Formed -


Skills Defenses
Diplomacy: +0 Communications: 00
Espionage: +0 Resolve: 00
Lore: +0 Resources: 00
Operations: +0

Gold: 00

A guild of Clerics, Paladins and other followers who hold their faith in one of the Three founding Gods with high honour and Regard.

This Guild is probably the largest religious guild in all of Felwind. Having estates all over the world.

Members of this group are granted a special symbol of some-kind as proof of their devoation. The symbol contains a thre pointed trident of sorts then an alteration is made depending on which God you have pledged faith too.

Since its creation other new gods have been reconised as being part of the Guild with thier own unique alterations to the symol. owever te Guild still remains named 'Loyal of Three'

  • faction/loyal_three.txt
  • Last modified: 5 weeks ago
  • by Cinder