
Titles The Morning Lord
Alignment Neutral Good
Symbol Road travelling into sunrise
Domains Life, Light
Worshipers Humans, Merchants, Travelers

Lathander is a male Human and is a god of dawn, renewal, birth, and youth.

Lathander being the God of Dawn is closely tied with the season of Spring, The months of Seedmoot, Raindown & Seedwane are seen as the holiest of time for followers of Lathander.

Many temples and churches of Lathander hold a special ‘holy week’ during the spring season. Normally a time for blessings of the years coming harvest and to begine new journeys of healing for those struggling, Also touching base with the previous years journey progress.

Service is normally held with the sun rise, Paladins, Clerics and other devoted will normally wake before the dawn so they may offer a prayer before the day gets started.

Most Farmers that follow Lantander normally have a small shrine or symbol of Lathander on their land to bless their harvest.

Its common for Traveling merchants or curious to also offer a prayer to Lantannder before a journey

Other Notable

Rex, The Bronze DragonBorn,

  • religion/lathander.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder