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Act 1: The Land of Brovaria

Kain: Reaources to craft weapons and a way home

Ben: Reaources to establish himself better and to aid his Family including his nephew

Corvus: Riches and to show his son an adventure to turn him into a ‘man’

Elisia: Rare books in Xanatha’s collection and riches

Dorian: Rare knowledge not found anywhere else and a rare item to enable his cleaniness habbits

Quill: Resources to become a well known author and some riches

Upon the few hours journey through mist so thick they couldn't see a few feet Infront the party finally manage to step free of that humid cursed fog. Arriving on the edge of a dark muddy settlement where the stone roads had started to sink bellow the mud. The sky was dark, No Sun or moon but enough light emanating from something above the clouds means the party were not in total darkness. Many worn-out torches littered the town providing enough light for the day to day.

Out and about were sprinkles of people. most looked sickly to some extent. greying skin. bad posture, dull eyes. Most would snicker or cackle as the group approached. None seemed passed by the new arrivals, Even the massive Naga Elisia wasn't turning any eyes.
“Well this place is a dump” Kain, The Gnome said aloud.
Xander the racoon Tabaxi nodded in agreement. “Riight?! I am glade I wasn't the only one thinking it. What a shitty place for an adventure Dad!”
Corvus grimaced. feeling the same way but loath to admit it. “Now wait there sure to be something…ah there! lets spend some of this coin Xanathar gave us.”

One of the few buildings that seemed well maintained was a general goods store. Te Sign had been warn away and was unreadable but a smaller one placed outside simply said 'General Goods'.
Corvus already hatching a plan.
The party enter the store save Elisia who was far to big for the front door. She instead decides to explore more of the town, Handing Ben some gold to purchase some supplies in her steed.
Behind the counter a rather burly and chonky man who had more hair tan face. only his green eyes and cheeks could be seen amongst his massive of thick curly hair. His beard, his ears even his eyebrows were forests of wild hair. He grunted as the party begin browsing, Standing strait with a hammer in his hands.

The shop was cramped, Mostly wit broken or useless supplies. It took a moment longer than they thought to find things they could use. Approaching the counter Kain placed a set of tools, a mess kit, a tent and bedroll. The owner said in a voice muffled by hair. “2000 Gold!”
The Group paused. “What!?” they herd Elisia shout from outside.
The party went back and forth wit the owner over the outrages prices, Not making any ground. Eventually Corvus piped up “Fine we will take our business elsewhere!”
Once they were out of the store Corvus revealed that he and Xander had managed to steal quite a bit during the argument, Thanking Ben and Kain for the ample distraction.

Spotting a market style shop plotted right between a bunch of other empty or broken stalls the frog faced gremlin of a man twisted a smile seeing the group approached.
Draped in heavy rage and a wide brim hat full of holes he greeted the group wit a nod and chuckle.
much like the General store a lot of the items on display were less than desirable. But this time they were labelled 'Magical' Instantly suspicious the party questioned the seller about various items. A scythe made out of cardboard. a Broken bottle, A 'N-Ice Ring' Despite thier shoddy appearance they were rather cheep.
Corvus almost buys the cardboard scythe before Elisia steps in and calls him an Idiot for falling for such an obvious fake. So instead he decides to by the 'Nice Ring'
While Kain ends up buying a curious glass bottle containing a swirling tornado.

With money spent the party find a tavern and head in for food and drink. Quickly meeting up with Brother who has been going around the tavern begging people for help. Approaching the new arrivals, rather than offer help or tur him away the party begin to belittle the poor man. Saying how weak he is needing others to help. shouldn't he be trying to save his sister himself?
Corvus especially abuses Brother with words until the man drags himself away in a defeated and depressed slump.

The party explore a nearby charge where they find a priest who has trapped their turned son in the basement. the party free the son and end up killing both the priest and the son out of some misguided mercy.
Ben thinks there is a way to save the turned son but Corvus disagrees, with the rest of the party abstaining Corvus uses the kill to man up his son Xander….and fails

Dorian and Quill arrive in Brovaria the two head strait to the tavern and find Irina’s brother who explains to them about her sister and the danger she is in. The Duo decide to help out but not before hearing a rumour about the church.
Attending the area they find two dead bodies of a priest and vampire spawn.
What actually happened is that in this time line Quill and Dorian managed to wrangle the vampire spawn son under control and take him with them but due to continuity errors this doesn't happen

After the rather dark incident at the church the party, Corvus, Elisia, Kain and Ben make a visit to the town's Inn to debrief thier situation over drink and food.
The Inn, despite the towns dreary air was still rather upbeat. Their was amateur music, A decent if drunk crowd and at least average tasting food, Last time they were here the party simply bullied Irina's Brother. The party finding a table near a window, Due to the Yuan-Ti Elisia's size the front door was not an option. so she stuck her long neck through a window close to one of the tables. Orders were placed, Food arrived and discussion commenced.

The party called over Irina's Brother for a proper introduction. He explained that this land is known as Brovaria and that it is plagued by a Dark Prince known as Strahd. He dosnet know any fine details aside from Strahd has had an infatuation with his sister Irina for some time now. Although she has denied Strahd's advances again and again Brother can see that Strauhd is becoming more bold with every encounter and fears its only a matter of time before he doesn't take 'no' for an answer.
Though there is some sympathy among the party not enough to work for free. Brother offers what ever is left at te manor and to also put the party in touch wit some people he knows that might help the party find things they are looking for. After Brother is also preassured into paying for the parties meal they agree to seeing what this is about.

Their Journey to the Manor is rather uneventful, They pass the time mostly by talking amongst themselves and observing Corvus's attempts at father-hood. Kain Being a Gnome was rather short and his little legs struggled to keep up with the rest of the party, Until he requested a ride from the large Yuan-Ti Elisia, Slithering along. She agreed and Kain rode the Slithering Naga the rest of the trip.
Ben Introduced the party to his valiant steed Jerry whom he summoned and mounted at the beginning of the journey, But refused anyone else to ride.

As the manor comes into view, the anticipation is quickly doused by the sounds of ravaging wolves and screams for help. The party break out into a sprint as they encounter a rather gruesome sight.
Bodies of what looked like servants ripped apart all over the manor's gardens while a pack of five (5) Dire Wolves barked and tore at the wooden door. Screams for assistance coming from inside. The party quickly sprung into action.
The Fight was fierce, These wolves far more blood thirsty than any typical wildlife. These creatures were out to kill. But the party were not complete new to this sort of danger. They were equipped and prepared, Steel carved through flesh, Spells weaved for destruction, Fangs tore through armour and the burning of gunpowder filled the air. putting down the pack of mutts with in a matter of minuets the party proved victorias.

Brother rushed to the manor, calling out for his siter and father. but his chare was stopped as a dark flash appeared, Throwing Brother backwards. the pale man, well defined cheek bones, black as raven hair, Fangs drew down from his top lip and bright piercing eyes. Dressed like e had just come from a Halloween party but no less intimidating as he hung in the air, floating with an intense glare.
He Greets the party, Introducing himself as Strahd, Master of Brovaria and lord of all who dwell here. Ending the introduction with a bow, Not of respect but of dominance.
Most of the party stand ready, Understanding this person is in another league of power, But Corvus, Out to prove to his son of his strength or just plain ego stoking, goes almost face to face with Strahd to not only disrespect him but challenge him to a bout.

This quickly results in Straud summoning another, larger pack of Dire wolves, and although the party won te last round they were injured and low on resources. Not ready to fight another, harder battle. Kaine, Ben and Elisia work to wind the tention of the situation down. Binding and Gaging Corvus so e can sit still and shut up. This seems to be enough amusement to quell Starhd's anger as he calls the Dire Wolves off. he agrees to leave but adds “I have found something else to amuse myself with, for a time at least.” Vanishing in a cloud of black smoke.

Freeing Corvus they take stock and tend to their wounds as Brother hurriedly makes his way inside.
The party quickly realise someone is missing. “Were is my son? Xander?”. he party realise Xander is gone. Run away or taken? Wat was it that Strahd said? The party determine he has been kidnapped by Strahd, But the party offer little kind words as Corvus was the one to 'Fuck around and Find out'

Inside the Manor they meet Irina for the first time. as well as their father who lay dead on the floor, blood pooling in bite marks covering the body. The party have little resources to help, Not that it would mater, he was dead.
The grieving is brief but the party agree to help take the father's body back to town for a proper burial. They sleep in the manor tat night.

Dorian and Quill are taken to Irina by her brother where they encounter Strahd for the first time, They fight off the encounter with ease and get a bot of lore from Irina inside

The party journeys back to the town were they started thier journey. as Irinna and her brother burry their father the party follow an old lady with a shopping cart selling fresh baked goods.
the party falls for a hag's promise. Corvus and Ben both partake in the baked goods, while Ben dose not fall for their spell Corvus does.
Elisia is lead off alone and offered a deal, she accepts and is transformed into a hydra, the party rather surprised but otherwise do not react to much to it.

Corvus becomes addicted to the Hag baked goods.

The party head out the main road where they encounter a vistanti camp, here the run into a night elf who has lost thier child, the party go out to rescue the child from a made hermit near the river, Elisia pretends to be a sea goddess that the hermit is sacrificing the child too while the party secure the Childs safety. Kain and Ben think its possible to reason wi9th the hermit while Thrash and Elisa belive he should be killed. the hermit is eaten by Elisia.
They return to camp where the night elf gives them good information then the party leaves.

Dorian and quill carry on with Irina and her brother in tow, looking to gain information from the Viskanti on thier way they run into a strange creature, offering payment for lost children. The other party member takes massive offence to this after learning more and burns the creature alive while Dorian and Quill watch on a bit scared.

The party get a lead and go to take irrina to where she needs to go, however in a graveyard the group is stopped by some night creaters as well as Ben's nephew who seems to have joined Straud's side. a fight breaks out with our party claiming victory however Ben's Nephew escapes.
Kain recives an invitational letter from Straud himself.

In the same graveyard the party finds to hags digging up graves, after thrash Kills one on accident the other runs away, the party follows to find an old functioning windmill.
here the party learn that children are sold to these hags then ground up into the baked goods the party had been seeing throughout their journey.
The party find Corvus's son and get into a fight with the hags, they come out victorious, destroying the windmill and saving three other orphans, they also receive magic items curing them of the baked good addiction.

Dorian and quill fall for a Viskanti trick being lulled to sleep. Waking up in an unknown location with Irina and her brother gone. The party manage to escape their captivity but with little information on where the others were taken they decided to head towards the city

They fight a Goose house and obtain an egg

When they return to Irina they find that her brother has taken the horses and left her with the cart, it is unclear what happened exactly but the party knows there was some sort of argument.

the party continue heading to thier Destination without much further trouble, the city is guarded but our party manage to convince their way through the front gates.
Inside the city the party split up and have a bit of a look around.
Irina departs from the party telling them where to find her for thier reward.
Elisia takes the opportunity to properly bathe, the bath house here is made to accommodate large species such as trolls and luckily Nagas
Ben and Corvus go to the equipment store to find some supplies as well as some toys for the orphan kids.
Kain relaxes in the city

Only a few days away from the city, The Duo Quill and Dorian come across a hunting rundown hut. Quill deduced right away that there was something really wrong about it. Out in te middle of no where, Whispers coming from it and a strange bellowing mist that centred on the decrepit building. But Dorian only saw a brief respite from the long journey on the road.
“Ah Finally, a place to rest that isn't under a tree” Dorian strutted over not heeding Quill's warnings. Forced to follow him for when the inevitable happens.

Dorian enters the hut a bit standoff, Not because of the creepy atmosphere but because this place hadn't been cleaned in what looked like years.
“Oh! urgh, O jeeze that's just…'lovely'..Even the cobwebs have cobwebs!” but despite its filth it was still an upgrade from another damp dirt filled evening under the stars. Quill entered in behind, On Guard his claws ready to draw his bow at a moments notice. And a Notice came, As Quill reached the centre of the room a loud noise startled him as he drew his bow and let loose an arrow in its direction.
Right into the wall besides Dorian who had just sneezed, Leaping back with surprise as the arrow narrowly misses inflicting wounds.
“What was That!?” Shouted Dorian as he looked at Quill, Anger soaked his face.
Quill lowered his bow and looked apologetic. Mimicking a apology he had herd some years ago. “Apologies, Dorian, You, Scared, Me”

The Duo continued to investigate the hut. three rooms it seemed, A Living area, a Kitchen and a Bedroom. All the furniture was still ere but in terrible disrepair. Dorian constantly testing various places to find the least soiled location to drop his bedroll. Using prestigitation constantly to slowly clean areas he deemed suitable.
Dorian would often mutter things like “No this won't do, I am sure there is a better spot”
Quill was starting to let sleep get the better of him. His guard had wanned as aside from the occasional sneeze and some rattling of mice noting had seemed to jump out at them.

Eventually the silence was broken once again. “Eurika!” Shouted Dorian. Seemingly finding his 'perfect spot' “Haha now we can finally get some much needed rest. Come! Quill! marvel at this grand location!”
If only to get to sleep quicker Quill humoured Dorian, walking to the living room to find Dorian standing inside wha seemed to be a small nest? or fortress? of broken bits of furniture. Surprisingly clean too. Before the show-off got too invested Quill's expression dropped to fear as the spectre of a woman phased through the wall, Above and behind Dorian as its razor-sharp teeth protruded to bite. But before it could it saw Quill, Realising it had been noticed it quickly disappeared back into the wall.
“What's the matter Quill? you look like you have seen a ghost?” Dorian remaining completely oblivious to how close he was to danger.

Quill finds a ornate silver mirror.

Quill and Dorian fight off a few horrs as well as investigate a cursed hut before finally reaching the city where they run into the rest of the adventurers

Xander goes missing AGAIN

The Party find a Xander Doll

The party encounter Blinksy

The party fight a toy dragon

The Party escapes Blinksy trap but the shop dissapears

The party encounter a talior named Silky

She offers to make them all some magic outfits.

Dorian and Qill join the party

After making them she challenges them to a duel of sorts as payment.

Quill empresses the rest of the Party.

The party is victorias.

Silky is going to look after the orphans

Act 2: The Secrets of Strahd

The party goes to Irina's house

They are rudely welcomed by a butler

The party is welcomed into the home ish. Elisia is shown the back entrance.

THe party explore and acquaint themselves with the mansion.

Xander steals some food

Dorian distracts the master of the house with plants?

the party do a bit more exploring,

Elisia finds upstairs, guest room, Library, potential magic items,

Quill joins Elisia in the library but for less selfish reasons.

Kain tries to wake Xander up looking for food but gets trapped.

Kain is hungry and goes to the kitchen for food, to find there is none so he goes grocery shopping with Corvus.

Elisa makes a plan to poision the Master and duches after learning about Alice and the other information the party has told her.

The party have dinner with the mean aunt

The party explore the mansion a bit more and discover Alice.

The party get into a fight with the baroness and are victorious.

Although the party are victories in defeating the baroness they were far from quiet. only a few minuets after the begin looting the mansion is flooded by guards. Far outnumbered the party begin to try some very bad negotiation to try and talk their ways out of this blatant murder. One of the party members eventually demands a trial by combat….and the Captain agrees. Placing magic cuffs on all the party members soon after they are teleported away to the cities combat arena.

The Arena is of average size but oddly the seats were already filled with a roaring crowd ready to watch a bloodbath. The party tense up feeling that they are in for a tough trial.
The party are barely able to get their Barings before a voice booms over the arena.
“Ladies annnnnnnd Gentelmannn, Beasts and Ghouls, Aberrations and Fey of all agggesss. Do we have a exciting event this day. Trial By Combaaaaat!
This group of tribute makers has been caught, red handed of the murder of a dear Baroness. oooooooo booooooo. Pleading for their pathetic life's they have demanded to fight, for, their, freeedoooommmmm. Lets hope they give us some entertainment before they are made dog food. Let this event Beginnnnn.”

At the end of the announcement the crowd roar in applause as archways fade in appearing all over the Arena, Dilibritly away from the party so they cannot do a mad dash. And out poor dire wolves, black fur and bloodshot eyes. Gnashing and savage as a massive pack charges towards the party.

The Party lock in as they fight for their lives, No cover and still weak from the last battle as well as missing tow of their members the party are quickly overwhelmed. but with alot of lady luck on their side they start to whittle down the wolves. One after the other start to fall as the party is bloodied and broken hanging on with just force of will.
Kain falls first soon followed by Corvus but as Quill and Ben are pushed to their limit they fell the final wolf. The crowd cheer but quickly followed by booing until the announcer comes back.
During this both Quill and Ben go to help their friends.
“Well well well. It seems this band of ruffians aren't all just show and talk after all. Certainly had us on the edges of our seats didn't they. But we all know how this must end. After all. Only one may leave the arena victories”

The Situation made obvious as the crowd began to chant. “One May Live, One may Live”

After the last one was left he was declared the victor and was granted his freedom and one wish to be granted within the cities power. The victor asked what would happen to the rest of his party the answer was grim. So instead he wished that his party would be free too. The announcer agreed seemingly as the party was stabilized and brought back to concinouses.
However as the party left the arena they were arrested and knocked out. Looks like the announcer lied.

The party are joined by Balore and are arrested over the death of the baroness.

The party spend to session escaping the prison with disguises. Tricks and lots of sneaking around

Ben sees Elisia ping as Celestial after casting “Detection of Good & Evil”

They find a dead angle that Elisia takes to “Burry”

The party escape the city being teleported by silky to a nearby ruined settlement, there is evidence this is where Ben's nephew was hiding. Elisa receives a strange eyeball with wings as a angelic guardian of sorts, what exactly is going on with Elisa is still unsure

The party decide to go south to meet a pack of werewolves, there the party learn of some evil werewolves, they purchase some supplies. Ben buys some special armour and gets Elisa's items identified

The party meet a lady werewolf by the name of Celana, she tells the party of the new alpha werewolf.
The party make a plan to do an honor duel for rightful rule to the pack, they elect Quill to be their champion.

The party with the help of Celana lay in wait for the alpha to return o his cave.
What was originally planned to be a one vs one with Quill and the alpha turns into an all out attack from the entier party, overwhelming the alpha turning the fight into childs play.

learning the orphans had already been set free the party was left dissatisfied with the outcome, Leaving Celana and returning to the wolf vendor.

The party return to the wolf vendor and claim their reward as well as a refund for some of the identified items.

A fight breaks out in the party as Corvus has tipped Elisia over the edge. Initiating a duel.
Some of the other members place bets and the match is decided. Corvus claiming a date with Elisia if he is the victor while Elisa claims his precious armour if she is the victor.
The battle is won and Elisa comes out victorias. Corvus is given a shave and his armour removed.

The party journey to the Wine wizards, the trip is interrupted by a visit from Strad to Kain, The only other party member to see him is Balore who seemed to be frozen by some sort of magic during the visit.
Straud follows up on Kain with his request but Kain refuses to kill his party members, instead asking for an alternative.

Elisia says to Kain that she believes Straud is telling the truth about sending Kain home, and that she personally wouldn't hold it against Kain if he were to take the offer, they group had only known each other for a bit longer than a month.

The party reach the wine wizards to find the area has been abandoned and in disrepair with a strong spell of oil and fuel filling the place.

Elisia is trapped outside because of her size, while the rest of the party get to work crashing the wedding.

The party reach the top of the tower finding one of Straud's loyal henchman working on a portal crafted from technology unknown to everyone aside Kain.

The portal was going to be used for Strahd to leave Brovaria at the conclusion of the wedding.

The party talk about their plans as well as try to gauges the Henchman's intentions, passing themselves off as repair people for the portal. The portal seems to be a way home after Kain gets it up and running, able to shit its destination to various other planes of existence. however a warning that the mists of Brovaria will catch up to you and drag you back to Brovaria.
Seeing as this was not a permanent way home the party instead tricked the henchman and his robot brother to enter the portal, turing it off as soon as they stepped through.

The party now knowing thier true way home was dealing with Struad decide to head back to Valaki to see Silky.

The party reach Valaki where they are wannted criminals, however thanks to some drastic appearance changes and skilled stealth abilities the party manage to reach silkies home.

The part get some gear adjustments and upgrades.

The party storm Blinksies shop where a battle insues.

The party reach the gates of Raveloft castle ready for the finale battle.

The entrance is swarming with wolves, Straud appears briefly to welcome everyone. a fight breaks out when a giant statue in the middle of the room orders the wolves to attack.

The stature is toppled ending the fight early. Quill speaks with wolves.

The party check a corridor, Elsia is too big to fit. there is quite a bit of commotion when the party stumbles upon a resident of the castle. shenanigan's ensue.

The party retreat and go up stairs finding the throne room.
Thrash's son is controlled by Strauhd and stabs Corvus, killing him with foul magic. Ben and Kain try desperately to save Thrash while Elisa and Quill give into anger throwing powerful attacks at Straud, causing him to dissipate into mist.

Ben the Paladin Prays for the first time throught the whole campain for his god to assist Thrash.

At that moment an old foe reappears, the mecha golem and its mortal companion reappear from being tricked into the portal. a fight breaks out.

straud reforms during the fight and joins the fray.


After Straud was destroyed in blinding light it wasn't much longer before the party were dragged through the gateway home

As their journey in Brovaria comes to an end, the party celebrates with one last feast before parting ways. During their feast, Quill gifts Elisia with a copy of his first book draft in exchange for a chance to visit her library in the future, along with a completed copy and any other interesting books she might like. Quill also discusses with Balore that he might know someone who can help Balore find his way home. The following morning he travels to Silkie and adopts Ken, along with a promise to keep in touch with Silkie and organise playdates with the other children. He bids farewell to Ben and his nephew, wishing them safe travels and provides Kain with a few diagrams of weird devices he has found in his time as a gift. For Thrash, Quill takes him to the side and taunts Thrash about getting to visit Elisia again, in a voice that none of the party has heard before, Quill's real voice, before ending with “And no one will believe you”. Quill, Ken and Balore then leave Bravaria towards a, literally, brighter future.

As they travel back, Quill questions Balore about his world and his monastary, even taking a few lessons on the basic aspects of his fighting style. Ken, thinking they are playing around, joins in with the lessons and takes a liking to them. Returning home, Quill completes his job by reporting his success to Xanathar and informing him of the changes in Brovaria, while requesting his assistance in getting Balore home a payment for Quill's services.

The information Xanathar provides leads Balore on another adventure, one that Quill and Ken both join him on. Quill would keep his promise to Elisia and Silkie after this journey, with a second book of his adventures with Balore in addition to his first for Elisia, and a joyful reunion for the children. What comes afterwards well…. only the Moon knows.

  • c9.5/sessions.txt
  • Last modified: 3 weeks ago
  • by Cinder