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Type: Dagger, Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Type Blade
Weight Light
Range 5ft
Hands One handed
Damage 1d4
Light, Silvered


This silver dagger can have up to six names etched into the blade three on each side, each name represents someone who has wronged or stands in the way of the owner. If the owner dies or pact otherwise ends the names fade within one hour. The dagger itself is not magical and is a regular 1d4 silver dagger

After spending time or wielding the dagger for 24 hours a shadow demon tries to make a pact with the new owner, feed him souls and he shall show you those who have wronged you. If you do not make the pact the demon tries to force the wielder to leave the dagger in the open or pass it onto someone else DC20 CHA to hold on to it, on fail holder is compelled to leave the dagger in the open.


Known ownership: GuthberTeostraThomas Rollo → ?


  • item/the_list.txt
  • Last modified: 8 weeks ago
  • by Kyle