The Giant's Warforged

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Written by: Sammy

The Fall of Nabilhime
Nabilhime, Start 10745 End 10749, Oxtrad.
The great city of Nabilhime, a Fortress and Beacon of Military technology. besieged seemingly overnight as the city is destroyed.

Orders are Orders
North & South Covania, Post Ashlem War.
Blinding Spear are tasked with clean up after the end of the Ashlem war, to weed out demon kind hidden amongst the population.

Scraps of Stowjaw
Borders of Covania & Oxtrad, Now known as the Fiery Borderlands.
Post Fall of Nabilhime

Trial of Zyllis
Naproria. Inbetween Session 9 and 10 of Greyhawk Rebelion.
Zyllis looses his self in Naporia, going on a desperate rampage through the city trying to escape. He fails and is captured. Knowing his fate he plays his trump card.

Blinding Spear Exiled
FerraBreeze, Covania.
After Blinding Spear is convicted and the Outlawed races amended Zyllis and the remaining members of Blinding Spear are escorted to Ferrabreeze to board a boat headed for Ostrov. during the voyage Zyllis mysteriously vanishes in the night, Waking up in the Far Realm.

  • story/valefor.txt
  • Last modified: 22 months ago
  • by Cinder