The Fall of Nabilhime

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Written by: Sammy

Notable Warforged

Nabilhime Fortress

Nabilhime was always considered a place of war, Originally build as a fortress to defended the border of Oxtrad it eventually came to be a city during peace time but the very fact that it still stood meant that war was only ever just on the horizon.
its location in the mountains was the perfect strategist placement providing optimal cover for defence and attack. the mountains were too steep and hazardous to scale so the only way through was on the ground level.
Nabilhime built houses for citizens outside the fortresses walls as well as dug into the mountains for their grand forge areas.

The City was not only grand in stature, but also in design. The Master craftsmen were not Dwarves or Gnomes, their were instead Giants.
The mightiest of all mortal smiths you could hear the ring of the Giant's hammers all across the country when they worked.
The giants were worshiped by the citizens of Nabilhime. their likeness was carved into the city at every corner. statues in thier honour stood as tall as the giants themselves and the great gate to the fortress known as Immovable Dharma in The giant's tongue. the legends say that not even the gods could break down the gate.
The Gate was guarded by Twin giant Warforged known as Gedon and Gora, one of the very first creations by the Giants of Nabilhime.

Nahilhime contributed more then half of Oxtrad's metal works and weapons during the years the forges were alight.
They Crafted some of the most powerful artifacts in the land as well as a whole new race of sentient beings known as warforged.

Birth of the New Warforged

Warforged have been around for a while at this point mainly known in the lands of Ostrov, But when the Fire Giants set out to craft their own they wanted to do things differently. Humanoid creatures that could think and feel like humans although were driven more by logic rather then desire. strong and resilient they were soldiers that didn't need pricy armor, sustenance or sleep, healed as fast as they could be repair them and had a strong loyalty to the creators and the city of Nabilhime.
This time ushered in a new age of power for Nabilhime and its leaders, with an army of almost indestructible soldiers Nabilhime started to become over confident, stepping over boundaries they wouldn't normally. Bragging that it could easily take Oxtrad for itself and kick the King/Queen off the throne.

In secret the more humble giants took to crafting proper life rather then glorified soldiers, something that could think, desire and love, have a soul.
Special warforged crafted not of metal but magic.
Unicorn horn and Blood, powdered silver and Marble, mercury, Powdered mythrial and blood from a powerful Fey were the ingridients for clay to mould into Warforged. Powerful spells and alchemy were the tools and a Grand Gem was the catalyst, now all they needed was a soul, something they couldn't create.
3 of these warforged were crafted each with a different type of gemstone at its core, A Topaz, an Emerald and a Amethyst.

Rather then forged like traditional metal these variant warforged were made from the above mixture in a liquid clay, the mixture was poured into a Child sized humanoid mold that contained a manufactured torso skeleton. The idea was that these warforged could also grownup like normal humans do so over the years they would become more like adults.
then the large gem of choice was placed into the clay socketing into the assembly and covered with more clay.
The molds were then sealed air tight and placed into to forge to 'bake'
The life of this enchanted fire bound the mixture together, causing it to thicken and expand at an incredible rate, but the moulds were sealed so tight that instead the clay instead became far denser unable to expand completing the bodies for these variant warforged.
Once the baking was complete the molds were removed and left to cool where they now wait for a soul.


In the dead of night a demon managed to steal one of these special clay war forged from right under the fire Giants noses. Bringing the husk back to hell for its masters as they requested.

4 Overlords of Hell had come together with one goal in mind, leave. The next idea on their list was to move a demon’s soul into a soulless construct, they had seen these special Warforged that the Giants seemed so proud of creating and implored to steal one for their own twisted plans.
With the husk now in their possession they needed a volunteer.
one such fiend seemed to fit the bill, A Devil by the name of Valefor, a twisted fiend birthed from an infected brood mother yet seemed even more powerful and cruel then other demons in its ranks. Valefor’s lust for raw carnage and destruction was unmatched at the time. Less of a cunning demon and more of a Devil driven insane by its own blood lust. The Overlords figured this would be the perfect way of both removing the loose cannon Valefor from their ranks and letting it loose in the mortal realm. It took many powerful demons to bring Valefor in for the ritual and even on the operation tablet it still screeched and wiped about violently trying to destroy everything living around it.
The ritual was similar to Lich dorm but instead of binding the soul to a phalactery it was bound to the warforged body. The Overlords wasted no time, as soon as the ritual was completed they tore open a portal to the mortal realm and chucked the warforged body through. Watching how it would act.
To the Overlords rage the boy did not show any of the murderous rage that Valefor had. Instead it seemed…..human. Curiosity, wonder and fear.

Zyllis adopted by Seril, Paladin captian of Nabilhime's soldiers, Taught, raised and trained under her for XXX years
Leaders getting to corupt and cocky.
Giants vanish in the night.
unsertenty breeds fear.
Fear is justified as the city is invaded.


The young warforged was just as a toddler. Barely able to walk on his own. The soul now harbouring altered its body with a single horn atop its head and a long thick lizard folk like tail. His skin a light ash grey completely void of features such as body hair, freckles or anything similar. Pure white hair made of the same substance as his body and deep purple eyes. A purple symbol etched into his chest where his heart would be. Naked and alone the boy struggled to get a sense of himself. All he could do was follow a quiet calling leading him to Nabilhime.

Valefor spent his young years in the Royal City of “Nabelhime” an orphan with nothing to his name other then his powerful views on order and honor earned him favor with the king and queen of the land they took pity on Valefor and adopted him as their own to raise him along their own son the prince. From this point on Valefor went by the name of Zyllis to signify he was no longer a Demon but something more.
Zyllis became good friends with the prince and was well loved throughout the city, people felt safe with him.

Zyllis was put under the teachings of a lady by the name of Serial when he showed an interest in combat. Zyllis showed natural skill with pole arm type weapons despite his keenness for swords.
he trained to become a Paladin with Serial as his mentor.
4 years of a simple perfect life but so easily a perfect life can get turned upside down.


“Hurry Zyllis, We need to leave, now!”

Those words still haunt Zyllis's dreams at night. When everyone was fleeing the royal city of Nabilhime, Zyllis choose to stay he wouldn't abandoned the city and everyone in it, he would fight, a decision that would affect the rest of his life.

Zyllis's life changed only a few years after he arrived in the city. without warning their city was invaded.
The Invasion came and the town was on the front line. The armies of the Beholder trio known as Sharax, Vorg and Gomen invaded the mountain city with tactics unmatched and soldiers born of twisted magic the human cities didn't stand a chance.
Zyllis was 16 when it happened, his adopted family (The King, Queen and Prince) slaughtered in the initial invasion as he was powerless to stop them. alone and frightened he watched as his once proud city was brought to beggar infested ruins.
The giants were killed or forced to flee,
The warforged armies corrupted and turned against their creators,
The grand forges were destroyed and the great gate was cracked.
foreign monster soldiers marched the streets defiling the once noble citizens that now line the streets.
Zyllis didn't give up so easily a burring revenge kept his soul striving for survival. he ran food and information trafficking to the small underground resistance in exchange for warm meals and safe places to sleep.
Food became scarcer for those without connections and to stay alive you bartered information to any interested party with food or gold to spare. Valefor was good at what he did, and thought that maybe things could be better.

That changed when Zyllis was captured by the Tears of the Beholder Trio, The Beholder's elite squad of soldiers. for selling secrets to those bent on overthrowing their Beholder lords. They locked Valefor in the cells of the once proud Grand gate to the City. The first weeks he hoped to stay alive. As the weeks turned into months, and the interrogations continued he began to pray for death.

Valefor's Capters grew tired of him, After doing unspeakable things for almost 12 months they decided they wouldn't be getting any more information out of him and tossed Valefor down the drain as trash.
broken beyond repair Valefor looked to take his own life with a rusted sword to die amongst the the hundreds of other bodies he had failed to protect.
“you are not done”
A whisper in Valefor's head, something that wasn't meant to be, this voice seemed to melt Valefor's sub-consious and fill his body with utter dread. the shear power of this voice held him in a Half-life.
Valefor opened his eyes to see he was floating in and endless red sky the very sight of it made his insides cramp and cough up blood. then before him as if waiting was a being, or a feeling? it was forever, a gapping maw that stretched far beyond anything imaginable, swallowing all existence. it was never ending suffering twisted emotion and forced memories. Valefor could feel his body vibrating as if exposed to very loud noise but nothing he could hear, blood ran down his ears and his eyes as this force this feeling before him silently screamed for Eternity's suffering. then a scream, small quiet but rapidly increasing in volume, Valefor clutched his ears and curled up as the scream rattled his body, shattering his body and his mind then nothing.

The Great old God simply known as The Crawler Had become Zyllis's Patron by force, for what reason is unknown.

Valefor woke, with new knowledge of a Hexblade warlock. with the main goal of taking revenge on the Beholder Trio and all those that would cause harm to the innocent and abusers of power, with the dark power of a warlock guided by the burning radiance of a Paladin, Valefor is a force to be reckoned with.

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  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Cinder