
List of Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] Eberron - Rising of the last war
[5] Fizbane's Treasury of Dragons
[6] MCDM Vol 14
[7] Homebrew

Art by Ginn 1)


Name/ Titles Zyllis
Class: Paladin of Vengence
Hexblade Warlock
Species: Warforged
Nationality: Covanian
Home: -

Character Information

Background: Soldier
Creation:1st Monday, SeedMoot, 10,744
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common
Tools: Medical Tools
Chess Gaming set.
Gear: Simple & Martial Weapons
All Armour, Shields
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Profession: Unemployed
Affiliation: Blinding Spear
Faith: Hexblade
Hoar, God of Vengeance

Physical Description

Type: Construct
Height: 13ft / 396cm
Weight: 4107kg / 9054ibs (Muscular)
Size: Large (2×2)
Complexion: Light Grey, Partial Purple
Eyes: Purple & Yellow
Details: 2 Pairs of eyes, 3 horns, Crystals Growing on body
Gender: Genderless
Prefers (He/Him)


Partner: Dr Raine Rubilax
Creator: ???
Siblings: Topaz Warforged
Emerald Warforged
Demon Sister

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: Doesn't Eat
Favorite Drink: Doesn't Drink
Games: Chess
Hobbies: Chess
Sexuality: Complicated
Music: -

Stories & Champaings

Stories of Zyllis: Various Stories
Greyhawk Rebelion: Player Character
The Trail of Zyllis Special Main Character
The Land of Exilis NPC
The Fall of Narkul OneShot: Player Character


Level 15 Base Total
90 of 108
InitSpeed Prof
+0 50ft +5
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
20(+5) 7(-2) 18(+4)
17(+3) 12(+1) 20(+5)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+6 Medicine
+3 +(Tools)
Animal Handling
+3 Nature
-2 Perception
+10 Performance
+5 Persuasion
-2 Religion
+3 Sleight of Hand
+10 Stealth
+1 2)
-2 Survival

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Charisma
Save DC Modifier
16 8

Despite the dramatic physical change, Zyllis, As he was known remains mostly the same. Calm, cold and collected, Being direct and blunt with his words small talk with him is non-Existent. Words used must be purposeful that was taught to him by one of his oldest comrades Sarren. He has been known to loosen feelings over a game of chess late at night, old war stories and happy memories of his team-mates. Perhaps he may even open up about his thoughts and feelings, the thousands of years of trauma.
As with the Oath he took when he was young, Mercy and remorse are aspects mostly alien to him. He understands their use but never practices them when judgment is at hand. To this day he still doesn't understand why the leaders of Mor-Thir let him and his comrades leave the lands alive after the atrocities he and they wort.
The clay Warforged were never designed to be soldiers but the perks of being more machine than mortal suite well to the battlefield. An expect in pole-arm fighting. despite this Zyllis is seen wielding the Hexblade Mainly as a colossal sword, The Hexblade is known to change forms to suite its master's wishes so perhaps some deeper meaning is at hand.

Zyllis still tends to take first impressions as gospel and doesn't take kindly to childish behavior. Jokes and other attempts at humour fall flat and dark more offensive humour is met with honest serious reactions. there is no such thing as “Just a joke” around Zyllis.

He still enjoys getting lost in fictional books, Most Warforged are unable to fully commit to imagination but Zyllis seems to run away with it when experiencing a story he knows to not be true. He knows quite a few children's stories he used to tell to keep the young ones calm and happy during wartime. He has little use for these children stories now.
The game of Chess even after thousands of years is still Zyllis's favorite. The tactical aspect while keeping to a set list of rules always brought him great joy, The style of battle without the spill of blood and no chance for dirty tricks. Part of Zyllis wishes life were so tightly regulated.

Machine? Demon? Monster? its not clear exactly what Zyllis is anymore but it all means he lacks the natural charisma of most mortals. What he lacks in social skills he makes up for in compassion and strength of will. He still hopes to protect those who cannot protect themselves though as he is now would anyone want him around? It seems Raine wants him around.

Zyllis was known for being on the frontlines of battle, First to charge and last to retreat. He would actively put himself in harms way to protect other soldiers and civilians alike. Those lost on the battle field he would personally put to a dignified rest.
Zyllis had never retreated or backed down from a battle until that fateful day where he was brought before the leaders of Mor-Thir pleading guilty to the demonic invasion, Accused and dishonored. Rather than dying as a martyr he and the rest of Blinding Spear were exiled from Mor-Thir.

Like most Warforged Zyllis is unable to sleep, Still needing rest but always conscious. The lonely nights seem to last twice as long so Zy spends the time playing chess, Reading books or communing with local guards who are on night shift.
The nights get lonely when you can never rest. he tries to keep himself busy often by playing his favorite game chess with other guards or swapping stories. Zyllis used to read books often, classic fictional stories about a prince saving a princess and other such stories normally reserved for children's bedtime but after the war it seems his love for a happy story has fadded…or more accurately been swallowed by trauma.

Zyllis, First known as Valefor. One of the three clay Warforged crafted by the fire giant's of nabilhime. The Amethyst body stolen in the night and brought before the 5th circle's lord. A demonic soul joined with the Warforge husk and it was unleased upon the mortal plane to reek havoc.
Yet the Warforged did not, Curiosity and a sense of adventure filled the young Warforge's body as he explored this new world.

Zyllis wandered, Not knowing who or what he was just the vague memory of a terrifying monster he had escaped. Finding a great city, lost and confused, The first city, his home city. Nabilhime. Among the mountains of the borders between what's now known as Oxtrad and Covania. The city built like a fortress, the roaring of the Fire Giant's forge higher above still. When caught in confrontation that's when Zyllis met the commander of the cities guard, Seril. It was she who gave him the name Zyllis.

Raised and trained as a Paladin under Seril's wing, taking his oath at a very young age he sought to protect those that could not protect themselves and punish those that were abusing their power.
Being as young as he was he tended to lean towards large swords as his weapon of choice and after many blunders with those bladed weapons his master Seril handed him a spear.
Zyllis's distaste was obvious but it was soon apparent that he was a natural with the pole-arm even surprising himself at how well he was able to wield it.

It was less than a decade before Nabilhime was invaded, Not by any country or guild but a cult, Monsters, A group of beholders commanding wicked beasts and inhuman soldiers. What they were seeking is still unclear but it was inly a day of invasion before the streets fell silent. The giants fled, The forges cold and Zyllis left alone.
Not strong enough to save Seril or the only home he has ever known Zyllis reached a low point. and its in these low points people are taken advantage of.
A sinister whisper promising power filled Zyllis's mind. far away but there. Zyllis would follow this voice for a full day, Traveling down the mountains to find a water logged cave. The voice louder the presence closer, It was within this cave where no light could enter, a Shard of the Hexblade. An ancient patron with mostly unknown history.
Zyllis took the shard and with it the eldritch power it promised. but it did not consume him. His paladin oath held firm and the god of vengeance did not abandonee him. two sides of power now at his disposal.

Blinding Spear
Though even after many years of searching Zyllis has yet to find the culprits behind Nabilhime's Invasion, The world moved and changed, Nabilhime itself became forgotten, only remembered as the Ruins on the mountains. Zy himself began to focus more on the people now rather than the people already lost.
Through Covania he made a name for himself as a strong warrior, wandering from town to town offering his skills and strength with no need for compensation. A natural leader, channeling his efforts in battle to always protect civilians and the soldiers that he fought alongside. Always on the front line, Willing to give his life for others.
His reputation slowly attracted others wanting to join his cause. Through he would reject most due to lack of strength or commitment he did end up with a small group of elite members. So the group known as Blinding Spear was born.

Blinding Spear was well known during the Ashlem war. The efforts made by him and other members of Blinding spear were legends told throughout Covania's armies. Their leader was known to settle disputes with combat.

After The War
After everything that happened Zyllis was a shell of the richous hero he used to be. Though he did not willingly, He did play a pivotal part in unleashing the Demonic hoards upon Mor-Thir, The Demon on the outside.
His self confidence took a sharp nose dive as he questioned every decision he made.
Visions of the past haunted him, his time in Stowjaw, the blood spilled on the battle field. the soldiers he lost and the murders he committed.
Zyllis is wrapped by guilt and a shattered self confidence.
Although much effort was spent trying to atone the nagging feeling of it all being fruitless gnawed at his mind, eating away his richous outlook until inevitably he lost himself.
Leaving a trail of bodies and broken families, running scared to no avail. Captured.

Even after everything Zyllis still managed to claw his way out of his pit. One last ditch effort, playing his trump card. Resulting in the outlawed species being amended but all members of Blinding spear past and present was exiled from Mor-Thir.
Some time into their journey to Ostrov Zyllis was lost at sea over-night. nobody knowing where he went.

Next Chapter
Its currently unknown what caused Zyllis's dramatic transformation. a reflection of his mental wellness? side affects of the Abyssal lake? or the influence of the Livion Virus? perhaps it was all of the above. Though his physical body has changed his mind and ideals remain intact if not shaken.
though the power has not left him, Despite holding the Hexblade in his claws, The whispers from his Patron and God have fallen silent. as if Zyllis was out of range or the Gods have simply decided to let him rest.
Washing up on the shores of Perditsula Zyllis is found by a Lizardfolk doctor known as Rubilax.

Blinding Spear and its members are wide spread knowledge, their work during the Ashlem war is told in song, stories and history, Not the main cause of celebration but a famous name nonetheless.
The names of specific members are less known then the task force itself.

Zyllis always seeks to gain a high authority in the government/ kingdom of the land he resides, working his way up the chain of command quickly with his skills and management as a leader.
Being as close to the leader's as possible is always the prime location to be when you need to dethrone them, He taught this to all his members of Blinding Spear.

Blinding Spear was hailed as war heroes including all its members, it is also known for being the first on the lines to begin purging the outlawed races. to some this as seen as a true Hero, to others including Blinding spear themselves its seen as genocidal murderers.

Memories of previous battles haunt my mind, as soldiers we are expected to kill when ordered as a smith is to hammer steal or a farmer is to harvest crops. But after being around so much taken life it causes terrible memories, i have been told i am blessed as i don't need to sleep i don't experience nightmares…but the hell that is the quite at the dead of night when all others are asleep….that's when i scream for help the loudest.

My team, my friends the soldiers I lead and lost, I committed terrible crimes against our honour….I don't blame my team, i was their leader and as the leader i must accept their mistakes as my own. and so it was my fault alone. we were betrayed by one of our own. instead of helping my team through the hardest time of their life's I abandoned them in a desperate search for revenge, as if it would cleanse my sins….but all it did was drown me in hatred. everything after my revenge was taken is a blur. the next thing i knew was slaying a beholder after waking from stone.

I don't see anything more important then the safety of the people, its who I, who we fight to protect. the land is just land, our leaders are not leaders without the people who we protect. I will always go to their aid when needed and will fight till my dying breath for their safety.

My Time in Stowjaw has been my key source of torment, its what it feeds on, its what i am abused by, its what no matter how hard i try i cannot suppress, forget or erase those memories. Any type of imprisonment starts bringing back the days i spent, the hot lashes, the chaining, the faceless wardens. Sometimes I wonder if the memories come to torment or to remenis…
Seen Also: Scraps of Stowjaw

Zyllis in the Sealing of Narkul
Zyllis had been contacted by the leaders of the land to prevent the coming disaster known as the Lich Narkul. His skills as leader of Blinding spear had caught the attention as they pleaded with him and few other very skilled warriors/ adventurers to seal away the lich before he gained power once again. Accepting the job as nothing more then that fact he set off with the others.

Zyllis in The land of Exilis
One of Blinding spear was a traitor, they fled just before judgment could fall on them, Zyllis took the few remaining members of Blinding spear and followed the traitor to Exilis.

Zyllis in the Rise of Narkul
After the events of Exilis Zyllis Returned but not as himself, consumed by anger and hatred he wandered the land of Reton as a machine with only the basic functions left operating. by chance he managed to wander into a beholder's lair and turned to stone.
Many years later a group of adventures managed to stumble into this same lair, their fight with the beholder awakened Zy from his stone prison. Still acting on instinct he helped slay the Beholder. Only knowing his name there was a bit of a scuffle before he set out wandering again, not remembering anything in a sort od safe mode state until he was found by Dallas.

Zyllis in The Greyhawk Rebelion
Sometime has past since being turned to stone in Carric's keep, a group of adventures managed to free him and in kind he bested the Beholder for them before turning on his unknown saviors. It took a few days but eventually Zyllis regained his compositor and remembered himself, Returning to Duke Fedric only to find he had been killed.
Devastated he could not bare the failure and had to take time to reflect on the situation.
Eventually his wandering lead him back to the keep but now with a small force occupying it.

  • character/valefor.txt
  • Last modified: 13 months ago
  • by Cinder