Zyllis draws power from Eldrich patrons and radiant gods. Most see these powers as polar opposites never meant to co exist however they are merely two sides of the same coin. Paladins and warlocks channel very similar skills to reach very different destinations. While one sided offers protection the other debilitates the enemy, one purifies the other defiles. the same action just different directions.

Type of Spell List you can access
Hexblade expanded Spell List

Paladin Oath of Vengeance expanded Spell List.

Spell Slot Recovery

Spell Preperation

Spellcasting Scores, DC, Bonus

Ritual Casting

Spellcasting Focus

Cantrip Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Eldrich Blast Shield Blur Elemental Weapon Phantasmal Killer
Prestigitation Wrathful Smite Branding Smite Blink Staggering Smite
Sword Burst Bane Hold Person Haste -
- Hunter's Mark Misty Step - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
Banishing Smite - - - -
Cone of Cold - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

Bold = Prepared Spell

Eldritch Blast Zarekk Karr


Sword Burst 1) Sooka Brast


Cure Wounds

Detect Magic

Protection from Good and Evil

Branding Smite

Find Steed


Lesser Restoration

Zone of truth

Magic Circle


Lv5 Spell: Banishing Smite
Level: 5
Casting time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
After this spell is used when you hit a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, your weapon crackles with force, and the attack deals an extra 5d10 force damage to the target. Additionally, if this attack reduces the target to 50 hit points of fewer, you banish it. If the target is native to a different plane of existence than the on you’re on, the target disappears, returning to its home plane. If the target is native to the plane you’re on, the creature vanishes into a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. It remains there until the spell ends, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.

Teleportation Circle 2)

Lv6 Spell: Conjur Fey
6th-level conjuration
Casting Time 1 minute
Range 90 feet
Components V S
Duration Conc. Up to 1 hour
You summon a CR 6 or lower fey. It can also take the form of a beast. It disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
The fey is friendly to you and your companions for the duration and has its own initiative. It obeys any verbal commands you issue to it, no action required, as long as they don't violate its alignment. If you don't issue any commands to it, it will only defend itself from hostile creatures.
If your concentration is broken, you lose control of the fey and it becomes hostile towards you and your companions. An uncontrolled fey can't be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.

Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Source: Player's Handbook
  • character/valefor/spells.txt
  • Last modified: 21 months ago
  • by Cinder