Nushi Gezykel

Name / Titles: Nushi
The living Faliure
Blind Watcher
Species: Aberration
Nationality: -
Home: -

Character Information

Background: - Mechanical Background
Born: - (AGE) Day-Month-Year, Can exclude year
Alignment: - Alignment character tends to gravitate towards.
Languages: -
Tools: - tools character is proficient with
Gear: - Gear character is proficient with, weapons, armour etc
Saves: - Main Stat Saves character is proficient with
Profession: - How character earns money
Affiliation: - Organisations or groups character has relations with
Faith: - Gods character follows or no gods at all

Physical Description

Type: - Beast, Monstrosity, Fey etc
Height: - in ft & CM
Weight: - in ibs & KG, also what build the character is (Under-weight, Average, Muscular, Tone, Over-Weight, Obese)
Size: - Mechanical Size 1×1, 3×3 etc
Complexion: - skin colour
Texture: - Scales, flesh, fur etc
Eyes: - Eye colour
Hair: - Hair colour
Details: - Extra Anatomy, wings tails, Markings, scars, extra texture such as patches scales, magic hair etc
Gender: - identified or Biological, Pronouns if preferred


Partner: - Lover or close too it
Parents: - Adoptive or Blood
Siblings: -
Children: - Adoptive or Blood

Stories & Campaigns

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A manufactured attempt at the divine, The Watching Eyes set about to bring a new Old power into exitance and Nushi was as close as they got. A cursed aberration brought about by foul vile arcane practises. The being calling itself Nushi is otherwise rather coherent.
Once noting more tan a humble maid, Stolen away with nary a sound and used as the basics for the cult's grand design. It was a long and horrific experience its not known if anything left of the maid's identity remains in the failed god Nushi aside from identifying itself as 'Lady'.

The aeration did not stay long under the Cult's care, after she devoured a number of their members Nushi was swiftly expelled from the sect and sent far away into the lands of Ostrov.

Once A servant of the mysterious collector Zelor, though their fate is about to change dramatically, Stolen by the Cult of Eyes and experimented on in an attempt to create a God to join the Old ones, But such a feat was impossible so a being named Gezykel was created in its place as the failed outcome.

A fake, A interpretation, a duplication. Manufactured essence of the primal beginning.

Although the Old gods have many followers, none are acknowledged, None are mentioned and None may ever come to bask in the Old one's presence.

To Craft one then?

To make a god happens more often the you think. But to create something that exists beyond existence? even after everything is gone The old ones will remain. How to make something that's supposed to already be made?

Well it can't be done, Instead what was made, A simple fraction of divine strength, It called itself Gezykel.

A creature from the Abyssal Lake

The creature lives in a massive Arcane-Mech lab converted from an old castle. Metal pipes and unknow substances get pumped around the castle automonsly with few arcane mechanical creatures doing various maintance and duties around.

A Blood obsessed Vampiric creature with affinity for arcane tech, Has several magic items inplanted into his body. Not quite sure if he is mortal or some other type of bringing. has a tail. lives in an isolated area perhaps somewhere in Ostrov offers powerful cursed magic items to those who bring blood sacrifices.


The maid's original name has been lost to the Astral sea she was nothing important. A simple servant of the esteemed Xelor, A normal human carrying out her daily tasks as any other cog in the machine, And it was such a humble mundane being that wouldn't be missed as she was stolen away by cult members of The Watching Eyes nary a peep or scream was heard as she was removed from her post, To be replaced the next day by a new hire.

Began the work to create a god and this mundane mortal would be its catalyst. The rituals were vile and grotesque, Carried out day after day mages keeping her body alive but her mind could do nothing but break down in fear and madness. As her body was fed souls and grafted sacrifices she became a single body of many. A horrific chimera-like creature unable to comprehend what it had become. Eventually the final ritual was conducted and the result? Failure.

What was now known as Gezykel was left to its new existence.

Despite being branded a faliure the cult did not dispose of it. Instead Gezykel was left to its own choices, As a reference of what not to do.

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  • character/gezykel.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder