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Type: Martial Weapon, Class: Great Sword Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Style Martial
Weight Heavy
Range 5ft
Hands 2 Handed
Damage 2D8 Piercing
+ 1D6 Cold

Enhanced Critical

  • A roll of 18 or higher results in a Critical with this weapon

Wide Swing

  • You can target multiple creatures with one attack as long as they are within 5ft of you. Make separate attack rolls for each target.


A long slender blade, crafted with dense arcane infused alloy from the lands in the north. This blade was once more dignified being wielded as a pair along side a sturdy shield. however when its owner lost her right to rule the shield was cast aside. with nothing left to protect the sword was re-forged into a weapon that would give no quarter. A great sword as long as some men were tall, Wielded by a Dragon as white as snow.

  • item/regal_evelia.txt
  • Last modified: 16 months ago
  • by Cinder