Quip Crew

Motto “???”
Location -
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Formed -

Camoran Bert Human, Defult 'Leader' of the group.

Porti Deliah
An Elf Mage specializing in healing magic, The defu healer and support of the group

Rick Otta
Goliath man, Eldest in the group, Fights with a spiked shield.


A young adventuring group consisting of three members all relatively young in their early twenties. Started and official adventuring group with the Silver Band.
People that know them describe them as helpful, Kind and very generic.

They made a humble name for themselves after they assisted the costal town of Swinford with a goblin problem.

They tend to take on local jobs and are rather dependable allies.

Aside from their constant comedy attempts and inside jokes they are well respected by most.

During a trip to the Promised Archipelago the party took a simple job of finding out why the Goblins on the island has been displaying signs of community and heightened intelligence.

They discovered the thing behind the Goblins was a Serpent monster, A Patron known as the Serpent Empress.
And they met their end by her hand.

  • faction/quip_crew.txt
  • Last modified: 13 months ago
  • by Cinder