
Titles Poet of Revenge
Alignment Lawful Evil
Symbol Set of Scales tipped to one side
Domains Vengeance
Worshipers ?

The God of Vengeance, Hoar is quick to anger and prone to mood swings. The term 'Vengeance' Doesn't quite accurately describe. Most would attune the term as to 'Getting even' However Hoar and his followers rather get proper revenge. The revenge doesn't have to be equal, often it far outweighs the original instigating event.


Violence repays violence. Evil repays evil. Good repays good. These are the tenets of Hoar, who brings justice and retribution to each according to their actions. Allowances? Excuses set forth to falsely acquit the condemned. Allowances exploit, pervert, and impede the course of justice. If you cannot see this, we've nothing to discuss.

Other Notable


  • religion/hoar.txt
  • Last modified: 16 months ago
  • by Cinder