Coco Decota

Name / Titles: -
Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: - what nation character considers home
Home: - Where character’s actual building home is if they have one

Character Information

Background: - Mechanical Background
Born: - (AGE) Day-Month-Year, Can exclude year
Alignment: - Alignment character tends to gravitate towards.
Languages: -
Tools: - tools character is proficient with
Gear: - Gear character is proficient with, weapons, armour etc
Saves: - Main Stat Saves character is proficient with
Profession: - How character earns money
Affiliation: - Organisations or groups character has relations with
Faith: - Gods character follows or no gods at all

Physical Description

Type: - Beast, Monstrosity, Fey etc
Height: - in ft & CM
Weight: - in ibs & KG, also what build the character is (Under-weight, Average, Muscular, Tone, Over-Weight, Obese)
Size: - Mechanical Size 1×1, 3×3 etc
Complexion: - skin colour
Texture: - Scales, flesh, fur etc
Eyes: - Eye colour
Hair: - Hair colour
Details: - Extra Anatomy, wings tails, Markings, scars, extra texture such as patches scales, magic hair etc
Gender: - identified or Biological, Pronouns if preferred


Partner: - Lover or close too it
Parents: - Adoptive or Blood
Siblings: -
Children: - Adoptive or Blood

Stories & Campaigns

-: -
-: -

Coco is a kind ad gentle woman. Soft spoken and eager to help out where she can. She is known around Needle Wood as a large and lovable lady.
Daughter to Chaos and Teo, Coco is often seen running the barista side of Chaos Bakery, Her skills wit coffee, tea, Shakes and frappes make her the perfect pair to her mother's incredible baked goods. Though she says little on the job your order is always ready quick and tastes delicious. Coco takes great pride as a Barista, Paying close attention to her work and make each beverage a small piece of art just like her mother taught her.
She isn't very good with troublesome customers but everyone in Needlewood Knows the Decota Family and their bakery so its very rare to ever encounter a problem customer.
Her Bakery theme doesn't stop when the shop closes, An avid study of the craft she has turned her barista work into an art of combat. Though she has little desire to adventure her parents insisted that it was a requirement to learn some way to defend herself. All Coco's other siblings have learned ways to fight despite their Heafy bodies and Coco was one of the heftiest. Being family to a baker and a cook means food is never in short supply, its in plenty and nothing goes to waste. every member of the Decota family is carrying extra weight but it does vary who is just chubby and who is an absolute chonker.
Coco being the largest daughter of the family both in height and in weight means extra steps are taken to ensure her comfort and ability.

If you were to ever confront Coco about her obesity she would shrivel up in embarrassment yet she is the first one at the dinner table and the first one to ask for seconds. She as never been harassed or bullied by her family which is something that is taught to all members of the Decota family.
Despite her unfit physic she is a capable if In-expiraced fighter. Very physically strong just not very fast.
Coco has custom made weaponry inspired by various baking tools, Such as a Giant Rolling Pin, Giant Frying Pan and other things of similar nature. Quirky weaponry but effective with added magical effects.

Like most shy ladies there is a lot that goes on in Coco's head that is not spoken. One such thing is a very lucrative hobby of hers relating to her being an Author. Normally in her free time when the mood strikes her Coco can be found locked away in her room cooking up pages to her latest erotic fiction stories. It started out as a simple taboo teenage desire yet well into Adulthood she has been unable to fight the urge. it was by sheer impossible luck that one of her books made it into the hands of a decent publisher, Explaining that this kind of content is highly desired and can make some serious gold if handled correctly.
Less to say Coco at the time was dumbfounded and wanted to leave Felwind to free her of embarrassment but the publisher persisted and was rather professional about the whole thing, Eventually deals were settled and plans where made. So from then on the ailise Author was created 'Madam C'
It had been a few years since then and Coco had managed to publish a handful of books, all quite successful in terms of sales, but the nature of the content means that nobody openly talks about it. Her sister Minteah managed to learn of her secret and turns out she is a huge fan of the work, Agreeing to keep it a secret if Coco gave her advanced copies. Though it was a bit strange having your own sister being a fan of smut stories it has at least grown them closer as sisters.

Her assistance with medical matters is well known being one of the town's main Nurses, Aside from her helpful nature she offers a unique trait able to assist new mothers who are unable to feed their children, Coco is able to step in as a Wet Nurse.

A summery of your character.
A brife mention of their origin and physical appearance.
Rundown of a few likes and quirks.
Brife mention of goals and ambitions.
Run down of their place in the world Detailed description about what and how the character thinks and feels in different situations.
Morals, Trauma, fears, desires, hobbies
Mentions of things that have happened in history and the permenenat outcomes of those moments on the character.


Stuff that is of importance that has already happened birth, childhood trauma, destroyed village, power inherited etc , what lead them to the character presently. Content and details that have already happened and don’t need to be fleshed out further, jumping off points for proper plot hooks or twists.


Major events that have happened, Previous stories or campaigns the character may have taken part in. More recent events that have more plot dependence and relevance.

Other characters your character has relevant relations with. Family, lovers, rivals. Mentors, friends

Choose a background, Mechanical lore based on your characters current or past experience

  • character/coco.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder