Meshela Sovereignty

Captial ?
Largest City ?
National Languages Language 1
Language 2
Religion Various
Demonym(s) Name-ian, ite, ese
Government Type
Formation Date Event
Population Total 000 More



Foreign Relations



Abandoned Home (Location)
A sturdy home built with large proportions in mind. The home is relatively sturdy and rustic being about 10 minuets walk away of a major town/city. There is a small green house out back with various fruits and vegies once used for cooking but now over grown and over run. The house was the site of some taboo magics a while back so it sold for cheep, But since then the owner has abandoned it for unknown reasons leaving most of the house intact.

Honey's Traveling Diner (Location)
the appearance in Melsha of this magic cook caused some stir within the communities Honey settled in. But through determination she has slowly carved out her own place among the community. though not everyone is happy with her she has made friends and allies that would miss her should she go.
The dinner often walks around a large stretch of the southern towns. brining her famous stew to anyone willing to buy a bowl.

The Note-Worthy Guild (Location)
Their location in Meshela's capital was a rather strained relationship at first. The nation's stance against magic made it quite hard for trained Bards to find decent employment. Slowly the guild began to adapt and funneled many of their non magical performers to Meshela. Assisting in the costs involved with moving to a new nation. Because of this culture there has been some elitism brewing among the bards of Meshela though the masters of the Guild do much to stamp it out.

Hunberry (Town)
The Town of Hunberry a simple town with a passionate mayor. Hunberry is focused around their temple which most of the town attends weekly. Recently the town was attacked by bandits and taken over leaving refugees filling the roads and the neighboring towns.

Sweet-Tree Vale (Large Town)
A Large wealthy town known for its fantastic herbal products, Both above and bellow table. On the surface its known for is export of effective herbal remedies and elixirs. The soil in and around the town is very fertile and give the plants that grow their exponential growth.
However bellow the surface is a thick underworld of based around narcotic herbs. anyone who lives here knows that crime is common but its quickly cleaned up and hidden away by the mayor. too keep the Town's image of clean and organized for visitors.




  • faction/meshela.txt
  • Last modified: 7 days ago
  • by Cinder